I think those that are voting against fines are skeered of them. I think they are very effective. Nobody wants to pay. I think they should hold up students grades til they turn them in too. I don't know what streets Utah is from, but I'd say he's from Easy Street.....
Keanu - 17 years ago
Utah! Give me two!
Fines are not a useful tool in getting library materials back. Just another means of taxing students...
Johnny Utah - 17 years ago
Fines don't scare me! I'm from the streets! You readin' my blog?
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I think those that are voting against fines are skeered of them. I think they are very effective. Nobody wants to pay. I think they should hold up students grades til they turn them in too. I don't know what streets Utah is from, but I'd say he's from Easy Street.....
Utah! Give me two!
Fines are not a useful tool in getting library materials back. Just another means of taxing students...
Fines don't scare me! I'm from the streets! You readin' my blog?