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How would you score Nigeria at 52?

Total Votes: 359

  • Ola - 12 years ago

    Under-develop should be far from what we should describe Nigeria as! The country is at near collapse inspite of the great brains it has. We have solution to our problems but we lack the will to implement and enforce the great socio-economically developmental ideas. We need urgent actions to put in place policies that would fast track the improvement of our basic amenities and infrastructures and stop all importations of what we can and should produce so as to fetch us economic fortunes - wealth and employment for the masses. GOD BLESS NIGERIA

  • Julius Adedipe - 12 years ago

    Nigeria is undoubtedly under-developed. It is a pity that after 52 years some top Nigerians believe that our democracy is still growing given the hundred of years it took some western countries to reach their current level of modernism. This school of thought is arrant nonsense. Nigeria has failed to emulate true democratic system of government from the western world but are tinkering with self driven democracy.

    The fact is that the politicians do not want Nigerians to understant or know what democractic rights that Nigerians should expect under a democratic setting. In Britain, primary school children are well abreast with their rights and the services which their local representatives - local councillors or for that matter membera of paliament are expected to provide as servant of the people. In Nigeria, our representatives are seing as our lords because we idol - worship them to much.

    Coucillors don't get salaries in England but receive sitting allowances for council meetings and local surgeries when they deal with their constituents issues. In Nigeria. l'm not too sure if we have local councillors or national representatives holding weekly/monthly surgeries. Furthermore, there are no quality township/motorways, no viable national educational system to meet national developmental skills/ goals but shambolic privale and government universites. No natioal policies or archievable development road maps at natoinal and state levels, no industrial development strategies. No rural medical care.No uninterupted power supply and distribution. Poorly paid police force, no integrated national intergraion policy and untannished judiciary. The list is endless. Nigeria has to learn to spend less on those who want to serve as councillos, national assembly members and other civic duties.

  • Bright - 12 years ago

    looking at the concept "development" you will agree with me that Nigerian is under developed, both human and materially, Nigeria is underdeveloped. the rate of illiteracy is very high, the level of poverty is alarming, the roads are bad, citizens have no shelter over their heads, instead of moving forward Nigeria is moving backward. how much is the value of Nigeria currency? compare to when Nigeria got independent. when there is retrogressive movement of anything, I was told is not development.
    but I believe strongly that Nigeria can develop if Nigeria leaders decide to develop Nigeria.
    God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.

  • Bright - 12 years ago

    looking at the concept "development" you will agree with me that Nigerian is under developed, both human and materially, Nigeria is underdeveloped. the rate of illiteracy is very high, the level of poverty is alarming, the roads are bad, citizens have no shelter over their heads, instead of moving forward Nigeria is moving backward. how is the value of Nigeria currency? compare to when Nigeria got independent. when there is retrogressive movement of anything, I was told is not development.
    but I believe strongly that Nigeria can develop if Nigeria leaders decide to develop Nigeria.
    God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.

  • Chike - 12 years ago

    Nigeria is very underdeveloped owing to the numerous resources we have. The foundation of the country built by her colonial masters are faulty and this was handed over to our founding fathers who continued to build on the faulty foundation hence we always remember the good old days.

    Africa generally is designed by the west for exploitation to sustain their weak economies and for this to continue, our leaders will be manipulated (by enriching them) to our detriment.

    How can a nation with all the resources we have be struggling with basic amenities and constant power supply without which you can't do much. No business can survive in darkness and we don't have any excuse whatsoever not to have steady power supply. That alone can drive the SMEs, curb corruption and even attract foreign investment.

    We can get back on track if we start today to make the necessary ammendments (by our leaders being honest with themselves to serve the citizens without fear of favour and at any cost cause we deserve the best as a people) otherwise, our days as a country are numbered just like a building on a faulty foundation will collapse over a period of time.

  • Bola Thompson - 12 years ago

    We are developing; with good attitude, fear of God, truthfulness and loyalty to the common goals from all Nigerians, we shall surely get there. I encourage all Nigerians to be optimistic and stop putting this nation down, we've had enough negatives, we can do with some encouragement. Remember that whatever you constantly see about yourself is what you become. I see a good and great Nigeria! God bless Nigeria, God bless President Goodluck Jonathan and grant him wisdom and boldness to face the issues affecting our land, God bless Nigerians. Happy 52 Anniversary.

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