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VOTE! Do YOU think Joe was on the phone with another woman?


  • pat wolfe - 11 years ago

    Theresa was my favorite on the first season.what happened to her.all she does is to start trouble for a that doesnt think like her she is not a nice person.they should get rid of her.i will no longer watch that show.

  • Leasha Knight - 12 years ago

    You would have to be an F-ing moron not to know he was cheating. Moron= Teresa. No she isn't a moron,she knows where her bread is buttered NOW. Joe isn't bringing in the bucks, she is. She has to keep up the facade. I cannot believe a year ago I was sticking up for her. I really cannot believe the change in her personality since the first season. I think the thing that most upset's my heart against her, was when I heard Jacqueline say, "That after their heartfelt conversation in the RV, she walked out and the windows where open. She heard Teresa say to Melissa, "OMG, Jacgueline crying again. I just lied to her. I am so over it". REALLY? You have 4 healthy children. Jacqueline was your best friend. For that baby to turn out to be Autistic? YOU HATEFUL BITCH!!!!! I predict that you are diffidently going to crash and burn. Lady, no you are not a lady, You need to wake up (no not wake up because you know the truth) you need to fess up, and ask for forgiveness. Because believe me child, you are going to need it!

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