Do you think Mitt Romney's "victims" comment on a leaked video will hurt his run for the White House?

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  • Marion Douglas Peters - 12 years ago

    I am a Vietnam vet . I feel for the soldiers coming home but a least they are being treated like they should be from the Public but guess what they will be treated like Us vet after a while .
    the Govt. does very little for us and then we have to fight for what we should be entitled to . I attempted to contact my congressman Wasserman-Schultz but she is to busy trying to push through what ever her agenda is but she does very little if any thing for vets
    if all of these politician want to do some thing for the country why don't they start with social security let them pay into and let them feel like us I bet there would be changes then .
    as far as the president elections goes I like most vet s really do not care any more. I am so tired of all the mud slinging and back biting They all lie out their mouths so as to try to get what they want I have always voted but why waste my time and effort to go and vote for someone who is going to just turn around and do what the big money people want and continue to outsource the work out to the countries who do the work for cheap so they can put more money in their pockets . how much money does one need when there are so many who have very little.
    Also why do we feel that we have to take care of every one in others countries whe we have children here in this great county who does not know if they are going to have anything to eat when they go to bed at night .
    I know that I am not as smart as the ones running for office but I know that if I had the means to help a fellow American I sure would treat them a lot better then what they are being treated now . The ones running this country should start listening to the cry's
    of the people and quiet lining all of their pockets and the pockets of the people who contribute to their election funds . So in short I am slowly dieing fro m agent orange no one in the govt. cares so why should I VOTEit does not matter who wins for their will no changes for the little man

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