Should Gerry Ritz resign as agriculture minister?


  • Bernard Richard - 12 years ago

    Tom Mulcair should resign for being an idiot and a goof,a typical polititan looking for his one moment of fame.

  • AndrĂ©s V. Galia - 12 years ago

    This problem is just the tip of the iceberg in the are aof government regulation. This is not happening just by chance, but because is part of the Government agenda: protect bussiness and do not give a dime about the public or the environment. Don't you think there is a link between this and other cases in which the Government accused of terrorists to the people that were opposing to the oil sands?

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    It is ridiculous to think that the government can ensure safety for every possible situation in the food industry. That is the job of the companies! Those demanding the resignation of Ritz are simply making political hay out of an opportunity. The real question is why did Excel continue to ship meat it had identified as tainted? And what are the companies who buy their product or who pay for Excel's processing doing about this issue? Don't they monitor the safety of their products? There is way too much finger pointing here and insufficient problem solving.

  • Bryan Smith - 12 years ago

    What is it that this man does for his big money? He has fumbled this entirely. He has not put preventative standards or programs in place? He has done next to nothing. I know he doesn't get to go to fancy hotels in the UK where they serve $16 glasses of orange juice, but he's in the lap of luxury while people are in the infirmary.

  • Allen McEwan - 12 years ago

    The Minister should not be resign and can't be held responsible for the operation of every agricultural business in the country. His job is to enforce and/or improve the legislation governing the industry.

    Blaming the Minister for the unfortunate problem we face at the moment is simply a continuation of the witch hunt against this government.

  • David Fredericks - 12 years ago

    Harper, who failed to protect beef consumers and the Canadian beef industry's reputation in Canada, the USA, and elsewhere, must resign. He failed to fire Ritz, and has a record of never holding decision makers and overseers responsible. He is INCOMPETENT. If he fails to resign, the Conservative caucus must get rid of him.

    He was a clever leader, and it is sad that his arrogance has ultimately disgraced Canada.

  • David Fredericks - 12 years ago

    Harper, who failed to protect beef consumers and the Canadian beef industry's reputation in Canada, the USA, and elsewhere, must resign. He failed to fire Ritz, and has a record of never holding decision makers and overseers responsible. He is INCOMPETENT. If he fails to resign, the Conservative caucus must get rid of him.

    He was a clever leader, and it is sad that his arrogance has ultimately disgraced Canada.

  • Adon - 12 years ago

    larrynorth: Would you concede that many Canadians are blaming the government for [insert issue here] precisely because this government lacks integrity and wanes in the presence of accountability and responsibility?

    Integrity matters folks. Canada deserves leadership -- do you actually believe that a corporation facing laxed regulations aught to to be full to blame? No. Absent of leadership and ministerial responsibility, we ALL are at risk.

  • Dawn Roper - 12 years ago

    I think the low standard of ministerial accountability set by this government is a disgrace.

  • larrynorth - 12 years ago

    Abolutely not , he should not resign. The ownership falls directly on XL Foods and the employees . They know the guidelines or should have known and the proper protocal in handling meat and there were CFIA inspectors on site as well to ensure this ( what were they doing) . We should be asking for the resignation of Mulcair and Rae for the stupidity of their status , we all know that if they were in power nothing would have been handled differently. We also see from the comments made by many readers as to why we have so many problems in this country,blame the Government for everything , it seems there is no such thing as being responsible for individual actions.

  • Ray Johnson - 12 years ago

    Ritz should resign and the government reverse all his costly and illegal actions as the Minister. Since that will not happen the opposition needs to be on record as eliminating self regulation in the food industry and adhere to the courts on the operation of the Wheat Board. This is just one of many issues where the Mitt Harpercrit government does not follow the decisions of our courts.

  • paul hutlet - 12 years ago

    Gerry Ritz is a disaster. The listeria outbreak, the e coli, and I'll bet he'll blame it all on the Canadian Wheat Board

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