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Is Atheism A Religion?

Total Votes: 67

  • jmpoff178 - 12 years ago


  • jmpoff178 - 12 years ago

    re·li·gion   [ri-lij-uhn] Show IPA
    a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
    a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
    the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
    the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
    the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
    now according to that definition: it is. they possess numbers 2,3 & 4. u only need one.(FYI:im agnostic at the moment.

  • Miss Krysable - 12 years ago

    Not all atheist use their atheism as a shield to spew their agenda like some Christians or create dogma but there are green theist where their heaven is a clean green earth and their hell is letting global warming happen with the wild fires, extreme hot weather, flooding so they get on their soap box and exclaim this fire and brimstone to the world... Others pump up Darwin to the level of Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, Buddha despite him borrowing his theory of natural selection from Alfred Wallace and Thomas Malthus. As far as destruction in the name of a greater plan, can extreme eugenics movements be a kin to the christian crusades and other genocidal movements like that? And then there are some who would like to hangout with other atheist at a given spot, at specific times on a regular basis to talk about what it means to be an atheist kinda like church. I can definitely identify with disenfranchised non-theist, it just dawned to me last night listening to blacking it up that in high school and college cuz I was in all the smary arty classes with the rich white kids I was a double minority in most classes for being black and religious. I remember one English class where Dr Schoenhaus asked us to rank that age old Ludacris question "What mean the world to you" I was the only one to rank faith in the top 8/10 let alone 1 lol, akward! But I think that and hanging out with the extreme goth kids on occasion is why I'm cool with non-theist or people of other religions for that matter, some of them goths were wiccans that deserves respect too.

    But I loved my science teachers in high school, they didn't totally divorce the possible marriage between religion and science. One teacher, Dr Block, also teaches at local universities and has publications on how religious miracles could have made possible by geological phenomena like his book "The Old Testament and the Earth Sciences". And this cute biology teacher, Mr McMahon, pointed out that Mary wasn't the first or last person to experience immaculate conception (although he did mention that if that were the case then Jesus would have been a woman...technicalities, technicalities :) ). I guess if I needed a label evolutionary theist would be kinda close to me, but I give side eye to both folks who believe in the literal interpretation of Genesis 1 and those who think that tyrannosaurus rexes evolved into chickens because they both have elbows and they think scales morphed into feathers and being smaller was a natural selection advantage over being big. As a matter of fact learning about biology and other life sciences gave me an even bigger boost in my faith thinking all of this can't be a product of randomness without any foresight, but keeping it real if I weren't a Christian before George Bush Jr were president I don't think I would have been born again to this day. I have more disgust for people like him as opposed to the extreme atheist because they're supposed to represent me and because of the power dynamics. I kinda view them to the niggers analogous to the regular black folk aka the kind, non-judgemental, Christians who actually know what Jesus is all about, recognizing that the Old Testament is about history and how we got to the New Testament which is the meat and potatoes of Christianity. One more thing (shout out to Brent) for the love of money is the root of all evil, and it is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to go to heaven, and "Give to Caesar what is Caesar and give to God what is God" Jesus wait did Jesus just distinguish a separation of church and state???? Me thinks so!

    Let me stop

    Miss Krysable

  • Archangyll - 12 years ago

    There's enough room in this world for both Atheists and those who believe in God. We're all just too opinionated to notice. *shrugs*

  • addukhan - 12 years ago

    "And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence"- Bertrand Russell

  • Isaiah - 12 years ago

    Nope, but those niggas are dicks

  • Mike in London - 12 years ago

    No, but it can be for some, like Richard Dorky

  • Cheese is the top of the food pyramid - 12 years ago

    Atheists take religion so much more seriously than the practitioners ---> They are religious!

  • Da Kc Stork - 12 years ago

    As a atheist I have to say that it should not be a religion, but I see the direction that some of my fellow atheist have taken to the point of worshiping nothing. I just don't believe in any Deity or Religious belief, and have better things to do with my Sunday. I wish my fellow atheist would leave it at that.

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