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Going by the reactions of some Nigerians concerning the national awards, do you support a review of the selection process?

Total Votes: 347

  • Pst Chris Odogwu - 12 years ago

    It behoves me to see people of questionable character being nominated, making final list as a nominee and eventually bestowed with a national honour.
    After the tenure of some awardee, the honour will turn to dishonour. Like I know, some will be in foreign prisons to tell the story.

  • Otaiku Olusegun - 12 years ago

    One just sits and wonders what criteria is used in selecting those Nigerians deserving national awards. It is really saddening to see that it is thesame group of Nigerians who have milked the country since independence who get national awards. I personally advocate that the selection process for giving national awards should be more transparent and merit based.

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