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Was Clint Eastwood’s Republican National Convention performance good, bad or ugly?

Total Votes: 1,072

  • Jim - 12 years ago

    I did notice a lot of Republicans ran scared right after the comedy sketch. Bill Maher said it best, he was out there with a chair and kept the audience amused throughout.

  • William Bracke n - 12 years ago

    I believe that Clint tried to show others why we need to replace our current leadership. I realize at his age (my father is the same age) that a train of thought sometime is momemtarily lost. But he got back up on his horse an continued even if it was a little change in direction. I didn't miss the fact that Clint LOVES AMERICA and wants her to go back to her roots in freedom and liberty. Our current socialist leaders don't want that and want to make fun of a true American. Good, Bad and the Ugly. Clint, Obama and Obama Care!

  • robert leigh magnante - 12 years ago

    He made me a little nervous at times by studdering a bit, but overall i enjoyed his input and creativity. Good job Clint, you made my day:)

  • Kate Duffy - 12 years ago

    Embarrassing waste of time for republicans. Poor Clint.

  • A Fabor - 12 years ago

    I thought Clint was great. I particularly liked his remark in reference to Joe Biden as being the intellectual in the Democratic party. I thought that was a perfect description of the Vice Presidents role for which he is so often recognized.

  • Dave Engstrom - 12 years ago

    It was great

  • Mack Bennett - 12 years ago

    Hooray for Clint! An American hero at age 82 tells America to wise up. Thank you.

  • Patricia B. Janda - 12 years ago

    Clint Eastwood's remarks were absolutely disgraceful. He made a fool of himself. I also noticed how disheveled he looked. Does he not own a comb? Or did a TV person backstage perhaps mention his hair was messed up and offered to fix it and he did not want any help. For a man of normally few words, he said a lot too many. He should be ashamed of himself. The fact that Mitt Romney was laughing, according to the media, that shows the kind of man he is.

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