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Who's most responsible for Denver's loss today?


  • susan hughes - 12 years ago

    The Broncos will never go anywhere when the defence is on the field for most of the game. They cant depend on Manning to pull them out in the 4th quarter when the rest of the team cant play the whole game. Perhaps a new defence coach that knows what they are doing. Defence way to slow and they dont know how to tackle. YES we need Tebow back he was good in the red zone expecially. He could of stayed with the Broncos and learned alot from one of the best and done Denver alot of good. It is going to be a long season!):

  • Thomas Williams - 12 years ago

    The Broncos have to remember that the game is more than one quarter..Manning does not have the team rallying behind him..If I was the owner I would start from scratch next, get rid of all coaches, players. The players are supposed to be professionals, I have seen high school teams do better..they are not earning their millions of dollars..They should not have gotten rid of Tebow, the only reason that they did was he was getting more attention than coach Fox and Elway. When Elway started playing he played just like Tebow, did not like the pocket and was a very mobile QB. It will be years before they have a chance of going to the playoff or the super bowl again. If thee team can not play like the over paid professionals, they should be sent home.

  • Paul J - 12 years ago

    The defense has to be able to get off the field!

    Thomas maybe needs to see the bench more. Three turnovers in 3 games is NFL unacceptable.

    I did not hear any defensive linemans name on TV the whole game, why are they (Dumerville, Wolf) so under performing?

  • Hiro - 12 years ago

    We are definitely better off this season. Lets keep in mind how close the Broncos have gotten to winning those 3 games. The defense didn't do a good job early on along with two turnovers with the offense that cost the game. I still believe we will end the season 10-6 if not better.

  • M - 12 years ago

    Our Defense is way way too slow!!! I agree with Buffy, some of our Defense players need a pair and do their job!! Broncos D needs to get 3 and outs FAST and GET OFF THE FIELD!! Broncos D is on the field way too LONG!!! The Broncos D needs to work quickly on coverage and getting 3 and outs QUICK !!

  • Peyton Manning - 12 years ago

    Magahee dropped the 4th down catch, then fumbled on the run play in the 4th. It would have been a tough comeback in either case but completely possible with Manning under center.

  • Cathy - 12 years ago

    No sympathy! You chose to not support your last QB, including stripping him of your best receiver. What goes around, comes around.

  • Buffy - 12 years ago

    It is the DEFENSE fault! Some of these defense players need to grow a pair and say they aren't any good in their defense. Apparently the defense players are the making the money but aren't doing their jobs. At least Manning & the offense team did make 21 points.

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