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Would you want Alex Rodriguez on your team?

Total Votes: 850

  • TIm Tuohey - 12 years ago

    What a BUM,the money that he's making,he is defintely not worth it,someone out said he can't
    hit a ball without steroids.They're absolutely right on the money.

  • grncvc99 - 12 years ago

    BUM, never performs in the post season when it counts and thats his career in a nutshell!!

  • Dmonkey99 - 12 years ago

    Yes but just for depth reasons I wouldnt pay him a lot and if he starts running his mouth id cut him

  • willie wright - 12 years ago

    Seattle wasn't big enough for him and ken griffey jr.

  • willie wright - 12 years ago

    A-Rod's best years were with the mariners.

  • Ben Chidwick - 12 years ago

    Alex Rodriguez already got a chance on my team and he blew it. With his attitude and his record current postseason record, there isn't much going for him anymore.

  • Joe dudkowski - 12 years ago

    No FN WAY! He's as terrible as matt holliday! Someone please take holliday! Choke city! Inconsistent ' B. U. M. S. '

  • mike - 12 years ago

    No...not on my team....he is not a team player....his ego gets in the way too much to be helpful to a team....over the long players win more games than the Arods or Barrys do..enough said

  • jc - 12 years ago

    Way past his prime at this stage. Seems content after making out, a trait he has never shown before.
    a 3-4 million a yr player at best in 2013.

  • Kevin - 12 years ago

    he thinks he is better then everybody else he is not worth the money him and all the other greedy sob give baseball a bad name

  • Roy - 12 years ago

    Nope, hell no. The yankees paid for what they wanted, a player that don't know what do in the postseason and all that drama.

  • Beverly Joyce M. - 12 years ago

    Always watch Jeter and Alex!

  • Berle - 12 years ago

    It's too late for Alex to learn the "Cardinal Way" of playing for each of your team members. It's a trait you either already have or you learn if you're fortunate enough to start with the Cardinals organization when you're young.

  • Ryan - 12 years ago

    I'm a die hard Philly fan, I would take him in a heartbeat! Shoot I would take a little league world series player after the horrible season we just had....but like many have already stated, it is A-Rod he will bounce back. Come to Philly bud, we will take you with open arms and boo you if you pull that stuff here!

  • Tony - 12 years ago

    No because he cant hit without steriods.The contract should be voided and drawn up again with more value on performance.He did it to himself and should be traded to whoever wants the distraction.

  • ivan - 12 years ago

    No. Because he never has lived up to become the player to earn a contract such as the one he has. There were many other players that were as good as him when the Yanks gave him the contract. He barely shows up during the postseason when needed. Many other reasons too but he's not worth it.

  • Hope - 12 years ago

    He was with my team the Texas Rangers and all the love and respect he got was not good enough for him. I would not want him, his huge contract, and all the drama back in Texas!

  • Robert O'Malley - 12 years ago

    He's a good player on the downside of his career.
    More importantly, he's a huge distraction. His incredible ego gets in the way of his ability to perform in the clutch and be an integral part of any team. There's a reason the Giants didn't win it all with Barry Bonds.

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