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Who won Thursday's U.S. Senate debate?


  • Indepent Until I Die - 12 years ago

    Just saw this comment by an "educated" person:

    "How is this an accurate poll if you can continue to vote again and again and again?!"

    You really think asking people to randomly post is an "accurate" poll? I mean, do you believe the FauxNews polls too?

  • Peter - Independent - 12 years ago

    I personally thought they both did well and John Keller did a nice job moderating. Warren was a little smoother on her delivery than Brown but I thought Brown was more believable. Warren is obliviously a smart lady but her views are too far to the left for me. Politics are too polarized and we need more people closer to the middle. Brown has done a good job as a freshman senator studying the legislation and doing what he thinks is best for his state and the country, refreshing to see a politician not just marching down the party line. I may not have always agreed with Senator Kennedy's views but I did respect him for being able to work with Republicans as I do respect Senator Brown for working with the Democrats ... I just don't see that happening with Elizabeth Warren. I read some these posts and it bothers me that even though the Democrats have every seat but one they can't stand having someone with and R next to their name, no matter how they represent our state. It really sounds like sour grapes ... This independent is voting for Scott Brown

  • john - 12 years ago

    300k for one class, 300k for one class, 300k for one class.
    yikes. no wonder these kids can't pay their student loans.

  • Lewis Starkey - 12 years ago

    Ole Scotty pants seemed desperate , rude and snarky, saying Professor like it was a bad thing. Elizabeth was smooth steady and connected all the dots,just need to say it over and over and over. Looking forward to the next one as Governor Mitt Romney drags his party to the Oceans floor to join all of Big Oils victims.

  • joe wickwire - 12 years ago

    Oh, and by the way John Keller is a Republican and he was manly enough to let Eliz Warren have the last word.

  • joe wickwire - 12 years ago

    Obviously, Brown was lying. He knows the facts behind the asbestos case show Eliz Warren was fighting for the asbestos workers. That's lying my friends... He also knows that voting for him could put the Senate into the hands of some crazy Republicans like Imhoff who lies about global warming to get more money from corporations like those run by the Koch bros. Brown has stooped to lies. Just as evil is his votes against the 3 jobs bills which the economy really would have benefitted from saying they would cost too much. Sorry, your wrong- we needed those jobs and the cost would have been paid for by billionaires who can afford. Finally, Brown was actually rude in his own way- snarky and a borderline bully- in other words, unmanly. The same goes for those who defend this moral wimp.

  • Jean Derderian - 12 years ago

    How is this an accurate poll if you can continue to vote again and again and again?!

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    It seemed to me that Warren was trying to get votes by saying she is supports many of Obama's policies. This to me is trying to go for what you would expect if you were trying to get the majority of the vote since MA is a predominantly Democrat state. However, since Senator Brown was voted in once before I am hoping that there are enough moderate intelligent democrats that realize that Warren is an Obama crony. Yes, she did go to Washington to help start another Government organization to suck up our tax payer dollars at $550M/yr. and over 60% of the people working for this organization make over $100K a year and although the congress has asked for audit information as to how the money is spent they have received nothing. The problem is that we (the consumer) have been told that the government is watching out for us that we have become lazy and do not watch out for ourselves. That is called freedom of choice. So keep your freedom

  • Jason Fischer - 12 years ago

    Senator Brown did himself a GREAT disservice by stating that simply looking at Elizabeth Warren would tell you if she were truly native American.
    I live and work in Seattle, and work with fishermen from the Muckleshoot tribe and I can tell you that many of the fishermen look as caucasian as I do - your stereotypical looking Irish guy from Somerville that I am, and they are native American.
    These men wouldn't be able to get a license to fish under the native American treaties here unless they were native and as I said many of them, I would say close to 50% of them don't look like what Senator Brown would have you think a native American would" look like."

  • Robert Kyle - 12 years ago

    How can Ms. Warren speak about her goal to make higher education more affordable when she gets paid more the the President of the USA to teach 2 classes at Harvard.

  • Independent Female - 12 years ago

    independent female FOR brown

  • Pam Hilton - 12 years ago

    The follow-up by Dan Rea was extremely biased against Elizabeth Warren. Callers were mostly anti- Elizabeth Warren. The last caller was pro- Elizabeth Warren and he was cut off by Mr. Rea after brusque questions from Mr. Rea. Mr. Rea said he is a friend of Scott Brown and Gail Huff, his wife who previously worked as a television reporter. The bias of Mr. Rea was so clearly in favor of Scott Brown that it sounded like a continuous political ad for Scott Brown. How unfair is that for a "talk" show.

    Also I agree that this WBZ poll is not a valid poll. Jon Keller should use polls that are not allowing multiple votes like ballot stuffing. As the basis for his so- called independent judgement that Brown is ahead. In several other polls, that are valid in that one person per vote by independent pollsters, Jon should reveal his own pro-Scott Brown stance.

  • Gary Patton - 12 years ago

    Who was operating the TV camera last night - a monkey? When Warren and Brown appeared side-by-side on the screen, quite frequently, half of Warren's face was cut off. I could understand if this happened once or twice and then corrections were made, but the same problem ocuurred throughout the debate.

    Things like this affect the viewers' ratings of a debate. The classic example was Nixon's 5 o'clock shadow and profuse facial sweating during his debate with John F. Kennedy. Listeners on the radio who couldn't see Nixon's beard or sweating thought he won the debate. Television viewers, who, of course, could see these things thought that Kennedy won.

    I find it difficult to understand how apparently a simple problem in such an imprtant debate as that between Warren and Brown occurred in the first place and why it wasn't corrected.

  • Rosemie - 12 years ago

    I have been following Ms Elisabeth Warren for nearly five years now. Ms E. Warren made it clear what she stands for as shown by some of her achievements. She early on was a champion for those beat down by medical costs and exorbitant interest and charges by credit card companies. She worked to establish the Consumer Protection Bureau which helps us all.

    During his two plus years in Washington Senator Scott Brown voted against his Republican party with the Democrats mostly when his vote made no difference, either when the Republicans already had enough votes to defeat the bill or when the Republicans could not win anyhow.
    For instance Senator S. Brown voted with the Democrats to confirm Cordray as head of the Consumers Protection Bureau when the Republicans already had the votes to defeat the confirmation. He voted with the Democrats against the House Budget only when the Democrats already had enough votes to defeat it.

    Ms Elisabeth Warren stands up for the middle class against the abuse of money interests on Wall Street. She wants to see them pay their fair share by supporting the Buffett Rule so that the wealthy would pay the same percentages of taxes as their employees.

    Last night Senator Scott Brown never mentioned Governor Romney, the presidential candidate for his party: Is this another sign of bi-partisanship or is it him confusing the electorate by avoiding identifying himself as a Republican?

    Ms Elisabeth Warren is a strong supporter of women’s rights and certainly would not vote against Equal Pay for Women as did Senator Brown. His argument last night was that it is not the right time. Are we not in the twenty first century and is this the United States of America?

    Once elected our members of Congress need to come together in an honest non-partisan way for the benefit of our country and all its citizens. I believe Ms E. Warren will truly do this.

    [Also for the record: Anyone on the internet can vote, thus the sample is not representative for the target group, the inhabitants of Massachusetts. Also because one can repeatedly click and vote and see the poll go up for the candidate of her or his choice, as long as one doesn’t get bored].

  • John OB - 12 years ago

    58% Brown
    42% Warren

    52% Brown
    48% Warren

    the leaches must be waking up finally, getting online and voting......

  • Lily O'Valley - 12 years ago

    This is a meaningless poll, as there is no cookie to stop one from voting multiple times.

  • Indepent Until I Die - 12 years ago

    I thought Brown came off very petty and very unprofessional. Look, who asks their parents for proof of their parents birth certificates? My family told me when I was a kid I was Scottish. It wasn't until years later I realize I was but VIA Canada. Family lore is that. It's a non-issue to all of us. And Brown just sounded like a kid.

    Meanwhile he never really explained his justification for raising taxes on the middle class because he won't raise taxes on the 1%. Very partisan in that regard. He's looking more like the Tea Party every day which we don't want in Massachusetts.

  • Susan Pettee - 12 years ago

    It's just a lie that Harvard hired Elizabeth Warren on the basis of her status as a descendant of Native Americans. Harvard has said that was not the case and that should close the subject.

    Scott Brown showed his snarky, untrustworthy self when he opened the debate with that attack. Elizabeth Warren knows how Brown voted, and it was not on behalf of families and working people - it was with the hard right Republicans on every issue concerning financial reform, not to mention with them on every attempt to keep Obama from getting any legislation passed or judges appointed.

  • BkkToes - 12 years ago

    Brown peeps say Brown
    Warren peeps say Warren
    Just as I stated to my friends... Undecideds got no help...We shall see

  • Susan Pettee - 12 years ago

    Brown's ad hominem (ad feminam, actually) attacks were completely unjustified. Harvard has stated (through a Republican spokesman) that her hiring had nothing to do with any claim of indain ancestry, and that the fact was disclosed only after the fact. Brown is like Goebbels - he thinks if he keeps repeating a lie soon people will believe it. And it seems to be working to judge from the right wing nut cases spewing if forth in the comments above. Elizabeth Warren has made her own way by her own hard work and intelligence and has had no need to rely on special admissions criteria and her character is frankly a lot more impressive than Scott Brown's.

    Elizabeth Warren won the debate with her control of the facts and criticism of Scott Brown's voting record. Brown has voted consistently with the Republicans and used back door methods to try to weaken or gut reforms in the financial industry - the industry that brought you the 2008 meltdown, robosigned mortgages and foreclosure documents, and tons of unjustified fees. And with all that money they have bought a lot of members of Congress, including Scott Brown.

    Moreover, Mr. Brown claims to be pro-choice but he voted against the Burris amendment. This is what he said:

    "As you are aware, Senator Burris offered an amendment related to abortion access during the Senate Armed Services Committee's consideration of the Fiscal Year 2011 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). His amendment was designed to give service members and their dependents the ability to use private funds to have abortions performed in military health facilities. On May 27, 2010, this amendment was passed by the committee and will be included in the NDAA when the bill is considered by the full Senate.

    "As a member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, I voted against the amendment because the language did not ensure that federal funds would not ultimately be used for these abortions. While I believe that a woman’s reproductive decisions should be made by the woman in consultation with her physician, especially when the pregnancy results from either incest or rape, or when the life of the woman is endangered, I am against federal funding for abortion. "

    So what is a female service member - especially if she is overseas - to do if she is raped and becomes pregnant? We hear all the time about sexual assaults and rapes in the military. Brown is a hypocrite.

    In addition, Elizabeth Warren stands up for working people and has worked, and will continue to work, to protect them from those who would exploit or cheat them.

    Finally, the insurance company issue is much more complicated than Brown would have us believe. Ms. Warren was working for limitation of future claims against an asbestos fund in order to release the funds to workers whose health had been injured. The company later went bankrupt, well after Ms. Warren had worked on the issue, and the fund was eliminated in the bankruptcy proceedings. So cause and affect are just not there, and Brown is having to play with the facts to try to make his case.

  • Will - 12 years ago

    Elizabeth Warren is the biggest phony ever to emerge as a candidate in Massachusetts. She is the only Harvard Law professor to emerge from a second-rate law school and did so by fabricating Native American status. She claims she grew up on the "ragged edge of the middle class" while she buzzed around high school in her MG convertible. She claims she represents 'consumers' but saw fit to earn a quarter million representing asbestos companies fighting against consumer interests. She alleges she is concerned about homeowners but thought it was fine to enrich herself by buying numerous foreclosed homes for profit. She claims she is concerned about the affordability of college, while earning $333,000 a year to teach one course. Can you imagine the outcry if Mitt Romney had engaged in any of the above. But this dishonest phony has been embraced by Obama, the left-wing loonies outside of Massachusetts, and even a majority of Democrats in Massachusetts. Fortunately, many Democrats, the majority of Independents, and all Republicans see her for the complete fraud that she really is.

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    What I think most people don't realize is that Warren was asked or drafted to run. She was already in DC trying to fix the mess of the banking and sec had caused. It was a new position and she was brilliant. But, the repubs wouldn't approve her appointment. She was getting too close to issues with credit, banking etc.

    She came back to Boston and was told that we need something like her who would protect the credit consumers. Be a watch dog for the average citizen. Make sure we weren't getting screwed. Now, she could have just walked away and said no thanks. But, she didn't she jumped in the race. Now, she may not win the senate but you will not find anyone who will fight more for the average person that she. She is tough smart and determined that her constituents are protected. If she is not elected I believe she will be given a larger role in the white house cabinet. Watch this one. She's a mover.

    Brown is a nice guy and as he has shown in his voting record he's a good average senator but he doesn't have a fire in the gut that a senator needs.

  • Jackie - 12 years ago

    I am an independent voter.
    That being said, after watching the debate last night it is clear my vote will go to Scott Brown.
    Elizabeth Warren seemed only to repeat rehearsed (commercial) speeches, was unable to change her answers to conform to the questions, and for every 'attack' she threw at Brown, he was able to clarify and answer. She was unable to do the same. What I got from this debate was that:
    Scott Brown has not changed his views since he was last elected, and Elizabeth Warren sounded like good ol' backdoor politics (*would vote for people she knew regardless of qualifications {i.e. her boss}, took money from an insurance company for self interest and screwed over several families, keeps backtracking on her job qualifications {of course her co-workers/superiors at Harvard are going to back her up--they would look like fools if the accusations are true}).
    And for those who are upset that Brown 'laughed' at Warren during the debate, please note that most of us would do the same if someone was standing next to us accusing us of doing things we didn't, and continue to do so after corrected.
    What is with all these politicians pointing fingers at each other for faults (true or not) instead of just standing by their own views.
    Politician: "You shouldn't vote for______, they did_____"
    Voter: "Okay, well then why should I vote for you?"
    Politician: "ummm, well, because my opponent is not up to the task"
    Voter: "Okay, I get that. But what makes you the best candidate?"
    Politician: "ummm, well, because my opponent is not up to the task"

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    I have mixed feelings about the debate. I've heard Brown speak before and he did much better than last night. Last night he was obviously anxious, nervous with rapid speech. I kept wishing that he would take a breath, slow down. Think before you answer. He rambled alot something about having voted for an 'S' something because riders were added. He used the phrase "and that's not right" a number of times. When my son was 14 and he was being punished for some infraction he would use the same phrase "Dad, that's not right". He was whyning (spelling?)? My advice is to be more prepared and breathe.

    I was very surpised at Warren. Very bright, articulate thoughtful. Considering this is her first time running for public office and her first debate she exceeded my expectations.

    This doesn't mean she'll be elected but I know from her experience working in DC this is a woman that is going places and really works to protect the consumer.

    You can see what she tried to stop is now happening in Boston. If I use an ATM that is not from my bank there is an extra charge what $2.00 maybe. Now, if Citizens bank isn't your bank you are charged not only our bankfee but Citizens charges $3.50. That means if I want to withdraw $20.00 I am now charged $25.50. Okay so I shouled onlny use my ank. Fine. What about tourists? That is what Warren is trying to stop. And the fees are stilll going up.

  • Dan - 12 years ago

    Sen. Scott Brown won the debate over the Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren. He reminded the folks that Warren would fall in step with here Democratic fellow legislators who vote with the Democratic Party 95% while he votes 50/50.

    In addition, he exposed her and her campaign adds that focus on the high cost of education while she teaches one class at Harvard for over three hundred thousand dollars a year. Showing now-profit collages waist their students’ tuition along with government dollars that they receive by mismanaging the money with massive salaries such as her and her husband.

    Furthermore, Warren says she fought the banks for the little guy. Why is it, the buyer or the refinancer of a home still pay the cost for lawyers, at the montage closing, while the lawyer represent the bank not the consumer?

    Keep Senator Brown in the people’s seat.

  • Brian - 12 years ago

    Let me see, getting into prestigious schools that you normally would not be accepted to, and probably didn't pay for, because of lying. Hmmm... reminds me of someone else, an average to poor student at best getting into prestigious schools by applying as a foreign exchange student. Yeah, a level playing field for everyone if everyone was a lying cheat!

  • JG - 12 years ago

    It's too bad they let you vote multiple times on this "Who Won" poll.

  • Dave LeMieux - 12 years ago

    The "who won the debate" poll is meaningless because you can vote as many times as you want. IMHO Scott Brown was the clear winner. Name another Senator that votes due to the merit of the Bill and not the directions of their party.

  • Robert Shurdut - 12 years ago

    Brown won BIG .Warren sounded like a tv commercial repeating the same thing over and over.
    The worst person was , the obvious pro Warren ,Keller the moderator . He made sure Warren ALWAYS had the last word. Not once did he let Brown have the last word. He had little control of the debate. As weak as Warren was he was the worst of the lot.

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    Wish there was a fact checker on the spot! Scott Brown repeated certain phrases over and over without trying to explain his positions in other words. It seemed like he didn't really want to explain himself clearly, just give "sound bites."

  • Timothy Roesch - 12 years ago

    My father's mother was a full blooded Mohawk indian adopted by a Catholic Family in NYC. Throughout my life I was told that I should check the box labeled Native American because I would get free stuff.
    I read the where I was to check the box. It said I had to have tribal affiliation. Being raised in CA I had little contact with Mohawk Tribes. I refused to lie.

    I was called a fool. I was called stupid. I was called many things BUT I was not called a liar.

    This is not meant for Elizabeth Warren. This comment is directed at all those out there who support this liar. I ask you to remember what your mother and father, what your grandparents said about lying then ask yourself if they would support this liar. Then look into the faces of your grandchildren, your children, your nephews and nieces and tell them YOU support a liar and that it is okay to lie as long as you can get away with it or a political party will support you or the media will ignore it because of your political affiliation.

    Shame on you, MA. Shame on you.

  • Rebekah Richardson - 12 years ago

    As a Democrat I favor Elizabeth Warren as our next Senator and endorse her point of view because it matches mine.
    Both candidates performed with grace and humor. Both were strong respondents to the questions and expressed themselves clearly and strongly, without anger. I appreciate their performance and that of the moderator.

  • Nan - 12 years ago

    Protecting the middle class....? Look into Liz Warren's history in the legal dept for an insurance company....see how she prevented sick people from collecting insurance policies.

    How is lying on your college, and law school applications a non-issue...where is YOUR integrity?
    Would you have lied on your applications, or even better, would you encourage your child to lie?
    The fact is, she took someone elses chances to attend or have a career at two very prestigious Universities. She herself, graduated from a very "ordinary" law school, and it is very clear, she probably would have been passed over for the positions at Penn and Harvard if it weren't for her(false) minority status....To use Obama's phrase, "she didn't get there on her own or by herself", SHE LIED! ...You're tired of hearing about Scott Brown's truck??? Well at least Scott Brown is who he claims to be.
    Liz Warren drove her MG to highschool everyday,(her parents owned several cars) She doesn't have the "middle class" best interest. It is professors like Liz Warren and her husband who prevent middle class students from attending college... $400,000 a year to teach one class.(How can you say she ahs never benefited form her Native American Ancestry? Perhaps if she DID have our best interest, she would turn down her salary like Mitt Romney and Kerry Healy when serving the public ....Liz has been on the campaign trail for a year....still on Harvard's payroll...
    Liz Warren speaks for herself, not hard working middle class people..
    Take off your "rose colored glasses" and see who Liz really is. A liar who will do anything she can to get what she wants....Liz is NOT a woman of substance....she's "fluff"

    And if she didn't "check the box" on her applications, prove it!!!!

  • Mark01915 - 12 years ago

    As an independent, each candidate’s record and position on issues that will affect me will drive my vote. Scott Brown has shown his willingness to cross party lines and vote based on the issues and not just a rubber stamp for his party, which we need more of in Congress.

    Elizabeth Warren comes across as someone with a chip on her shoulder about big banks and oil companies, I got it you don’t like them. And I agree on why, but that’s all I hear her speak about. And her claims that Scott Brown and the Republicans are against woman. I guess it’s a good sound bite, but I don’t think anyone really believes that.

    I am getting tired of her consistently echoing the DNC talking points, what value would a rubber stamp representative provide to Massachusetts? None...

    I have never found that anyone from academia made a good politician, they just don’t have a good grasp of the real world. They just seem to be looking for the next tenure opportunity.

  • Joan W. - 12 years ago

    I am sorry to see Carey Chaplic making derogatory comments within Scott Brown's name, this action does not help the election at all, and is uncalled for. I thought Ms. Warren's comments were repetative, and reflective of the strict democratic line. She was definetly clinging to the presidents coat tails. I was disturbed by the fact that the dems appointed Ms. Warren as their candidate, as oppossed to allowing the voters of Massachusetts determine the democratic candidate through the primary election process. This is not how Massachusetts politics should be conducted. My family have always been democrats. I myself am unenrolled. I vote for the candidate, in any election, that makes sense to me. I am not happy with the way this election is unraveling. I think Sen. Brown's ability to work both sides of the aisle is refreshing. I want to see more of that in Washington, as well as Massachusetts. So far Sen. Brown will have my vote. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for anyone that insists on voting either party line.

  • Karnak - 12 years ago

    There is simply no way that anyone who actually listened to the debate between Senator Brown and Professor Warren could have thought that it was even close. Stylistically, substantially, Brown won - hands down.

  • Jennifer - 12 years ago

    Scott Brown attacked Elizabeth Warren's character on a 20 year old non-issue, on the amount of money she and her husband earn and on the fact that she doesn't voluntarily pay more than her required taxes. She has never benefitted from her Native American ancestry, she has worked hard to achieve a position that pays well and has no obligation to pay more than the required taxes. Brown was grasping at straws. He won a freak election and is being revealed as the light-weight pretender he is. I'm tired of hearing about his truck and his difficult childhood as a reason to vote for him. Elizabeth Warren is a woman of substance who has worked for over twenty years to protect middle-class and working class consumers and to end the power of big corporations, like oil, in Washington. We need her there to speak for us and to fight the extreme voices in Senator Brown's party.

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    This poll is bogus. You have UNLIMITED VOTES.

  • Ed - 12 years ago

    I've been a Democrat for more than 40 years, but you couldn't pay me to vote for Elizabeth Warren. She lacks knowledge of proposed legislation regarding equal pay, jobs and taxation. Her integrity is questionable. She's a rubber-stamp Democrat. This election isn't about "control of the Senate" by either party; it's about electing the best candidate for the job of representing Massachusetts. Professor Warren is by far the weakest of the two candidates. I hope other Democrats will join me in supporting Scott Brown, who has proven he's an independent thinker and will always vote for what's best for the citizens of the Commonwealth.

  • Melissa - 12 years ago

    The point of a moderator is to be unbiased and fair. WBZ, I am extremely disappointed with the moderating that went on last night. It was blaringly evident that the moderator is a Scott Brown supporter. Please find someone else to moderate future debates.

  • ActonGuy - 12 years ago

    Warren's refrain of "asked and answered" for questions about her Native American status just sounded like Hillary Clinton's meme whenever she was asked one of the (many) questions she had no answer for.

    The economy is tanking and all Warren can come up with is more talk about how the government should be providing free contraception. While this is an issue that can be debated, somehow I don't think women not getting free birth control is a driving factor in reining in the $16 trillion national debt.

    MA needs another rubber stamp vote for Harry Reid like a hole in the head.

  • Bill P. - 12 years ago

    I am so sick and tired of the same old rhetoric that the Democrats use in describing Republicans. I have heard this repeated for 50 years and the Mass. voters still believe it. Warren repeated this over and over and didn't answer any questions put to her by Brown. Brown should have asked her why she had to go to S. California to Aflect's home for a fund raiser. What does he and his cronies want with Mass. politics? That is suspect in itself. She sure isn't catering to the average working guy.

  • B Denis - 12 years ago

    It appears that the Warren campaign staff arrived at their desks sometime after 9 AM to cast their multiple votes for the fake Indian from Oklahoma. The honest votes were cast early this morning by people who work for a living before they went to work. I believe it was something like 80% to 20% for Brown before the marching orders were given from Cambridge.

  • Christian Trinidade - 12 years ago

    Scott Brown is a Moderate.
    Anyone who says otherwise is being dishonest.
    It is that simple.

    It would have been nice if "Harvard Professor of Law" Warren could have stuck to the debate instead of becoming just a televised commercial for the Democratic Party.

  • Ed Hall - 12 years ago

    This poll might actually have some meaning if each person could only vote once.

  • robert - 12 years ago

    Warren was nervous. It was tough for me to watch her continuously shake her head when ever she talks. Brown was very confident and showed he is bipartisan on the issues. Don't need Warren to be another Kerry and go along with all of the idea on the left side.

  • Shaun - 12 years ago

    The question of character was directed at both candidates.SB questioned her character because SHE is the one who checked the box at Harvard that she was a person of color.Has nothing but some family story to back it up and refuses to release her records at Harvard to see if "A" She took someonelses place because of it. "B" If she gained any other advantage because of it.FAIR GAME.
    Speaking of checking boxes. As she whined and howled all night about taxes. Scott Brown asked her why she didn't check the box to pay more taxes in this state. LMAO exposed again.
    So lets see she checked the box to take advantage of minority status. But didn't check the box on her tax return so she could pay her "fair share". What??? Are you sure that wasn't John Kerry with one of those transgender changes that the taxpayers have to pay for on stage last night.
    As far as woman go this democrat party has spent the last ten days avoiding saying "war on terror" but but thinks nothing of fabricating a "war on woman."

  • Cynthia Hill - 12 years ago

    Hold it out there....this poll allows you to vote as often as you wish! This is not even close to being an honest poll!
    Means nothing to either candidate, just how many people you got to repeatedly vote !

    Terrible debate - Jon Keller let them both go on and on and on...four topics in an hour??
    Geez, I could have done better.

    Hated the endorsements for President - totally out of line.

  • Rich - 12 years ago

    Obama leads Romney by 28% in MA. if you support the President he needs Ms. Warren in the Senate, you make no sense supporting the President then voting for Senator Brown who will mostly support a Republican agenda. Also Senator Brown, that was not what people want at the start, solutions needed not checked boxes on an application, she handled that charge very well.

  • Arthur - 12 years ago

    The issue here is NOT between Warren and Brown but the political parties they represent. The republicans are for the rich while the democrats have demonstrated in their past record that they are for the poor and middle class. Brown voted for the 20 billion dollar taxpayer subsidies to the rich oil companies , as if they need our subsidies which Obama and the democrats trie and failed to eliminate. Because Warren makes a lot of money , what does THAT have to do with with where her heart is ? Wasn't Ted Kennedy a millionaire? The poor and middle class'es best friend in Washington. I'm sorry to say this but it's true . Most republican supporters are ignorant of the issues . Proof of that is that 37% of union worker's in Wisconsin voted for Walker who tried to end collective bargaining for them . I read here the same scenerio People voting against themselves , their own collective interest. If the people were truly educated and knew all the facts Warren should win in a landslide.Sadly, that's NOT the case. Ignorance is a powerful force. Look what ignorance did . Voting for Bush who nearly ruined the country with those republican ripoff policies,plundering the country .Wise up out there .The republicans are for enriching themselves at our expense. Doesn't tax dodging in the Cayman Islands tell you something? Wake up.

  • Ed from Watertown - 12 years ago

    I thought Brown came across as sort of a jerk. "We don't need equal pay for equal work for women because I have a household full of women and I'll protect you!"

    Hey Scott, what if women want to protect themselves, not have to depend on a big strong man like you?

  • Susan - 12 years ago

    Brown had no real message. All he could do was try to attack on issues that have nothing to do with the substance of the race. He repeatedly laughed at her - which in my view simply shows his true colors as a person who has little if any respect for others.

  • Mel Hastings - 12 years ago

    It's hard to take Professor Warren seriously when she makes $395,000 for teaching one class at Harvard. I have little regard for her that she lied on her application to Harvard about her heritage. She didn't deny it when Senator Brown brought it up. I do not agree with everything that Brown does but he tries to work with people on both sides of the aisle. I do not believe Warren would be interested in doing that. Senator Brown has my vote.

  • JG - 12 years ago

    Brown won that debate in a landslide. I honestly thought Warren would perform better than she did but her inexperience showed. The last thing Massachusetts needs now is inexperience. She has never held ANY elected office. She has never even won a PRIMARY.

    The national Democrats stacked the deck and ran Seti Warren and others out so she could get anointed. She decries the washington insiders but without them pushing her to the front of the line, she wouldn't even have made it out of the primary race.

  • WRG - 12 years ago

    I think Scott Brown really showed his character when he harped upon the ridiculous idea that Professor Warren tried to capitalize on her Indian heritage... I have to tell you, the only way I know I'm of Italian heritage is from my parents telling me I am. What exactly am I supposed to do to check up on that?

    He then further showed his character by putting forth the idea she should "release documents" relating to those applications. Seriously? It was a non-issue from the start, and Brown wants to looks at 20 year old paperwork based on what a mom told her daughter?

    And then of course, Mr. Brown doesn't think Mr. Romney needs to release his tax returns...
    Add to that Mr. Brown's website says he supports Equal Pay for women... except he voted against it the only time it came up in his term. Does he think the voters in Mass are stupid? He must, because there's no other explanation for these two (among many) contradictions in Mr. Brown's positions.

    And there is Mr Brown's character: willing to lie, distort, and cheat to get elected, even if he has to call every voter in the State "stupid"

  • Carey Chaplic - 12 years ago

    PD why don't you ask WBZ what a poll is. lmao

  • Carey Chaplic - 12 years ago

    Barry actually he did call himself a Republican a definite screw up but the truth he is a Republican he does not run as an independent nor is he one. Linda WBZ is a supporter of Scott Porn Brown you have that completely twisted and backwards repukes twist and lie about everything . Republicans please leave Mass you all are just bringing this great state down you are shameful to what this state stands for and what makes this country seem disgusting

  • P.D. - 12 years ago

    Carey Chaplic,

    What is a "poll lmao". Please clarify.
    Great grammar and run on sentence structure.

  • Richard Marshall - 12 years ago

    Like many politicians, Elizabeth Warren seems to regard money as a commodity - already earned and paid for - hiding in rich peoples basements and just waiting to be divvied out

  • Barry Powers - 12 years ago

    Elizabeth Warren won easily. Scott Brown never once said the word Republican or uttered the name "Mitt Romney" - it was like Mitt has become Voldemort. Brown claims to be bi-partisan but the fact of the matter he writes fundraising letters promising to be the one sure hedge against a possible Obama re-election. Romney voters, Scott Brown is your man; Obama voters, Elizabeth Warren is your Senator; independents - Warren will provide the type of voice and thoughtful leadership we are known for in Massachusetts. Don't let the Senate goto the radicals in the Republican South by re-electing Brown.

  • Rich - 12 years ago

    Moderator showed his bias by opening up with that character question. Mr. K. is always subtle in sneaking in his bias. It's ironic that we learned more about Scott Brown's character. Senator Brown cannot stand on his record, so he has to try to build up his cult of personality while trying to defame his opponent. Shame on him.

  • Princess Summer Fall Winter Spring - 12 years ago

    I sure hope Pocha Wantis Warren is not Indian. She sure made us look silly. And I was disappointed that she did not bring her hammer.

  • JPM77 - 12 years ago

    I think both had adequate performances last night, however, it appeared to me that Senator Brown had superior control of the facts during the debate, and certainly out-shined Professor Warren on the 'likability' scale.

    Professor Warren was on the defensive almost right away due to her 'character issue' in terms of potentially trying to get undeserved affirmative action benefits, and it pretty much seemed to go downhill from there for her, though not disastrously.

    I think Professor Warren made it clear she intends to pursue very progressive policy much of which is to the far Left of the Democratic party and will have no chance of working across the aisle, and Senator Brown will pursue a center-right agenda working in a bi-partisan manner with the ability to reach across the aisle and even vote against his own party when it comes to issues like abortion.

    Overall I think Senator Brown came out on top and I'd expect the polls to reflect that with more undecided voters swinging in his direction over Professor Warren after last night. But if you already like Professor Warren, I don't she did anything to turn off her base last night either.

  • Sab - 12 years ago

    Scott Brown's positions were in conflice with his own voting reocrd. Brown said he was pro choice and voted for women but MCFL say he votes 100% pro life.

  • Tina - 12 years ago

    Why did Keller ALWAYS allow Warren to have the last word? This was the case for every single debate question. I think Keller was trying to give her an advantage. Also, why did Keller always refer to Warren as "Ms. Warren" instead of "Professor Warren" or "Dr. Warren?" Was he helping her try to hide the fact that she is a Harvard professor?

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    For all of you who keep citing she brought up his voting record, every bill that she claims he votes against is also a bill that the majority of democrats voted against. Scott Brown is voting for MA and not voting for the democrat or republican party. If you really do not want to do your research about the votes he cast then you should not go and cast your own vote blindly.

    Do your research, you will see that he supports MA and wont be like Warren who will be led blindly by democrats in the Senate. Those job bills she had to reference (borderline lie about) over and over were political stunts in washington. Again, do you research about the bills and you will see why it was the right move for both our senator and many other democrats + republicans to vote agaisnt those bills.

    Scott Brown is smart, sound economic ideas, a strong leader, and someone who is socially liberal. What more could you ask for in a leader in this day and age?

    If you had a choice between someone who was just going to follow the status quo or someone who was going to actually put some thought into a decision which person would you choose? I think it makes your vote pretty easy come election time...

    * I am not a republican or a democrat. I am an independant who has voted for both republicans and democrats in the past. I vote based on who I think can make the best decisions for our country and more importantly our state while not being blindly lead.

  • Carey Chaplic - 12 years ago

    Scott Porn Brown supporters made sure to skew this poll lmao but we know who won on the issues and facts Brown came across defensive as a liar and a bully did he win I think not and I can't wait till all us Warren supporters go and vote on Nov 6th and send him packing sealed with a kick in his ass out the door

  • John Barry - 12 years ago

    Ms.Warren should not have her very first political position be that of a U.S.Senator.This is a very important position and she has zero experience. Senator Brown is also an officer in the National Guard which gives him experience when meeting with military committees. I have met him and he is a solid Baystate citizen.

  • Maddy - 12 years ago

    Senator Brown won only if one is interested in character assaults and empty rhetoric. Ms. Warren has the FACTS and the Brown voting record. Thinking and listing carefully were important during the debate. Based on the real information, Ms Warren did a great job. The senator also repeated himself throughout the debate. He couldn't defend his record, so had to bring up the same old irrelevant "stuff". I agree with the racist comment above!

  • wmca_goodguys - 12 years ago

    Warren made it clear twice she's joined with Obama at the hip. I doubt there'll be much bi-partisan voting on her part. Brown definitely will be going to either side of the aisle. Warren did not rebut how she "checked the box" about being a minority (and therefore unfairly taking that job from someone else). Haven't voters studied socialism/Marxism? It may sound great in classroom discussions but it does not work and certainly won't work in this country. Massachusetts does not need or want Elizabeth Warren. Go, Scott! I'm with you 100%.

  • Maddy - 12 years ago

    Senator Brown won only if one is interested in character assaults and empty rhetoric. Ms. Warren has the FACTS and the Brown voting record. Thinking and listing carefully were important during the debate. Based on the real information, Ms. Brown did a great job. The senator also repeated himself throughout the debate. He couldn't defend his record, so had to bring up the same old irrelevant "stuff".

  • Mike D - 12 years ago

    By the way, the way he brought up the heritage card, he sounded RACIST. Because people's heritages don't have to be reflected via skin color.

  • Mike D - 12 years ago

    The radio portion of CBSWBZ always leaned right anyway as a starting base so Brown already had a big following from this network.

    Patricia, he sounded like he was pandering to the Koch brothers who are known polluters and buying up elections.

  • Linda Frattura - 12 years ago

    I believe Senator Brown made a strong case for re-election. Ms.Warren didn't actually say anything substantive (per usual). I think Mr. Keller was very obviously pro-Warren which is not appropriate for a moderator although that seems to be the pattern for anyone in the media today. I was planning on voting for Senator Brown and I have not changed my plans.

  • Lauri S. - 12 years ago

    Scott Brown: "The driving factor of education is administrative costs and salaries and Professor Warren, in her instance, teaches one class to make over $300,00." ....BOOM!

  • Bren - 12 years ago

    Elizabeth looked nervous. Her answers were the the same things she has been saying over and over. It's tiresome.

    Scott was professional, sharp and down to earth at the same time despite Harry Reid trying to make him late for the debate.

  • Peter Dehman - 12 years ago

    Go Scott !!!! You won hands down!!

  • Susan - 12 years ago

    Strong debate; I believe Scott Brown showed a greater willingness to try to work together with both parties- something this country sorely needs at this point. I am a huge fan of John Keller, and I was disappointed to see that he gave Elizabeth Warren the "last word" nearly every single time. I was curious about Elizabeth Warren's outlook and philosophy; after this debate I believe that Scott Brown has spent more time in the "real world" and will do a better job working with all the senators to help the people of Massachusetts and the country as a whole.

  • Robert - 12 years ago

    The time is now for Elizabeth Warren to release her Harvard University records. She claims that she did not use her Native American heritage on her Harvard job application and profile. Prove it

  • robert nunnemacher - 12 years ago

    I was particularly interested in the reasoning WHY Brown voted against Kagan and various job bills supported by the democrats. It sounded like a well researched and reasonable answer. It also appears that he acknowledges that the other side of the aisle does have good ideas and is willing to work with them.

  • Patricia a Higgins - 12 years ago

    The professor get repeating the same thing blame big oil................And the 1 percent. Democrats talking points..............She never came up with her own ideas. Scott is a independent thinker.........

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