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Are you gambling on 'Vegas'?


  • pam brandenstein - 12 years ago

    I just read in TV Guide that since only 11 million viewers watch Vegas, it probably will be cancelled. Those 11 million are in the age group of 60 and over. I guess we don't count to the young execs who watch the $ part. 18-49 age group. Don't they know that we seniors spend money also? But we also like good entertainment, not reality. We've had enough of that in our lives.
    I don't know who will read this, probably not anyone who could make a difference. But if one of you happen to , Please. Don't. Take. Vegas off the air.
    That's why so many of us don't even start to watch a new show, knowing it probably won't last the first season.

  • Alice from Portland - 12 years ago

    This show needs to tell us something we don't know - right now it's a watered down period piece with not enough guts or glory. When will CBS bring Howard Hughes in? He's the equal of Dennis Quaid, not the mobster angle (at least, not until Quaid's character realizes that doing the deal with the devil is what will make or break Las Vegas). Revamp it in terms of the Past versus the Fantasy Future, make the bad guys the good guys and put Quaid into all those shades of grey, and then you'll have a truly great show. Worthy of the actors, who rock.

  • Kristen - 12 years ago

    this show was so good! i love the plot so far! good job to the people who created the show!

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