Do you agree with Bill 115?


  • some one - 11 years ago

    its horeble peaple are doing this I think it should stop right now

  • John Foster - 12 years ago

    Stand Together
    I believe that all unions should stand alongside the teacher's unions and fight the government wage freeze; especially the collective bargaining issue.
    If all unions (fire, police, EMT etc) don't retaliate against government actions, their union could be next. That's how sneaky and corrupt our government is.
    Our current government wants this pay freeze to help pay for all the mistakes they have made; for instance, the useless wind farms and the cancellation of the gas plants.
    Stand together alongside all of our brothers and sisters; they need our support.

  • Alistair - 12 years ago

    Correction, elementary principals
    --earn more like 115 000 (after 5-10 years as principals)
    -- work well over 2/3 of the year --must work several weeks in July and August, as well as the rest of the school year
    -- are not unionized and NOT covered by bill 115
    -- have not been complaining or in the news about these issues at all, so SOMEBODY here is VERY confused
    -- and no, I'm not a teacher or a principal but I know how to check facts. I recommend others do the same.

  • Wally - 12 years ago

    I suppose every teacher has voted in this poll. What the hell else have they got to do.
    UNDER WORKED and OVERPAID and you want my support. HA
    They don't give 2 shits about students, only what goes in their pockets.
    Let them all go out, there are hundreds of people who would gladly take their jobs, do the extras and in most cases do a better job.
    Sick and tired of you PRIMA DONNAS

  • den - 12 years ago

    Teachers need the money see. Windsor police have released the name of the Grade 4 teacher arrested last week on two counts of cocaine possession.

    Sean Gibson, 38, a teacher at St. Gabriel Catholic school in Windsor, was arrested Oct. 17. He remains in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers, according to the organization’s website. A spokesman with the college wouldn’t comment on the case Monday.

    Gibson, who lives in South Windsor, was released from custody until his next court appearance in November.

    The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board suspended him with pay after he was charged.

    When officers arrested him, Gibson had a small amount of cocaine on him. He wasn’t arrested inside the school, according to police.

    Investigators then obtained a search warrant for his home, which led to the seizure of more cocaine, police said.

  • Jodi - 12 years ago

    I am not a teacher I don't agree with the bill what most of you fail to understand is that the teachers had already agreed to a wage freeze there were other issues they were disputing. The fact that the government refused to allow them to negotiate a contract is not right. They could have forced them to work without a contract and allows them to still negotiate the issues they did not because they want control I don't agree with the government taking away all our rights snd having all control therefore this bill is wrong and any educated person who is not a teacher can see that and should be voting against it.

  • Rick - 12 years ago

    Elementery school principals making $130k a year? (sorry 2/3rds of a year), plus "bankable" sickdays, great pension and benefits? Really? And their complaining? REALLY? Makes me sick. I NEVER agree with the government, but this time I'll make an acception

  • David - 12 years ago

    If education was all private the cost to the tax payer would be $O. The cost would be competitive and so would wages. But as a tax payer we have no control over the education tax we pay other than vote for the party that would control the costs. Sorry teachers your union pushed to far and the Provincial Government pushed back. Maybe if you got rid of your 3 boards of education 1.Public 2. Catholic 3. French, that are funded by tax payers then this situation would not have happened.

  • Steve Dell - 12 years ago

    All this poll tells me is that at the moment, about 550 people support the bill. The votes against are likely all from teachers as I know this poll has been forwarded to a bunch of them through tweets and facebook posts from union members.

    Put another way, this poll shows that likely 100% (or very close to) of teachers that participated in this poll oppose the bill and that removing those votes from this poll would show a vastly different result. Essentially, polls like this are meaningless as they are too easily skewed by block voting.

    I would rather know the public sentiment on this bill.

  • Joanne - 12 years ago

    Careful what you wish for. First the teachers and then you are next. I am not a teacher, nor do I know one.

  • Dana - 12 years ago

    Teachers wages are excellent. Try comparing their wages with that of Registered Nurses and do the comparison with respect to number of hours worked in a year? I am not belittling the teachers. I am saying their job is very important to the public just as a registered nurse is. My point is that teachers should be allowed collective bargaining just as nurses are, but THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO STRIKE JUST AS REGISTERED NURSES ARE NOT. THEY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE. I have to comment that if they are saying "They care about the children" then get back to extracurricular activities, because you are truly hurting the children, not the government! If you are going to talk the talk than walk the walk!

  • Ted - 12 years ago

    Looks like all the teachers are voting, as the results make no sense!

  • Jeff - 12 years ago

    I would love to know if this poll is across the province or Windsor area!

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