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The Silver Creek High School marching band is putting on a zombie program this fall. Does that offend you? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,302

  • Terry - 12 years ago

    The religious right won't leave us all alone until they have forced their beliefs on everyone. This is a good example of their extreme beliefs and outrageous actions.

  • Mindy M - 12 years ago

    Go ahead and write to the school board. Guess what! Every parent signed off to allow their kids and themselves to be a part of the show. Kids from other schools were invited to be extras. This was a valuable experience in more ways than anyone could know unless you were there for the entire project. I myself am not into blood and gore but like someone else said, the kids dress up like this for Halloween to get candy. I saw these kids work and sweat and practice and come together as a team and a huge family , parents working tirelessly, Jay Clanin is an amazing teacher and mentor, he not only motivates the students but the parents as well, AND he includes students from the nearby feeder schools to be a part of the programs. Programs and projects like these are what make Silver Creek tops. I am SO thrilled to say my son is part of this band and nobody can take away the kudos they have all earned. The sports, arts and music, sciences, math and more at this school have all earned recognition. So if you don't like the show, don't watch it. If us parents did not want this, we had ample opportunity to decline, We were fully informed and we went ahead with it. So write your school board letter and prepare for....nothing.

  • Kelly El-Yacoubi - 12 years ago

    Jay Clanin is perhaps the best teacher/role model I've had (I'm a Centaurus graduate, and CU graduate). He is an outstanding musician and talented teacher who knows how to inspire kids to think, tap into their creativity, and shows them how to discover learning and hard work is fun. I think this Zombie show is creative and unique. And I also think that the Longmont newspapers try to make things seem more controversial than they really are in order to get more readers and make more money!

  • Band Girl - 12 years ago

    Just saying, Sunni, J Davis, John, you don't have to come to the show. It won over the high schoolers, their parents, their friends, the TV show, and the school board. That's good enough and I know it'll be a great show. I can't wait to go see it and neither can band kids nation wide! GO ZOMBIE SCHS BAND!!!!!!!!

  • Tracy and Tim - 12 years ago

    We were band parents since the first SCHS marching show, before Jay Clanin started with Silver Creek. We have always been a band that thought outside of the box (it’s boring and crowded inside there). SCHS marching band has NEVER been known for their TRADITIONAL marching band style; that is what makes us unique. We commend Mr. Clanin and this talented group of kids for the ability to be so creative and talented. Marching band, or any performing art, should be about fun and creativity; not conformity and what is always PC. Not everyone is going to like everything everyone does, but isn’t it nice that we live in a country that we have the freedom to watch or not watch what we don’t like or agree with. Let these bright, creative, talented, hard working kids have their show, and if you don’t want to watch it don’t.

    Best of luck to SCHS marching band!!! Keep up the great work!!!!

    T and T Nicoll
    Once a band parent always a band parent!

  • Jonathan - 12 years ago

    This show and story has brought out a few real zombies in Longmont. Those who are so upset about this need to get a life! Thankfully it appears (according to the poll) that only a small minority of Longmont are the living dead. If you meet one of them, remember Cardio and Double-Tap.

  • Tyler - 12 years ago

    As one of the members of this band, I'd like to help sort out some of the confusion that may be causing negative feeling for our show. Last year, around December, we became aware of an opportunity to work with the people at Distorions to be on their show, Making Monsters, and to help the idea Mr. Clanin had since the end of our last season come to fruition. Unsurprisingly, everyone jumped at the opportunity, including parents of the students, as we believed it could be a lot of fun. Over the summer we spent many hours at band camp working on music and drill (the marching) to try and prepare for the video shoot. In addition, we all spent many hours at home practicing music while pretending to march so we could improve. While some might find the idea of zombies repulsive, we saw it as a change to build upon the ideas and acting that made our show so theatrical last year. While the close up photos of us may look gruesome, it is for one specific reason: When your audience is in the stands a couple hundred feet away, everything has to be exaggerated to be noticed and recognized. What may seem over the top and/or disguising from 10 feet away becomes much more subdued when viewed from the stands. Speaking of the stands, we will not be in costume while in the stands of any football game, as the show features a gradual progression through the band turning into zombies, so we start looking completely normal, albeit wearing weird looking band pants. If you look at popular Halloween costumes these days, some feature masks that have fake blood you can pump through them to add the impression of the face on the mask bleeding, but our zombie masks with their missing clumps of hair and rotted teeth get the flak? Overall, when you put it into perspective, our intentions for the show were not to scare, offend, or disgust anyone, but to try to bring out or musical, theatrical, and marching talents to the foreground and show people that band isn't just walking as a big group in circles while playing music. I guess what it all really boils down to is that we wanted to do what we thought would be fun, and this is what we chose. If you don't like it, by all means don't watch it, but at least please recognize all of our time and effort we put into a show that we enjoy performing.

    Tyler F.
    Tuba Player

  • Community volunteer, School and Longmont supporter - 12 years ago

    I am completely supportive and honored to have worked with many of these students and Mr. Jay Clanin. No matter what you think of pop culture, media images, music, art, high school sports, school funding, etc, we shouldn't lose sight of the primary topic...... These student athletes, artists, scholars, and leaders have invested extreme effort and energy into a successful and significant project. Most voluntarily gave up at least 2 weeks of summer vacation to plan and produce this show. They learned life-long skills of project planning, budgeting, musical and athletic performance, time management, speech and communication skills, the professional side of television production, community service, and most recently the skill of working through conflict management with people of differing opinions. Sure, this theme, like most, will never appeal to everyone, but we all have an opportunity to select our entertainment of choice. The zombie subject has a wonderful humor and action element. (Watch for the zany zombie dancing style).

    The SCHS themed shows have done wonders to attract a wide base of students into a performing arts program that is of true interest to them. Where else have you seen "rival" high schoolers asking other students for their autographs, asking their band directors "why can't we do an original show like them?", or younger siblings saying that when they get to high school they want to be in that band program? These are all results of Mr. Clanin's and SCHS students' creativity.

    Our community and school district can hardly go wrong with this program's student life-skill development, encouragement of The Arts, successful coordination of thousands of volunteer hours, positive national free publicity for Longmont and its high rated school (per Keep the entertaining shows coming, and we look forward to what's next. By the way, don't forget to watch The Travel Channel series of "Making Monsters" set to premier Sept 30th, with the SCHS Distortions show airing some time during the month of October!

  • Longmont High School Parent - 12 years ago

    I am so very impressed by Silver Creek Band and what I know about this show from the band director, other parents, and the paper. The students have worked so hard to put on a great show. When I was in the High School our band marched and created designs on the FB field. It is so impressive that they are now telling a full story and performing a full production. I am planning on attending a SC FB game just to see the band!

  • Grandmother - 12 years ago

    I was so excited to see something this creative happening at my granddaughter's school. I can't imagine why anyone would want to stop children from expressing themselves in fun, imaginative ways.

    Didn't you like The Invisible Man or The Mummy when you were younger? Would you prefer they dress like Madonna?

    They're having a good time and learning they can do things differently. It's a learning experience. Why would you want to take that from them?

    Sixty-six years old and still appreciating the creative mind.

  • Melinda - 12 years ago

    I am a parent and a non-lover of zombie "stuff" in general, but LOVE this show. For those of you who may judge negatively by the pictures...please attend a rehearsal or show and witness first hand the talent and dedication of these kids and staff. The masks may be scary to a small child, but no more than many Halloween costumes...and when seen on a marching field with instruments sticking out of them - it's a stretch to call them scary at all, much less innapropriate. Kudos to all who have put this encredible show together!

  • Mitzi Trujillo - 12 years ago

    I personally do not understand the negativity of people. This presentation was excellently performed by dedicated Band students and Band director. This has taken months, weeks, and hours to bring this project together. The theme was voted o
    n by the students, and the director. Right now vampires and zombies are the all-time high favorite thing. I think it was especially creative and exceptionally generous of the band director in allowing the band students to help with the organization of their own performance. That is a strong moral builder and allows kids to take a personal interest in what they are doing. The director oblivious has the skills and experience necessary, to motivate the kids to rehearse all summer. All a person sees is dedicated kids with costumes on playing an instrument nothing more. How cool is that? *VERY COOL” All of "YOU" negative people what was your children doing all summer? Anything: this worthwhile? These are high school kids, there not in to performing Cinderella, or Beauty and the Beast. Maybe Alice in Wonderland with a twist…

  • Supporter of the Arts - 12 years ago

    Don't worry the zombies aren't real!! These kids have put in countless hours to perfect this show, and it's good!! The kids have shown a tremendous amount of grace and dignity and have represented their school and community well. The band director has instilled a love of music in them, something that no one can ever take away. They enjoy playing and performing for anyone that will watch them. Don't forget they are kids and zombies are a part of their culture. As a plus, the parents of these zombies know where they are, they are at the school practicing or at home studying. They're good kids!! Support them, support their show, their school and their community.

  • Jackie McCowan - 12 years ago

    As well as enhancing brain development, school music programs such as the SCHS band and Drumline program - build a sense of community and belonging for students. The hard work and dedication that goes into these shows builds a strong work ethic, how to work as a team, and builds leadership skills in the students. The shows put on by SCHS, and the Winter Drumline, are highly creative and involve hours of practice and sacrifice by students, their families and the staff. Along with this strong work ethic, students learn to think for themselves and problem solve. Skills such as these are extremely difficult to teach at a desk.
    Above all else these shows are FUN and ENTERTAINING!! A waste of time - I THINK NOT!!!

  • Charli Day - 12 years ago

    I applaud the band for thinking outside the box and being creative. Art and music are mediums with which people are meant to push the boundaries and the envelope of what is comfortable. If we let people tell us in the Medieval Period to color between the lines, we would not have the flowering of art and culture known as the Renaissance. Art and music are meant to be edgy and unique, ever evolving places of creative flow. Stop telling these kids how to enjoy their music and stop trying to quell their creativity.

    If you find something inappropriate or offensive, the solution is simple. Don't look at it. It doesn't impact your way of life by letting them march a wholly unique and innovative marching band show.

  • Chris Parr - 12 years ago

    I think this show is great and applaud the student and the teacher for doing such a great show. Out is always good to see teachers working with there students on a project. One of the most popular shows out there right now is about zombies so he us appealing to a main market. To of the main to kids movies out right now have to do with zombies. I know I am looking forward seeing the show.

  • Cody Grenzke - 12 years ago

    *SCHS* *don't*

  • Cody Grenzke - 12 years ago

    I graduated from the SXHS Marching band last year, and as a graduate I have to say these are a great group of kids! Most people really understand exactly just how much work a marching band puts into their show every year, and it seems like some people don't respect the time and energy it takes to put on a show. If you personally decide not to go just because of the theme of the marching show, then don't bother going and ruining this for the rest of us who want to go see it! Nobody is going you to go watch the show, and we won't really care if you don't come; those kids are there to have fun!
    Go ahead and watch your "My Little Pony" garbage, which happens to not be too good, by the way! Let them keep their show!

  • bandmom - 12 years ago

    As a parent of one of these band kids, I am incredibly proud of all of these kids for the hard work they have put into this show all summer long! I'm not personally into the sci-fi stuff or zombies, but this has been an incredible opportunity for these kids to do something fun and different, promote their band program, and even get to be on television. They have spent countless hours on music, marching, costumes and props along with many parents and other volunteers. Kudos to Jay Clanin and the people at Distortions for putting this together and having faith in these kids that they could pull it off!! As a previous comment stated, I have seen far more offensive things in the paper and out in 'the real world' than a bunch of kids wearing zombie masks and painted shirts. I haven't heard anyone complaining about costumes like these when they are worn all over town and in schools on Halloween. There will always be people that don't like a show for one reason or another because you can't please everyone. If you don't want to see kids dressed like zombies, don't go to the show.

  • Longmont Mom - 12 years ago

    My student is involved in this production. We don't really "do" horror or blood and gore in our family....but I don't see the zombie production as being at all horrific. It's more of a tongue-in-cheek take on current pop culture. It's fun and relevant for the kids, and it's an opportunity for the rest of us to gain a bit of insight and expand our horizons. The kids are stretching their imaginations, testing their creativity, using their talents, exercising leadership--and have worked really, really hard in the process! If it takes zombies to bring out all of these good, good qualities in our students, then bring on the zombies! (And thanks to Mr. Clanin for his tremendous investment in Silver Creek's band program. Not only does he develop good musicians--he develops team players, leaders, kids who invest in others, hard workers....and awesome zombies, ha!)

  • Michelle H. - 12 years ago

    John, J Davis, and Sunni, do you let your children trick or treat during Halloween? I have seen far more gore than these Zombies in people's yards, homes and costumes. How do you avoid that? Parents educate their children that these are costumes and it has been an acceptable part of our society for many years. This band found a creative way to get students involved, be innovative in the marching world, as well as get attention from the media. Many band programs are not given enough funding to by music for the year. ALL of the funding comes from fundraising and donations. I fear people are upset because they won't be coming to see football, but the marching band. High School football has more gore and violence than this show. How many concussions, torn ligaments, broken ribs have been acquired because of football? Some how that is acceptable.

  • Gil Ligan - 12 years ago

    Gotta disagree J. David. This isn't part of the problem. Parents not teaching their kids the difference between fantasy and reality is part of the problem. People being too uptight and forgetting to have a good laugh once in while it part of the problem. People assuming the worst about every little thing and wanting to micromanage it is part of the problem. Helicopter parenting by non-parents, P.C., everyone gets a ribbon is part of the problem.

    A creative band director letting the kids show off their talents while they have some fun? Nothing wrong with it....if you don't like it, don't watch it.

    And you have nothing to fear everyone....'cause if one of those zombies *does* try to kill you, unless it's a legitimate zombie, your body has a way of shutting that whole thing down.

  • Alex Sherman - 12 years ago

    I am a Alumni of this program and ever since 08 where we had the oppurtunity of playing music from a funk band out of Australia I always asked myself , well , now that this is done how do we top this year. The following year was The Fantasy of War which received mixed reviews as well and we took that to state semi finals and represented Longmont as a competitive band. In the years following we had gained recognition as having out of the ordinary mold for performance levels. Yes we have gained critism but at the same time we would be at competitions and other schools would be saying I wonder what Silver Creek is going to be doing this year. And as a recognizied and dedicated alumni I plan on seeing this show as often as I can and I applaud my good friend and past mentor for his explosive and inventive ideas. That is my two cents and I support to this day the group the school the teachers and of course the kids.


    Alex Sherman
    Silver Creek 2011

  • John - 12 years ago

    Tastefully and Zombie's should Never be used together. I agree with J Davis and Sunni that this should have never been allowed and I along with many of my friends will be writing the school board on this show and the effect it is going to have on the "Family Atmosphere" of a football game. This should have never been aproved.

  • Karie - 12 years ago

    I admire the kids and the teacher for using their talents and following what they believe in. There will always be nay sayers mostly because they don't know what to do with something they have never done. Performing is an artform and not everyone can do it. These kids are a rare breed and I admire their talent, the long hours of work and practice, self sacrifice and diligence. They deserve to be lifted up, if you don't like it...don't watch. Simple. THese kids need to be lifted up and held high. Not put down for hard work and diligence. Lets be wise at what lesson we are teaching.

  • Marching Band Enthusiast - 12 years ago

    I LOVE that a teacher is being creative enough to engage kids in new and exciting ways. What a great and interesting idea to make music meaningful to each child!

    Zombies are a part of pop culture and we should celebrate that a band like Silver Creek is doing a show about them so tastefully!

  • Sunni - 12 years ago

    The Zombi show may be fun, but it should never be used in this setting. I take my small children to the football games and will not be doing it this year. Highschool football games are supposed to be Family Friendly and an entire band dressed in blood and gore in the stands followed by a show featuring Zombies...... I dont think this was thought thru all the way.

  • Doug - 12 years ago

    I was more offended by the photo of the dead, bloody mountain lion on your site yesterday. The zombie thing is fun - the mountain lion was REAL.

  • J Davis - 12 years ago

    Its great how talented these kids are, but someone should stand up and say enough with the blood and gore. This stuff is all over and I really believe its creating a thirst for more. How violent and gross can we make our world. Who is going to stand up and say yes, this is sick and it is part of our problem.

  • Zombie Zombalishis - 12 years ago

    I zombie and show is GOOOD! Me like us getting to be famous. Thank you students - you are awesome (and taste GREAT)!

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