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"Annie Hall" vs. "Midnight in Paris"

Total Votes: 60
1 Comment

  • Ike Garlington - 12 years ago

    It is hard to vote against the movie (Annie Hall) that spawned the knock offs, or homages, such as Midnight in Paris and When Harry Met Sally.

    Annie Hall really began the whole genre of sensitive men comedy-drama movies. Diane Keeton's wardrobe launched a fashion wave.

    Annie was also Woody Allen's goodbye to his early comedies such as Bananas, Take the Money and Run and Love and Death. Yes, it was a funny movie but was much more "mature". He followed that trend with Manhattan.

    After that it seemed he was lost in the jungle producing movies that were artsy, occasionally funny, but not up to the standard he set with Annie Hall. Hannah and her Sisters might be an exception there (The movie Pamela and I saw on our first date in 1986).

    Allen had just turned 40 when he did A.H. and it seemed to be his mid-life crisis movie. This was even more true of Manhattan where his love interest was a 17 year old girl. Certainly forshadowing of his personal life to come.

    The dialogue of Midnight in Paris was written as if it were for Allen and one of his movies 25 or 30 years ago. Owen Wilson did his best Woody Allen impersonation.

    I prefer the old funny Woody Allen movies. They are as funny as they come and puts him right up there with the Marx Brothers, my own favorite. Annie Hall was a cool movie for it's time and deserved it's best picture Oscar. Sadly, Allen outgrew his core audience and began taking life much too seriously.

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