Is physical punishment an acceptable way to discipline children?


  • Carmelle - 12 years ago

    First of all, the original term for spanking is "chastise" and the purpose of it is to keep the child's heart clean and free of the guilt that naturally comes from disobeying the one who has authority over that child, be it a parent, or other care-giver. The command to spank children comes from the book of Proverbs in the Holy Bible written down thousands of years ago by our Creator's holy prophet King Solomon. His name means "peace" by the way. The major problem with spanking and the reason why so many people hate it today is because of the terrible experiences many of us have had with someone performing the spanking in the wrong spirit: anger. I pray that some day we could all learn to do it properly in the spirit if love and deep concern for the spiritual health of our children. The purpose of spanking is to let the child know that disobedience of any kind or of any command is wicked and hurts the heart of the one in authority. A "sting" on the buttocks is the only way to effectively communicate that pain to a child and it must be done with diligence and consistency to be effective. If the one in authority waits too long to take corrective measures, like after the second, third or fourth command, they are taking the risk of becoming angry and may therfore beat the child too hard and/or too often. I say beat because that is the word used in Proverbs 23:14. Yelling at a child and uttering threats is ineffective over the long term and does not produce obedience to one's own conscience when older. The long term goal of chastisement is to produce a human being who will at all times respect those in authority, mainly our Creator, and to obey his conscience, which was given to him by our Creator. Only the warm tight hands of loving and obedient parents and others who have been given permission by the parents to spank can achieve this and it can only be done in the spirit of LOVE! AMEN AND AMEN.

  • amanda - 12 years ago

    If you are not reading this from jail, thank your parents. there isnt a child who deserves to be punished.... just ask them. get a grip on reality.... hitting hurts.... hands are for hugging not for hitting.... kids need to be corrected more than any time in our history... there is no respect for anything because there is no consequence. dont do your homework , no problem it is against school policy to give an "f". steal 100 cars... oh well thats kids being kids.... wake up people kids are responsible for a lot of violent crime, and it aint cause their folks were in any way involved in how they were raised. jail those who abuse kids for sure, but understand there are some kids who are easier than others to get through. I am a productive member of society... thx mom... thx dad.... and I still owe you 3 wooden spoons.....

  • bill - 12 years ago

    section 43 provdes protection to a parent or someone standing in the place of a parent to use limited physical force to correct a child. Of course there are limitations. It is a narsasistic point of view that the use of any physical correction is a sign of poor parenting. While we certainly have powerful examples of poor parenting in every community across the country physical correction is not limited to spankings. It also includes holding a child who is completely out of control. I can hardly imagine the police enforcing assault charges against a parent who slapped the hand of their child, or held their arm during a temper tantrum. Provincial and territorial Social services are crippled by the burden of investigating and responding to child maltreatment. In the real world I would prefer authorities pursue child pornographers, child molesters, and those responsible for child deaths and serious harm. The police and social service agencies already investigate and prosecute cases where physical correction has been abused. To criminalize a slap on the hand or bottom is ridiculous. In these circumstances parents are trying to raise their children. as sad as it is, many don't even try. I would prefer a person responsible for selling or killing children to have a custodial sentence greater tan 6 years. if we could begin to obtain meaningful punishments for those then we might be in a position to say we are serious about child safety.

  • Tina - 12 years ago

    I was raised harshly - discipline wise. Slap here, slap there. Problem with this in our totally stressful society, once parents start hitting, their frustrations with their lives take over! From my experience after raising two children of my own without that horrible, violent way, just raising our voice and being stoic works wonders. Unreal the % that agree with hitting - and spanking is hitting ... and hurting.

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