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Do you support the Federal Government's lifting of the suspension of the operating license of Dana Air?

Total Votes: 470

  • OLAYIWOLA HUSSEIN - 12 years ago

    You threw away a knife after which it has wounded you, the knife has done what it ought to do. The suspension should be lifted, at least the incident just happened to be in the side of Dana that is why people are crying about on it, what about other airlines. We presently have worse airlines than Dana in Nigeria, so what will happen to them? The only solution to these problems is to have strong laws and allow strategic and truthful people to be in control, then we shall have full control on the terms, rules and process of operation of aircraft.

    Thank you

  • sexy - 12 years ago

    wot will be will definitely be. its left to those in operation to do their job. i suppose the federal govt's decision. God bless nigeria

  • Ezeamama Anthony - 12 years ago

    I totally support the Federal Government decision to lift the suspension imposed on Dana Air. I believe with this current travail facing the company they will rise to the challenge in becoming the safest airline in the country. They will ensure that all necessary rules and safety measures are adhered to in avoiding another tragedy. This tragedy could have being Aero, Arik or Air Nigeria. British Airways has recorded crashes in the past and likewise Air France's famous Concorde Plane crash. Where their licences revoked for those crashes? No. Dana Air has close to 550 employees in their pay roll and we can not afford to throw these families on the street. All that I require from the government is to be sincere with Nigerians by release the true report of what happened. Someone somewhere may have been negligent. If that is the case then that person should be made the scape goat.

  • Michael - 12 years ago

    If we continue to short-down each operator of air line in Nigeria that crashes, you will see latter that they would be no single air line operating.

    For example, if ABC transport have an accident on the road today and the best thing we can do is to withdraw their license and tomorrow is the turn of EFEX or YOUNG etc. you see that before the year run out they will be no commercial vehicle on our road.

    It is a good thing for DANA Air to operate. It remains for those people in authority to do their duty as they supposed to do.

    Thank you all.

  • Engr. Ajani O.E.S. - 12 years ago

    Lifting of the suspension is an insult to Nigerians and the lost souls to the ill-fated DANA Airline crash. Report of Technical Investigation Committee should be subjected to Public scrutiny for un-biased judgement. Is this judgement of the People from the Government of the People?

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