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Who do you want to win the finale?

Total Votes: 14,557

  • Jan - 12 years ago

    Danielle has to be the stupidist person ever on that game Dan continually conned her and she could not figure it out hope I never end up having her for a nurse I hope Shane has the good sense to dump her after voting for Dan the snake.

  • joejoe - 12 years ago

    Damn is Danielle really a nurse? These hospitals.......they'll pretty much hire any bubble floating bye bye!!

  • joejoe - 12 years ago

    I vote for Julie Chen to play in the next Big Brother!!! he** yeah!
    and Willie as Zing bot junior...
    Crap they should have a Celebrity Big Brother next time around...! they have to put Chris Brownie and Drake in the house.....
    have a good one people!!

  • anick - 12 years ago

    That is Dan's game face?? damn I thought he was just born ugly!!
    I like Julie's game face...hehe!!

  • kellie - 12 years ago

    Dan is the Ultimate BB player! He has done all he could, good and bad to get to the final 3, He so easily, well should have been evicted numerous times, but was able to convince his housemates, even the ones who were voting him out, to change their minds. Game Play, how can the jury NOT vote him to win? None of this is personal, It's a game of lying, cheating and back stabbing... COME ON! IT's BB!! Dan should win!

  • Christine - 12 years ago

    Dan understands how to win this game. That's all there is to it. He learned from past experience. When people play poker they often become a "gamer"...they put their "game face" on. Dan does just that! He masterfully does what it takes to win, and I'll bet he prides himself in doing as well in everything he does. He sees a very good guy to me. Someone who is intelligent, carries himself well and prides himself in how he is represented. Note he rarely or never curses!
    Danielle. REALLY? What as she done? She is constantly asking Dan to coach her. Just recently on live feed she complained he hasn't coached her lately. So how can she claim to make decisions and moves of her own. If anything I feel bad for the fact that she is likely to be very disappointed in how she came across, mind you because of the way she chose to portray herself.
    Ian is great. I feel like his growing up was visible from boy to manhood. He doesn't claim he's the best. He seems to realize that at this point he's stronger and more deserving than Danielle but Dan is strong contender to go head to head with.
    Looking forward to the outcome but hopefully the 500 will land with Dan!

  • Eric - 12 years ago

    There is no reason why any of them deserve to win over Dan. Danielle is a mediocre player, and Ian is a good player but not as good as Dan. Alot of people who want Ian to win is because they think Dan is a dirty player; well Ian isn't much different. Dan has backstabbed/blindsided and so has Ian. The difference is that Ian screwed Boogie over and not alot of people know, but EVERYONE knows Dan has backstabbed multiple people. The fact that Dan is still there and is most likely going to win it all (again) after all he's done just shows how good he actually is

  • Heather - 12 years ago

    DAN!!!!! Dan has played the best game by far!

  • jersey - 12 years ago

    Daniel and Dan are too nasty, some of Dan's moves were out of desperation but some of his tactics were just for his ego and of course his experience puts him at an unfair advantage, they should both be ashamed of themselves for how they treated Ian, I think Ian will win 7-0

  • pat - 12 years ago

    Hey, everyone, Big Brother is not real life. This is a game of manipuluation, back stabbing and lies. In order to win the $500,000 prize you have to do them all. The only reason Dan is in the final three is because he did all three brilliantly and nobody else came close. Remember how much everyone wanted him out. His only partner was himself. He did what all the other players didn't have the B***S to do and they all believed him. Ian and Dan should be in the final two.
    The jurors if they now each grew a new set of B***S and stopped feeling sorry for themselves they would give the real winner DAN the $500.000 and IAN the $50,000. Let's see if they can vote the correct way.

  • paula - 12 years ago

    Danielle shouldn't win this game! What did she do in this game besides hide behind Dan. She is so conceited looking at herself in the mirror constantly, come on Danielle you are not that beautiful. She also thinks that she has Shane where she wants him, so delutional. So as long as Danielle does not win I will be happy with either Ian or Dan to take it all.

  • Nancy - 12 years ago

    Go Ian win win win....... don't trust them two. Take it all the way!!!!

  • Amcoker - 12 years ago

    Dan should win, it is a game, Danielle does not have a mind of her own, she could not play this game without Dan, she would know where to start, at least Dan treated people kind to their face, Danielle is a baby and always having a pity party to get people to feel sorry for her. I like Ian, but he would not be where he is without Dan either. Dan is the best to ever play this game and deserves to win again. Maybe future HG's will learn from him.

  • jb - 12 years ago

    Dan has to be one of the best big brother players of all time, he has avoided being evicted multiple times and has completely changed his game from the previous season he was on Big Brother; yes he's stabbed other players in the back but is PLAYING THE GAME! Now for Danielle, she hasn't done anything significant in the game other than being another vote on Dan's side and falling for Shane, who treated her poorly behind her back. And finally Ian, all that stands out is the fact that he voted against his coach (stabbed both Frank and Boogie in the back) and is a fool himself because he believes he was the only mastermind behind that eviction (he doesn't even see that Dan has the skills to manipulate everyone in the house). In the end though, all 3 seem to be good people and could use the money. I truthfully believe that Dan deserves the win, it will be unfortunate to see it go any other way.

  • anick - 12 years ago

    Dan wants Danielle by his sideat the end so he can tell the jury that she didn't do sh** all summer... he made her do everything!!! I don't think the jury is going to base their vote on strategy, they will not vote for Dan because he judas his as* to the bad, go back coaching....Juda Juda daaaahaha!!!

  • jellybean - 12 years ago

    This is big brother so what if dan stabs them in the back with lies
    Its just no one else thought how to get where he is now. BIG BROTHER
    THAT DESERVE IT. Or maybe they should have just given it to Ian when he walked
    im the big brother house come on people he did do any historical moves (IAN) give your heads a shake.

  • Sarah - 12 years ago

    Dan should win he is playing the game Great! Some of the best Big Brother moves I seen!.. Shady or not his heads in the Game $$$ money talks bulls$it walks!!

  • donna - 12 years ago

    Ian hope you win because Dan and Danielle don't deserve to win, Dan stabbed the player in the back and got frank out. Danielle is Dan's puppet and he strings her along to do whatever he wants her to do. Go Ian win it all.

  • A - 12 years ago

    I think Dan's overall intention is to get Danielle to final 2 and knows the Jury is not going to give him the overall win because everyone in the jury is a victim of Dan.

  • kim - 12 years ago

    Ian I hope you take it all the way. Don't trust them two they are made for each other.

  • kim - 12 years ago

    Ian I hope you take it all the way. Don't trust them two they are made for each other.

  • kim - 12 years ago

    Ian I hope you take it all the way. Don't trust them two they are made for each other.

  • Kels - 12 years ago

    Go Ian I don't understand how Dan is so close in these pulls he's a peice of work I get it's a game but morals don't just disapear he clearly is a shady person in general

  • Christi Derington - 12 years ago

    Stay strong Ian, dont fall for it...Danielle doesnt deserve.the shirt off your back, Dan deserves nothing either but your win if you take Dan..go get that HOH and send Dumbella packin with her blazin guns, haha

  • Patricia - 12 years ago

    Im teem Ian. I think Dan is going to far and dani's performance after she lost the second hoh was disgusting (inspired by Dan), they could at least play with dignity. I hope that Ian starts to play his own game.

  • JoeJoe - 12 years ago

    A real man stabs you in the face, Danny boy will stab you in the back because he's a pu*** you can't coach your way out of a t-shirt....your just lucky the house is full of bone heads.

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