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Are you on board with 'Last Resort'?


  • Bored - 12 years ago

    This series, at first intriguing, is boring me. Where is it going? (nowhere, fast) How can there be a Season 2? How can one submarine fend off the US Military for more than a few weeks while everyone sorts out the problem? All it would take to resolve a renegade ship is an order to destroy and series is over. So drama is introduced in the form of a hidden political agenda- fine, I'm watching. But really, move it along. Let's start to see some corruption coming out. Instead, all we're seeing is the story still careening toward rock bottom (the wife will be betrayed, the crew is still unsettled, the islanders are building a serious counter threat) and everyone is taking up residence on the island like we are in for a long, drawn out ordeal. In order for the US military to not take action the media must be made aware of possible corruption to create consequence for action taken against a potentially heroic captain. This should have happened by the 3rd episode. Then we could believe in this scenario. But still, only for one season.

  • prissy - 12 years ago

    If you have not read Nelson Demille. You should. This series just goes to show how low the government will go.

  • C heyes - 12 years ago

    This is Great TV, not some documentary on naval subs. So screw realism. This tv pilot has great actors & action. 2 thumbs up.

  • mark piper - 12 years ago

    As a submarine veteran, I was highly insulted by this. I knew that the show would deviate from reality but it wasn't even close. This makes a mockery of the US Navy. I wasn't much of an ABC fan before this atrocity. I believe I'll block that channel now to ensure such rubbish never Crosses My TV screen again. Don't forget, those that you are embarrassing are the ones that defend our fine country so that you can produce crap like this. Thanks a lot for the appreciation you've shown. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

  • mark piper - 12 years ago

    As a submarine veteran, I was highly insulted by this. I knew that the show would deviate from reality but it wasn't even close. This makes a mockery of the US Navy. I wasn't much of an ABC fan before this atrocity. I believe I'll block that channel now to ensure such rubbish never Crosses My TV screen again. Don't forget, those that you are embarrassing are the ones that defend our fine country so that you can produce crap like this. Thanks a lot for the appreciation you've shown. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

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