Ganemos primero. Let us win first. Shall we? Like Capriles himself says let us worry about the 8th, the 8 of October. Or that's a conversation for the 8th.
Now let us worry (work) for the 7th.
Javier - 12 years ago
I think there's no need for Capriles to say who his cabinet members are going to be. The attention is on the presidential race
So far, Chávez has found nothing bad about Capriles, with these names out, he will be able to say " Is this the kind of people Capriles is going to govern with ? Better bad known than a good unknown ( preferir malo conocido que bueno por conocer )
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Ganemos primero. Let us win first. Shall we? Like Capriles himself says let us worry about the 8th, the 8 of October. Or that's a conversation for the 8th.
Now let us worry (work) for the 7th.
I think there's no need for Capriles to say who his cabinet members are going to be. The attention is on the presidential race
So far, Chávez has found nothing bad about Capriles, with these names out, he will be able to say " Is this the kind of people Capriles is going to govern with ? Better bad known than a good unknown ( preferir malo conocido que bueno por conocer )