Do you think Zoe Saldana should be cast as Nina Simone?


  • Tonya - 12 years ago

    Vote with your purse. DON'T PATRONIZE THOSE WHO IGNORE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ken - 12 years ago

    I think that Zoe Saldana is not the issue. My concern is who wrote the script, who directs and produces the movie, and how it gets distributed. I remember a generation ago a group of African American actors were brought together to do a film rendering of Alice Walker's book "The Color Purple." I used to talk about the book with my mom and how multi-dimensional all the characters were. I hated the movie because Spielberg turned the story into ET with pathology.

    I think folks are welcome to criticize those who have created the Nina Simone film. However, they should spend less time criticizing an Afro-Latina and more time digging into their pockets to create the kind of film they'd like to see. To do any less would be, to borrow from James Brown, talking loud and saying nothing.

  • ghawk - 12 years ago

    First of all, for the apparently uninitiated, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Venezuelans, Carribean Mexicans, etc are fully card-carrying members of the African Diaspora, just as Hatians (which used to include the Dominican Republic), Jamaicans and all the associated Carribean population groups. The only difference is where ancestors were dropped off on the inner passage.

    That having been said, having familiarity with the Simone sensibility through knowing a personal friend as well as seeing her live and knowing her cultural impact, causes me to believe that it would be a mistake for the highly talented Ms Soldana to commit to this role as the more creole phenotype would clash with the image that the late Ms Simone worked so hard to cultivate an appreciation. It isn't a matter of her being so "light", which she really isn't, but that she features are those which whites tend to accept in the line of Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, or more so today Halle Berry or even a Kerry Washington. More delicate facial features and caramel complexion or lighter. Ms Simone epitomized elegance in the exposition of a non-apparent creole admixture, not only accepting but embracing. If you want to see a latina who was very similar in philosophy and look, stage presence, African garb etc....

    Check out Celia Cruz in the same time period about 1970-75. Joined at the hip.

  • sandi - 12 years ago

    First of all she's not even black she's Puerto Rican I think if your going to make a movie about a black singer and her life they should be black in case anybody didn't notice this is a BLACK WOMAN that they are talking about and there are BLACK ACTRESSES that could play this role also you need to think about Nina Simone and how her family feels .To them it's just like a slap in the face!

  • macaroni0929 - 12 years ago

    Viola Davis or India Irie definitely!!!!

  • Nigel John - 12 years ago

    VIOLA DAVIS is absolutely perfect for the role, she undoubtedly has the acting pedigree, formal singing training and expertise, obvious physical attributes and most importantly has the EMOTIONAL DEPTH to do this role justice.

  • Johnny Dunn - 12 years ago

    Based on what I just read, Yes I feel the same way that Zoe Saldana is a extraoadinary address but depending on how the screenplay is looked on in the era of when and how Nina Simone was portrayed during the time of when I was prior my birth in 68' and during the 70's this would not bring out the true emotion that would be depicted regarding trully soulful singer. Viola Davis would be my best choice for the role. I have been to her movies in the past and present and during her times on Law and Order and she had that quality to bring that emotion out of people even in the Antoinc Fisher movie. Why not make a movie about the Mirabal sisters of 1960? Now it can be done in Spanish like the movie that Penelope Cruz played lead role. Do the research about them and see what you find out?

  • Gilesy - 12 years ago

    Unfortunately, Zoe does not outwardly depict in depth and weight the high level of Afrocentric ideology, that is needed to slam dunk the role of Nina Simone. It is the continuation of putting Eurocentricisms on Cleopatra in the movie industry. So it supports the lie. I hope she realizes this within herself and wants to promote the movie to its' highest good, which means she not play that role. It is actually an insult to who Nina Simone is, who is alive. Cleopatra is dead and had no say in the replaying of her his-story.
    Don't do it Zoe! White people don't care as much as we wil, and not as many black people will go. I'm just saying.
    It's a huge risk.

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