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Should commercial conference organisers include #ad in promotional tweets?

Total Votes: 55

  • Christian - 12 years ago

    Yes, adding "#ad" would be more honest (that is why I voted for it). But on the other hand ... do I really expect honesty in marketing? Do I at all expect industry events being non-promotional? Am I surprised to open an advertising page when clicking on a posted event link?

    Yes, hashtag-spam takes nerves. But not only with conference organizers. This seems to be a common feature-bug (is it a feature or a bug?). As I am coming from a controlled vocabulary world, and loving the benefits of it, I meanwhile experience hashtags in general as spam.

  • Pharmaguapa - 12 years ago

    I do not mind too much if it is clear that it is a link through to something promotional - then I just ignore the tweet. My pet hate is when the tweet looks interesting and I click on the link thinking it will take me to a relevant article or post but it actually takes me to a conference promotional website. It is basic social media best practice - be transparent!

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