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Who won the second Presidential debate?

Total Votes: 13,824

  • Alex - 12 years ago

    Barbra, you must be out of your mind to think Obama is a bad president. Bush totally destroyed america by causing a war with iraq and iran about oil because of the low cost and they blames the
    terriorism as a valid excuse to invade and almost start world war 3, Now Obama has cleared alot of his mess up which shouldnt of been there in the first place and hes made life in america much better with his health care systems and financial probelms. Romney will lose because he just wants to take away from what Obama has done and screw america almost as bad as bush did, 8 trillion dollars for unessesarry cuts and funding to the army which doesn't need it/want it, wants to take away from health care and basically hes a smug arrogant idiot who values money more than the happiness than the happiness of the american people. Would any of you actually want him giving more money to the rich and take away from the poor, and leave americans in a bigger financial hole than it already is, because if Romney wins than america will crumble and fall

  • acorbin - 12 years ago

    The truth is that romney was upset because the truth is being shown about his character and he was being very disrespactful, however the country was in trouble before Obama was elected and we all new it was going to take more than four years to get back on track. Obama had to start somewhere by cleaning up the mess of the last presidents garbage (bush ), however Obama has shown that he is a great leader and most important that he can handle things under pressure like the debate that he won last night in front of billions of vewiers. romney failed by being disrespectful and what that says to America is that he lacks confedience and poor representation for America. If he couldn't handle a debate how could he handle the country.

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    The media has been with Obama from the start. Obama has been the biggest liar and loser President our country has ever elected . How people believe he will bring this country back is very scary . He does not have our country interest but only his agenda to take down our country. The media have enabled him to do this. They have never brought up his background to be a worthy candidate to begin with like we have looked into other Presidential candidate. If people don't realize what Obama has done and he will keep doing ,
    we will be a socialize country and if they feel that is the solution, start asking people who live in countries with this and get their reactions. He is leading us to a country run by government and not us making our own decisions. Obama's performance was the same, just more untruths.

  • acorbin - 12 years ago

    The truth is that romney was upset because the truth is being shown about his character and he was being very disrespactful, however the country was in trouble before Obama was elected and we all new it was going to take more than four years to get back on track. Obama had to start somewhere by cleaning up the mess of the last presidents garbage (bush ), however Obama has shown that he is a great leader and most important that he can handle things under pressure like the debate that he won last night in front of billions of vewiers. romney failed by being disrespectful and what that says to America is that he lacks confedience and poor representation for America. If he couldn't handle a debate how could he handle the country.

  • javon - 12 years ago

    Looking at these comments about Romney "winning" is ridiculous thank God im covered in the blood of Jesus so no matter what this nation comes to Im Good.
    (I still praying for our president because he is the man for the job) it don't take a rocket scientists to figure that out.

  • javon - 12 years ago

    The president won hands down. Who ever thinks for one second that other guy won is a bit delusional....let's NOT FORGET THAT THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION SCEWED OUR ECONOMY UP NOT OBAMA.

  • javon - 12 years ago

    The president won hands down. Who ever thinks for one second that other guy won is a bit delusional....let's NOT FORGET THAT THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION SCEWED OUR ECONOMY UP NOT OBAMA.

  • preston - 12 years ago

    Y do you guys think it was going to take Obama four years to fix this country ? Romney is a big FAT liar !!!!!! You people just got brainwashed... To think that he can get the job done... Dummies... Lol... Pick Romney and watch this world hit The Great
    Depression 3.... I can see it coming... Time to move to another country because this one is going down.... (Go Obama !!!!)

  • JJJ - 12 years ago

    "The economy --Romney massacred the president by over 30 points, 65-34% where it truly counts as reported by CBS"

    Quite honestly Romney didn't need to do much, Obama has already shown what he has done to our economy over the past four years! We did not see a president on the "offense" tonight, we saw a man desperate to defend his past four years in office! Lol Do you honestly believe that just because he comes out "taking responsibility" for the lack of security in Lybia (and then lies about it), makes him any more appealing to voters?!? He & Hillary only admitted fault AFTER congress took up questioning! It's like a criminal who is remorseful about being caught, but for committing the crime! Lol, the buck stops with Obama, and the people of America will have their say on Nov. 6th. It is well known that many, many more republicans/independents than democrats do not actively voice their opinions....but we will show up in droves come election day! R&R 2013 Women, Democrats, & Independents for Romney & Ryan!

  • JJJ - 12 years ago

    you are absolutely correct...and if you have noticed that even the liberal media has changed their headlines that read "Obama won this debate" based on polls to "Obama with slight edge over Romney" LOL But even CBS & CNN had to admit that when it came to the economy & domestic & foreign issues in individual polls Romney won by a landslide!
    He will win by a landslide Nov. 6th too!

  • JJJ - 12 years ago

    Candy Crowley Now Says: "Romney Was Actually Right On Libya" (she should be fired!)


    Obama: "Now when Gov. Romney said we should let Detroit go bankrupt. I said we're going to bet on American workers and the American auto industry and it's come surging back."

    The president was referring to a newspaper piece Romney wrote back in 2008, but the governor never actually said, "Let Detroit go bankrupt."

    The New York Times wrote that headline, not Gov. Romney.

    Romney did say the auto companies should go through what's called a "managed bankruptcy," where the companies would get help from private investors but not taxpayers' money.

    Just in case you needed further clarification....

  • RomneyVoter - 12 years ago

    If you add the Romney by a lot votes to the Romney by a little votes Romney comes out ahead of the same math with the Obama votes. Most news media, at this hour, are saying that Romney won. I think that Romney will probably win the election. Even if Obama wins, I just don't have any confidence in him and his cronies and if he wins the election, we will have four more years of serious problems.

  • Cas Lee - 12 years ago

    October 16, 2012
    Hello, my fellow American voters!
    I watched the Oct. 3rd, 16th, and Oct. 11th debates.
    1st Romney-Obama debate had 7 topics: jobs; budget deficit/debt; social security/entitlements; federal regulation of economy; healthcare; federal government role in economy; partisan gridlock.
    2nd Romney-Obama debate had 11 topics: college graduate jobs; gas prices; taxes; equal pay; Bush policies; Obama’s record; illegal immigrants; Libya; assault weapons; jobs; candidate misperceptions.
    Ryan-Biden debate had 10 topics: Libya; Iran; economy; medicare/social security/entitlements; taxes/tax reform/spending/budget cuts; military policy; Afghanistan; Syria; abortion; negative campaign tactics.
    As an INDEPENDENT, I support the Romney/Ryan ticket.
    Romney/Ryan won all 3 debates, although Obama improved some in the 2nd debate.
    Ryan won despite Biden’s consistently rude/disrespectful behavior (Biden often interrupted Ryan, laughed while Ryan was talking, pointed his finger).
    Biden’s tactics to evade issues/truth were disrespectful to Americans interested in facts, figures, and solutions for real people with real problems.
    Romney/Ryan won with substance, directness, integrity, respect, clarity, facts, commitment, inspiration, and leadership.
    Romney/Ryan are the best persons in terms of qualifications and character to lead our country to solve problems and make life better for all Americans.
    I hope that you are inspired by Romney/Ryan!
    Best regards,
    Cas Lee

  • land of the free - 12 years ago

    People you can't run a government without a balanced budget! Obama has proven he can't do it. Get him out and move on with someone who can. We need to run our country like a business. Obama is so lacking in every aspect of what America needs. Get him out and improve the future of our children. Let's do it! I am a female and a budget director. My bosses are female and awesome. Obama care scares everyone I know who has some intelligence. Females are getting equal pay. Not an issue.

  • Dennis Vancil - 12 years ago

    O lied on the Libya topic (among others). The White House released the transcripts of the Rose Garden statement--he NEVER addressed the Benghazi attack as a "terrorist attack". He clearly blamed the Youtube video. Get off the kool-aid and use your brain. Any 1st grader can point out the simple truth: O HAS NOT DONE WHAT HE PROMISED TO DO.PERIOD.

  • scot - 12 years ago

    Obama is a joke. The facts and his performance as president back that up. He is the guy that talks a big game but does nothing to back it up. He is the guy who thinks he is smarter than everyone else but really has no common sense at all. You get common sense mr. President when you have to actually work for a living and build your business up from scratch. Obama wouldn't know anything about that. Its laughable. See ya Obama. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  • Ciaran - 12 years ago

    Neither one of them won, the American People lost.

  • steve - 12 years ago

    We have been in business for over 30 and its never been this bad doing business has never been this hard .lets cut out the bullshit and work to help working people lets cut benefits for these scumbag people that wont work. We cant afford another four years with Obama he will ruin this country.

  • Voter - 12 years ago

    Voice of Reason, I don't recall Obama lying about Libya? He avoided the question for sure. But they are blowing Libya completely out pf proportion. It is comparable to the democrats bashing on Romney for Big Bird? The fact is Romney has no foreign experience, neither do you.

  • Voter - 12 years ago

    Voice of Reason, I don't recall Obama lying about Libya? He avoided the question for sure. But they are blowing Libya completely out pf proportion. It is comparable to the democrats bashing on Romney for Big Bird? The fact is Romney has no foreign experience, neither do you.

  • Mica - 12 years ago

    I feel that who ever becomes president will not be able to lower the deficit in a certain amount of years. This deficit was high when Obama came into office and I don't belive that Romney can lower it any faster. Mitt Romney clearly said that in 8 years he will have the deficit low, so why is he expecting Obama to lower it in less time than he said he would? I voted for Obama in "08" and I will vote for him again.

  • Voice of Reason - 12 years ago

    Voter, put the kool aid down. Obama flat. out. lied. about Lybia because the truth was inconvenient to his "I eradicated Al Qaeda" self-back-patting.

  • matt - 12 years ago


    Are you kidding? "Congress will only let the president do what they want?" Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House for the first two years of Obama's presidency. And are you going to apply that same line to the end of the Bush term?

    I bet you won't. Everything under Bush is Bush's fault because he's a Republican, it doesn't matter that he had a Democratic Congress. On the other hand, everything under Obama is not his fault because he's a Democrat, it's either Bush's fault (cause he's a Republican), or we pretend that the Democrats didn't control the House, Sentate, and White House from 2009-2011, and blame the post-Jan/2011 Republican House for everything.

    It's a load of bovine feces. You can't blame Bush for everything when he had a Democrat-controlled Congress, yet blame the Republican-controlled Congress for everything under Obama.

  • Voter - 12 years ago

    You can just tell when they speak that Obama comes off as completely experienced when it comes to running a country especially on foreign policy. Why is Romney making Libya into a big deal? The commander in chief knows how to handle an act of terrorism or foreign political issue, what experience is giving Romney the balls to bring it up? Outsourcing jobs? Why does everyone need to know the second they find out it is an act terrorism? Its the presidents job to handle it, no one elses. God forbid we invade them looking for terrorists and weapons of mass destruction right? Again?

  • Voice of Reason - 12 years ago

    Really? Romney lied? I'm sure they both did. A fake in the White House? You mean like the man who gave up his law license to avoid getting hemmed up for lying on his application? You mean like the guy who calls Romney a "pioneer in exporting jobs," and then gives Fisker a loan to build electric cars in Finland? You mean like the Commander in Chief who says "the buck stops with my Secretary of State" on Lybia? C'mon, man! This guy wants to fly around in Air Force One, but he doesn't want to work 20 hour days like his 42 predecessors did. He's too busy going to fund raisers to attend his intelligence briefings, he's too busy going on The View to meet with world leaders, he's too busy calling George Zimmerman a racist (funny, he's Hispanic and Jewish, but Trayvon was black, therefore Zimmerman is suddenly white) to notice the 30 black children who were shot by black pimps and pushers in Chigago on the same day. That's a fake in the White House!!!

  • Sally Deapera - 12 years ago

    I think it was a tie. Both Obama and Romney came out with facts (some true, some not). But I think both didn't really lay out a clear vision of where this country is heading. Both were not able to lay out a clear and comprehensive immigration plan. But they were both very articulate and determined about their political goals and ambitions.

  • Jenny - 12 years ago

    I just simply don't believe anything Obama says...he has no defense to his actions, for the past 4 years, he just keeps saying he "inherited" the problems! I dont see it that way! The only thing he has accomplished that was noticeable to me, was that it took him ALL of his 4 years in office to try to reverse the damage he did in his first 6 months in office! The end of 2008, and 09 and 10 were the roughest years I've seen, and lived through, and I, and many, many other Americans, are still paying for it! He truly scares me, and, I don't trust him!

  • brenda robinson - 12 years ago

    the congress will only let the president do what they want. rominey is out to help all the rich guys that u work for. they dont want to hire you right now to make the unemployment look even worse.obama won this debate.highly divided congress can cause a lot of problems
    may the best and caring man win

  • matt - 12 years ago


    I'm not sure anyone won here, they both came out strong and beat each other into the ground. I don't think the debate really changes anything, it seemed like a waste of time where they just traded one liners from their attack ads. But I guess if you're an Obama supporter, you'll say he won...and I'm sure there'll be a Romney supporter along soon to say he won and Obama lied. Pardon me while I roll my eyes at both sides. This one was no more conclusive on the issues than the VP debate last week. The difference is that this time, it was the moderator, not one of the debaters, who made a fool of herself.

  • Romney supporter - 12 years ago

    The point is that Obama eluded the question of Libya! Come on! America wants to know. Romney was fighting back the whole way!

  • Kaniyea - 12 years ago

    I don't understand how people is voting for Romney when he clearly lies guess guess people want a fake in the white house...

  • Laurence T. Miller - 12 years ago

    Obama CLEARLY won!

  • melissa corbin - 12 years ago

    Obama won! He is such a great guy and I think Romney is so rude and disrespectful how can we trust him when he lies over and over. He lies over what he say in he past. he just tell people what he thinks what we want to here. We didn't pay 50000 to here the truth.

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