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Who won tonight's debate?

Total Votes: 14,954

  • Chatham H. Forbes Sr. - 12 years ago

    The President won very clearly Wednesday night. This time he knew what to expect from Romney. The falsehoods came thick and fast, as they did on the first occasion. Romney is unencumbered by conscience, so has no problem reversing his positions from moment to moment. I do not say this out of bias or malice; this is obviously Romney's deliberate plan to win the debates. Very clearly, he has no qualms saying anything at all if he thinks it will win him a point. As Obama said at one juncture in the first debate, Romney was suddenly taking moderate positions, after one year and a half of advocating the opposite! The point is, can we as citizens vote such a dishonest, shifty personality into the White House? It would most certainly be an act of complete irresponsibility. I find it offensive to observe this man in action, voicing a lie or a number of lies, then concluding with a string of honeyed platitudes about his devotion to family, country, and God. The core issue with regard to Romney seems to be a lack of character. At all costs keep him out of the White House! Ryan, incidentally, on the record, is cut from the same cloth.

  • Charo Barneson - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is not just lying, he is two-faced. His positions change so much that my husband now refers to his flip flops as his Romneys. An angry little man who is desperate to become president...and we all know how dangerous those who are desperate to attain great power can be.

  • Maerzie - 12 years ago

    Whoops! I MEANT to include THIS with my post:

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
    Joseph Goebbels quote

    This is EXACTLY the campaign against our president that was begun the day he won the presidency! Many of these hateful people PRETEND the are "Christians" with all this HATE, which shows how screwed up they really are, as Christ loved everyone!

  • Maerzie - 12 years ago

    The Nazi Joseph Goebbels' campaign, run by the Republicans against President Obama (smelled a lot like Karl Rove), worked quite well on weak-minded, gullible minds. In any blog, it's easy to pick out the non-thinkers who fell for the tactic, hook, line, and sinker! They parrot the hateful propaganda almost word for word, as if they have no brains of their own. Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's Chief Propagandist, and his theories worked well for those crazies too. President Obama could turn our country into Heaven, and there will always be that ignorant, brainwashed segment of our population who will always hate him because he, a BLACK man DARED to ascend to the presidency of the United States, instead of "knowing his place". These hateful critics obviously ALL "chose" the color of THEIR parents BEFORE they were conceived, which is the height of their ignorance. In their hypocritical eyes, Obama will never do anything right or good.

  • Angy - 12 years ago

    President Obama did an exceptional job!!!! It's disgraceful that the Republican Congress would sign a pledge to make him a one term president and hinder his work for the country. Just what is their purpose??? I'm sure that wasn't the platform they were elected on. The President won the debate outright. Candy Crowley did an awesome job and spoke the truth...she didn't help either candidate. Romney is in the Twilight Zone!!! can't explain anything, is out of touch and doesn't have a solid idea of what he believes. He's only saying what he thinks will get him a vote, then can't remember what he said!. Romney needs to explain HOW he plans to do things because it's obvious that he doesn't know what specifically and honesty mean!!! He doesn't because he doesn't have a clue!!! Romney was rude, dishonest, condescending, combative and disrespectful to the President and Ms. Crowley. Romney doesn't give a fig about the middle class and he proves it every time he opens his darn mouth!!!!!

  • Angy - 12 years ago

    President Obama did an exceptional job!!!! It's disgraceful that the Republic Congress would sign a pledge to make him a one term president and hinder his work for the country. Just what is their purpose??? I'm sure that wasn't the platform they were elected on. The President won the debate outright. Candy Crowley did an awesome job and spoke the truth...she didn't help either candidate. Romney is in the Twilight Zone!!! can't explain anything, is out of touch and doesn't have a solid idea of what he believes. He only saying what he thinks will get him a vote, then can't remember what he said!. Romney needs to explain HOW he plans to do things because it's obvious that he doesn't know what specifically and honesty mean!!! He doesn't because he doesn't have a clue!!! Romney was rude, dishonest, condescending, combative and disrespectful to the President and Ms. Crowley. Romney doesn't give a fig about the middle class and he proves it every time he opens his darn mouth!!!!!

  • joy - 12 years ago

    You anti Obamaites are all full of it. You all hate women and detest people of color. It took Pres Roosevelt almost 4 terms, for you idiots multiply that by 4 to get us out of a depression that a Republican put us in. I did not know you are all billionaires and have no need to work for a living. You all make me sick that not a one follows do unto others you fill in the rest you smart ones. You bet I am angry to listen to such trash from you anti. By the way Romney just made Millions on the sale and closing of a company in Il and to boot have their engineers teach them and the following day I am sure they are all on the unemployment line. Pres Obama did not send his money off shore not to pay tax or jobs off shore to make millions. Learn or read history. China pays their people 99 cents an hour this is what you like and your jobs taken.

    Not one person asked if Romney in his ads that we are inundated with and what he said last night is the truth. Which should we believe, there are many Romney’s which one.

  • Mary L. Grabski - 12 years ago

    Non-thinkers and the majority of multi-millionaires and billionaires will continue to stand up for Mitt Romney even if he sends every last one of our jobs to sweat-shop countries. The non-thinkers will just continue to let other people do their thinking, as they are too lazy to pay attention to what happens in Congress or the world, so will only get the twisted view from the multi-millionaire corporate media who benefit from something like a Mitt Romney. They don't even realize YET they plan to vote AGAINST their own income and life style. If Mitt Romney should happen to get in, by hook or by crook, they will find out WHY they SHOULD have been using their OWN brains to watch what's going on, instead of hired puppets'! When I go south in the winter, the entire radio airwaves down there are drenched in this brainwashing propaganda for those who never think or research any facts. One station in Alabama even broadcast the instigation of the worst kind to plant the seedzs into the mind of any crazies out there listening! A great number of these people never even read or watch the news, but depend on these propaganda stations and channel(s) to satiate their brains with their current dose of ignorance and hate. When they blog, it is word for word propaganda, as it has been fed to them. This is so very frightening because the hate leaders play intentionally to these gullible idiots, who obviously take our democracy for granted. Romney is such a transparent snake-oil salesman and hypocrite, evidenced by his wide variety of answers to the same question, depending on who is buying. We need so much public political education, but there are so many ignorants, who are already dangerous zombies, spreading the propaganda and slander everywhere.


  • Deb - 12 years ago

    If this country is STUPID enough to put this country back in the hands of the 1% Republicans, we have nothing coming. They have already showed their hand, and it's our choice. Mitt and The Plutocrats are fighting and spending record amounts of money to finish off the middle class. They will get rid of: Medicaid, Medicare, & Federal reserves to keep up with needed teachers, policemen, firemen, and infrastructure projects. What will they do with all that money? Give themselves another tax cut, get rid of minimum wage, and blow up The War Machine! 2 Trillion to the military? Yeah, that's just what we need.....more wars, more financial pressure, and no hope.

    OBAMA 2012!!!

  • Rich Ferguson - 12 years ago

    President Obama is in over his head. He has no clue on how to reduce the deficit or get are economy back on its feet. They all want Romney to be more specific on his economic plans, yet Obama hasn't had to explain or show a simple budget for 3 frickin years!!!! you tell me who is more responsible this guy thinks hes a movie star cause he made history. Hope and change is not a plan to change are problems its a dream thats all it is a DREAM.

  • vanessa fredrickson - 12 years ago

    I thought the President won. Some of romneys comments are disturbing to hear. he thinks it far that he pays 14% taxs, single parent families are the cause of gun violence,etc. romney gave the president the bullets, and the gun to shoot it from. Ryan pictured in a soup kitchen was crap i would say. Does he realize that cutting food stamp assistance, school lunches, and more will cause those children to have to eat at that kitchen before school, then eat there for dinner. We are a proud country of caring people. if romney wins WE all lose.

  • ishmael smith - 12 years ago

    the president do a good job,and he earn my vote

  • Nicole Baker - 12 years ago

    President Obama did Great!!!!!!

  • middle class ohio woman voter - 12 years ago

    I, along with everyone in the room where I watched the debate, thought that Romney's comment that children of single or unmarried parents are responsible for gun violence was very offensive.

  • Suzan - 12 years ago

    Pres. Obama won this debate hands down! He called Romney out on all his lies and Romney didn't like being challenged. If you lived around Mormons in huge numbers, like I do, you would understand the "Mormon male" better--in their church, they're the "patriarch" and they are NOT to be questioned. You have Mitt the rich guy who never had to struggle or go without a thing in his life plus you have Mitt the Mormon male who is NOT supposed to be questioned about anything at any time. He isn't used to being called out when he lies and Pres. Obama did an outstanding job of shining the light on Romney's lies--even the moderator called him out when he lied about Pres. Obama's comments in the Rose Garden on Sept. 12th. His 47% video showed the REAL Mitt Romney and all middle-class people in this country had better pay attention to what he said, in private, at his $50,000-a-plate dinner in Florida. Obviously, he thinks seniors, veterans, students, and middle-class people in general are moochers and takers. Pres. Obama has done alot of good things during his term and he can do much more if the Republican Congress gets out of his way. They've admitted that their goal is to make Pres. Obama a one-term president and they could care less about the country if it helps them reach their goal. OBAMA/BIDEN IN 2012!!

  • Marie Zellars - 12 years ago

    Obama did a great job tonight! I don't believe anything that comes out of Romney's mouth. He is disrespectful and a bully on top of it. Obama is poised, respectful and comes off sincere. I have been following this presidential campaign for a long time and I have heard Romney flip flop on a ton of issues, but Obama has not changed any of his points throughout his campaign. One minute Romney is for abortion and the next minute he is not, behind closed doors he is saying 47% of people don't take responsibility and the next minute he cares about everybody. Wake up and see this man for what he really is, a puppet saying anything that he may think you would want to hear to win this election, I see no sincerity in him at all. Obama you got my vote!

  • Keith - 12 years ago

    What is also sad is that Obama hardly ever directly answered questions. He got up, told a sob story, lied about Romney, and then Romney had to go back and clean up his mess. That's why he runs out of time. Biden and Obama did the same "run the clock out, steal the time." They are both immature and don't know how to debate. It's a "holier than thou" attitude. Wake up people! Romney/Ryan is better than the celebrity president we have in office. Please open your eyes. It's an abomination. Or rather a ObamaNation. Romney/Ryan 2012! REAL relief!

  • David Sanz - 12 years ago

    The facts speak for them selves . Obama lies so much the truth and he don't reside in the same room. What is amazing is why so many folks look at his four year record and performance and still believe he can deliver. wake up people the guy has never had a business never balanced a budget and his list of successes are slim and none.

  • David Sanz - 12 years ago

    The facts speak for them selves . Obama lies so much the truth and he don't reside in the same room. What is amazing is why so many folks look at his four year record and performance and still believe he can deliver. wake up people the guy has never had a business never balanced a budget and his list of successes are slim and none.

  • Sharon M - 12 years ago

    John E. Jones when you said "President Obama hit Mitt with the facts and didn't allow lies to go unchallenged."
    you must have been high on some of what Obama smokes... If you had been in any sane frame of mind you would have seen it the other way around. Romney clearly said what he mean't so you must be like Obama and can't hear because Obama kept saying Romney said this or that or believes this or that when Romney CLEARLY stated the facts and corrected Obama on his 4 yr record... it speaks louder than Obama's empty words. Just like the day after the Lybia issue Obummer stated at the white house that it was terrorist attack then went on his everyday as usual don't give a crap additude dilly dallying around instead of taking care of business (thats what is wrong with America now) and Romney clearly made him have to admit this... It pissed Obama as everything Romney called him and his failed policies out on! So, You have a Dead-beat, don't give a crap additude, dilly dallying, either Deaf or Plain Stupid person in the office of president hypnotizing all you ignorant morans into a stuperous slumber which will not be so pretty when you all are awaken into his socialist/communist Big Government world... So... GO MITT ROMNEY/PAUL RYAN!

  • David Sanz - 12 years ago

    The facts speak for them selves . Obama lies so much the truth and he don't reside in the same room. What is amazing is why so many folks look at his four year record and performance and still believe he can deliver. wake up people the guy has never had a business never balanced a budget and his list of successes are slim and none.

  • Keith - 12 years ago

    Obama just tries to make things sound good were Romney uses actual facts and real numbers. Obama ignorantly stated that his plan doesn't add up, but there are actual studies on his claim to Romney's five trillion dollar plan claiming it a farce. Romney has actually had experience with economic problems and he knows how the system works. Sure, Obama has had a lot to clean up, but he made promises he didn't keep which Romney called him out on. And on the Libya incident, Biden contradicted what Obama said in the last debate about "not knowing" they needed to "beef up" security. Obama is saying the exact same things that he did in 2008. Listen to the speeches, look at the track record. Romney/Ryan 2012

  • Hillary - 12 years ago

    This poll is a joke just like our celebrity president. Romney/ Ryan 2012

  • Susan jones - 12 years ago

    This poll is a joke, you can vote as many times as you want . FAIL!!!

  • Gary Sancranti - 12 years ago

    When VP Biden "fact-checked" Cong. Ryan, Republicans accused him of being rude, and disrespectful ... and yet, Gov. Romney, had the audacity to say to the "President of the United States" .... just hold on, you'll get your turn. (?) Excuse me ?????????? Who the hell does this person think he is ? Wether Republican, Democrat, Independant ... whatever, you "DO NOT" have the right to disrespect the President of the United States !!!! Gov. Romney was way out of line talking like this and should be made to apologize !!!! If this is the way he talks to our own President .... how in GOD's name will he talk to leaders of other nations ???? Completely an ignorant S.O.B. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nicole Jaworski - 12 years ago

    Obama did awesome! He called Mitt out when he was lying which is exactly what people needed to see. I have been an Obama supporter since 2008 and couldn't be more proud of him today. He was amazing and I'm looking forward to the last debate!

  • Cynthia C - 12 years ago

    I tried four times to vote for Mitt Romney and each time it would not go, no wondernthese results are so skewed.

  • Peter - 12 years ago

    If it matters, I thought Romney was a boor. Overly aggressive, and kind of scary. That may work in his world of bizarre finance as a CEO, but doesn't seem right for a President. He lies without blinking and is not ashamed of making up stuff. I can't picture four years of looking at this country club boor.

  • Melody Goad - 12 years ago

    President Obama won hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!! Willard kept repeating himself like he was trying to convince himself he was telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then when he was asked about gun control Candy let him ramble on about fast and ferious. She should have told him to shut the hell up and sit down. She gave him far more time to ramble!!!!

    President Obama is on the side of the average American, Willard is in the hands of the Rich and the Chinese government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Clarence - 12 years ago

    Call your neighbors, friends, family, coworkers and children who is of age and have them go on election day.

  • Clarence - 12 years ago

    President Obama had a great performance, he made romney look like a fool and he tried to be a bully. The president in my view made made Romney on Libya look like a clown. Romney needs to stop lying to the American people.

  • rob - 12 years ago

    Obama!!! Five points to nowhere!! We don't believe u!!

  • John E. Jones - 12 years ago

    President Obama hit Mitt with the facts and didn't allow lies to go unchallenged. The best debate of his career.

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    President Obama made Willard look like a stuttering Fool.
    It was GREAT!

  • Lindy - 12 years ago

    I can sleep a little better tonight, Mr. President I am proud of you , I am proud that you are not just going to give up but fight. You deserve a second chance and I will pray you get it.

  • P. Lindstrom - 12 years ago

    President Obama b***h slapped Romney all over the stage tonight! Though, the winner tonight was DETROIT!!! The Tigers not the Auto-Industry.

  • rodney holmes - 12 years ago

    President Obama response on the difference between ROMNEY and Bush was excellent. He hit it out of the park. If this moment doesn't make news soundbites......

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    The President clearly won,and no he did NOT lie,he set the record straight and acted like a Commander in Chief. Romney is a train wreck and we can't let the Republicans screw us again with another horrible choice for the job.

  • Isabelle Gillis - 12 years ago

    The last day to register for this election is Monday, Oct. 22. We need EVERYONE to vote, not just writing your comments on these sites but be sure to VOTE!!

  • Savvi - 12 years ago

    Caught in a tangled web of lies and deceit, Romney was embarrassing. Romney refused to answer any questions about HIS plan. Caught and checked on his lies by the moderator. Obviously the President gave truthful, forthright answers, with a proven track record of steady growth and economic gains in America, I consider him to be more qualified to run the country for 4 MORE years.

  • D Sharp - 12 years ago

    President Obama broke a foot off tonite!!!

  • Robert - 12 years ago

    Neither candidate looks good in a format like this town hall debacle. Keep it to good old fashion debates on topic, and when they don't answer the questions, hit the BS button. Obama and Romney really didn't make points with Independents, who will determine this election in swing states. The party line vitriol spewed by MSNBC and Fox News turns off undecideds. Today's journalists are just as sorry at their jobs as our congressional leaders are at theirs. Wake up so-called journalists you're on your way to being as popular as congress! Real journalists are on the verge of becoming extinct, along with the word ethics.

  • Sebastian Greenwood - 12 years ago

    The President brought the Truth and knocked Willard out with a velvet glove!! Rock on, Mr. President!!

    Whoever thinks the government and the President has ANYTHING to do with gas prices doesn't know ANYTHING about gas prices!! Exxon and BP control gas prices!

  • joe - 12 years ago

    another string of lies by obama what else is new

  • Lyndon Scott - 12 years ago

    Here is one fact that people fail to get, The Congress who controls the National purse strings has failed this country not this president. If they would have implemented 1/2 of what President wanted passed we would have employment under 7%

  • Leslie Cline - 12 years ago

    I think the President could get some ideas from Bill Clinton on how to explain that we are turning around a huge huge situation which will take a long time to unravel, and that our all working together with transparency is imperative; tricky-slicky disingenuous unbalanced approaches are too amateur for our dire needs. The President has been on a steep learning curve and is honestly making progress and deserves to continue for four more years. Bumbling disrespectful bullying egotists need not apply.

  • Virgil - 12 years ago

    Will someone please tell me where this stuff about gas being half the price it is now when President Obama took office? I don't understand why this lie is never challenged... at one point here in Michigan it was even higher than it is now!

  • Kevin Dean ( Christian) - 12 years ago

    Romney the mormon said that he was a Pastor at his church . mormon's don't have Pastors because they aren't Christian. LOL

  • Sharon Tucci - 12 years ago

    To Maddoggin... frustration indeed! He looks like a guy who is used to getting his own way and not having to listen to anyone else! Typical! The wealthy are used to the rules not applying to them! Romney looks like a walking ad for anger management.

  • Desiree Moates - 12 years ago

    Actions speak louder than words...Mr Obama hasn't showed me anything yet...same old tired promises, no clear plan. He wants to grow government even though he has denied it. From where I sit, it's the only thing that I've seen grow. I get tired of hearing that he wants everything fair and even. When you have someone giving 100% and others that are capable of giving 100% but not giving anything, you will never have Fair and even!

  • Maddoggin - 12 years ago

    finally Obama puts the facts on the table. Romney responds with frustration. gets caught in a lie!

  • Sharon Tucci - 12 years ago

    Single parents: Take that AK47 off your Christmas shopping list for your kid!

  • Desiree Moates - 12 years ago

    Actions speak louder than words...Mr Obama hasn't showed me anything yet...same old tired promises, no clear plan. He wants to grow government even though he has denied it. From where I sit, it's the only thing that I've seen grow. I get tired of hearing that he wants everything fair and even. When you have someone giving 100% and others that are capable of giving 100% but not giving anything, you will never have Fair and even!

  • Sharon Tucci - 12 years ago

    So Romney blames single parents for incidences of violence? Really? I'm a single mother, putting her second child through college on her own. My kids are honor students who care deeply about people. Really, Mitt?

  • Antoine knight - 12 years ago

    Romney wrapped his compaign with a big lie

  • Linda Forster - 12 years ago

    My president kicked "Mitten's" ass!!!!!!!

  • Lilly - 12 years ago

    Romney is a narcissistic liar! He made his money from liquidating companies at the expense of the so called 47%! He has no clue or desire to make this country better. His agenda for President is for his EGO! Rich people think they can lie and buy their way to what they want! Not this time Mitt!

  • Tyler C - 12 years ago

    For as poorly as our president did in the last debate,he gave the best performance tonight and looked the part of a true leader than did willard. Joe set the bar high and BO delivered. At one point i was in the other room and thought he was debating porky pig-willard was stuttering so much!

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    President Obama overwhelmed Willard. I loved it when Willard was caught misrepresenting
    the Benghazi issue.

  • VoteRomney2012 - 12 years ago

    Romney did an amazing job tonight! I am so proud that he vocally attributed his success to God and his faith! With God and our prayers on his side I know he can win this!! One nation under God!!

  • billy - 12 years ago

    Why James Carville is a democrat

  • Norma - 12 years ago

    Romney's was perfect as all Obama could say is "that is not true." Obama does not debate well. He should listen and he might get us out of the mess we are in. High gas, high unemployment, hiring extra people to decide where we get obama care or not. I do not want that.
    Now 4 yrs have passed and everything is worse. So, what is he gonna do? He has not told who denied help for our people that recently were killed. Why doesn't he tell the person's name that denied help and why?
    Why did he twist Romney's words?

  • Paula - 12 years ago

    Obama mopped the floor as clean with Romney's lies as Paul Ryan scrubbed that soup pot!

  • JD1966 - 12 years ago

    Romney looked like he was begging at times and could not answer specific questions. He stepped in front of the President when the Moderator asked Obama a question directly out of turn and lots this debate on style and content.

    Obama looked strong and confident and he countered Romney well.

    Obama won this debate and has proven he is the right man to elect as our President at this time.

    Vote Obama/Biden!!!! 2012!! End this Blockade of our Nations Recovery by the Republican Party!!

  • Melissa Jacobs - 12 years ago

    Our President knocked Romney out with a velvet glove. He never lost his dignity, never wavered from the truth and his purpose for all people, and stuffed Mitt's lies back down his throat! Loved his line about Mitt's plan even looking "sketchy" to Mitt!

  • denise young - 12 years ago

    President Obama ruled and schooled romney...romney caught in his web of lies.
    romney can not follow rules.romny has no plan !!!! romney exposed!!math does not add up,just like his votes won't add up.
    OBAMA / BIDEN 2012 !!!!!

  • pairofpants - 12 years ago

    Romney continued his dominance of the slipping and sliding obama.
    Very tough on the President, when there's an adult in the room.

  • Natasha Mckinnon - 12 years ago

    Tonight POTUS put Gov. Romney and the GOP in there place!!

  • Pat Richards - 12 years ago

    President Obama was great tonight ! Loved it when President Obama called playing politics concerning the attacks on Libya "offensive" wonderful and the fact that Romney was fact checked on the spot made that moment even better. Candy Crowley was awesome tonight !!

  • Ozzie Zee - 12 years ago

    Obama destroyed Romney! OHYEAH!

  • Alandro Berry - 12 years ago

    It's about time, Mitt was called out for his lies.

  • Carolyn Holloway - 12 years ago

    *he did it eloquently.

  • Bernard Lopez - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney, a Master-deBater? Not quite.

    Mitt Romney: disrespectful, rude & arrogant. Indeed.

    You're talkin' a lot, but you're not sayin' anything.
    When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed. 

    "I hate people when they're not polite". - Talking Heads

  • Eileen Norrington - 12 years ago

    The President owned the debate! He tactfully and effectively called out Romney on his lies. Romney almost sounded robotic at some points restating what worked for him in the last debate.

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    You know obama got spanked,He did a little better,but he is no Clinton.

  • Carolyn Holloway - 12 years ago

    President Obama brought something Romney can't stand: Truth! There was a couple of tense moments; but, thank God POTUS walked the dog on that liar and he did it with eloquently.

  • marge - 12 years ago

    President Obama rocked tonight! He was awesome!

  • IRIS - 12 years ago

    The President OWNED THE STAGE!!!!!!

  • IRIS - 12 years ago

    The President OWNED THE STAGE!!!!!!

  • Jonathon A - 12 years ago

    Obama came out swinging just like a President should, telling people how it is and what to expect, and Calling Romney on all his un accurate stories.

  • Helen Anderson Long - 12 years ago

    President Obama's strategic excellent is swell for two thousand twelve

  • Sharon Williams - 12 years ago

    President Obama was great tonite! He called Gov. Romney on his lies! Candy Crowley did an exceptional job as moderator!

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