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Do Readers "Expect" Less From eBooks Than Traditional Novels?

Total Votes: 65

  • Joan - 11 years ago

    I expect the same quality, but I've seen some terrible eBooks lately. (Of course the print version of these books wouldn't be better.) So many are jumping on the self-publishing band wagon, and they haven't taken the time to have the book edited, proofread, etc.

  • Tim Ward - 12 years ago

    I agree with Bill, but still expect the same quality in both because of late I haven't seen the type of formatting problems that I did a few years ago when I first started reading ebooks.

    That said, I was reading a paperback today, and a line had an extra space at the beginning. Go figure.

  • Bill Tillman - 12 years ago

    I expect the same quality as print, do not get it as often as in print.

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