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Of the remaining BB14 HGs, who are your ideal Final 3?

Total Votes: 12,350

  • Sarah - 12 years ago

    I actually don't think Dan will win if he goes to the final 2. I think no matter who he's up against, none of the newbies will vote for him to win even if it means one of the floaters (Joe or Jen) wins. The only ones that will vote for him is Britney and Danielle if she's not in the final 2 with him. I think either Shane or Ian will win but I'm hoping it's Ian.

  • Rea2001 - 12 years ago

    I think you guys are taking this game a bit too seriously. Frank may have been the best at competitions on the show. But, the guy has ZERO social game and that's more than 5o percent of the game. Dan is playing a wonderful game and is proving why he's one this game BEFORE in the first place. I don't think Dan will when this game, but I THINK THAT HE SHOULD.

  • David - 12 years ago

    This show has really hit the tank this year. We get to watch loud mouth Dan be the narrator of half the show, someone who's already won on this show. Congratulations BB on showcasing a show that teaches people how to stab multiple people in the back by lieing and cheating. This only promotes a very poor role model of what you are teaching kids as being the right way to be in trying to get ahead in this world. No wonder this country is mucked up. So now after Frank obviously gets stabbed by everyone it's loud mouth Dan's narration along with a bunch of floaters that are too insecure & stupid to play the game themselves, so the outcome is too obvious the control freak wins. This show isn't even worth watching now with all these losers left.

  • Bye-Bye_Bitch...aka_Frank. - 12 years ago

    suck my tit, frank needs to go.

  • Toodles - 12 years ago

    David, i cant agree with you more!!!!!! You read my mind and you have poured it out here.
    Ian has never been a smart bb player to me- i used to like him cos i found him cute. Never did I think he was a smart competitor- he plays with his emotions. Honestly, if Frank leaves this thursday I will be rooting for Dan/Danielle- they are all stupid for not trying to kick Dan out and truth be told, even if Dan left last week- Frank would have been in the exact same position he is now, cos Ian or Britney would have won and put his a** on the block, the only difference is, he might have had a chance to win POV and saved himself but what are the chances of him escaping DE? very slim so oh well.

    Best BB14 player: MY award goes to Frank (hands down).

  • David - 12 years ago

    Basically I'm done with this show. It's either obviously scripted for the drama queens, or the people in this house are as dumb as rocks. It's pretty obvi0us Dan will win the game now, since he knows how to manipulate a little kid. Unfortunately Frank will be voted out, because of the shows best back-stabber & because Frank actually fell for a man desperate to survive. How quick these people forget how much Dan scammed others with his phoney death farewell speech, yet Ian's stupid enough to go back to a stupid quack pack knowing Dan ratted him out. Although everyone thinks Ian is very smart he's also very stupid, because getting rid of Frank will easily now clear the way for Dan to win the game, so why bother watching. It disgusts me BB keeps bringing the same people back, most of who I don't care for, so they can win more money. I'd rather see all new faces, and a new atmosphere. I didn't mind Britney, but why is Dan being allowed to win again? If things aren't different next year I'm totally done with this show. Putting the coaching element in this show really ruined this year's BB. Frank was by far the best competitor of the entire house & deserved to win this game more than this pack of floaters. After reading this board, once I watch the show it's just way too scripted with Dan be the feature, so it's obvious who's going to win. Boring!

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