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Who do you trust when it comes to women's issues?

Total Votes: 5,636

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    I did early voting here in West Virginia on Saturday and I voted for Obama/Biden. I am female and I don't believe that the tea party knows my body or it's needs. I had cancer in 2005 and take hormones to keep my body in balance. I don't want some crackpot from Missouri or Indiana telling me what is right for my body, I have my doctor who helps me do that. Smaller government in everything but my doctor's office and my bedroom. Why are these guys so focused on women's sexual organs? They sound like Junior High kids.

  • James J.Holstein,M.D. - 12 years ago

    Regarding women's health as the topic. Let us state some facts.

    1. Life begins at the moment of conception. There is no scientific evidence to the contrary.
    2. As an Illinois senator, our President supported legislation to deprive medical care to a child born alive during an abortion. How many of those children were female?
    3. Democrats define transvaginal ultrasound as the equivalent of rape. In fact,in the early stages of pregnancy, this does represent the standard of care. To degrade this procedure and deprive women of access to it does not enhance women's health.
    4. Planned Parenthood does not and has not provided mammograms. They refer patient's for mammograms. In many imaging facilities, this examination is performed without a physician referral with the radiologist assuming responsibility for follow-up care.
    5. A major component of the Affordable Care Act is government funded contraception, an insult to women of conscience and in most cases not medical care. One could argue that unlimited access to contraception, as supported by those advocating unsupervised distribution in schools leads to promiscuity and increasing incidence of sexually transmitted disease. For those patients requiring hormonal therapy for medical reasons, the medication is easily obtainable and affordable.
    6.The Affordable Care Act will result increasing insurance premiums, decreasing physician reimbursement, decreasing access to care and ultimately rationing of care. With women having a greater life expectancy than men, this will lead to decreased levls of care.

    Despite the outrageous comments of those on MSNBC, no candidate of the Republican party in any way diminishes the trauma of rape,what has been stated is that every life is special and should be protected. Do not demean those who would protect life with such juvenile and self serving ridicule. One must wonder how the taking of an innocent life serves to heal the victim of such an intolerable act. In the real world and not the world of political pandering, a rape victim can be provided with professional, competent, supportive medical care and the likelihood of a pregnancy occurring diminished.

  • Lois - 12 years ago

    Self-Respecting Women!

    Mitt Romney and dysfunctional insecure GOP-TEA PARTY men are looking for followers with no change in Status Quo!! The limitations of following weak leaderships lead to WARS! Weak Women! Greed! Denial of Faith! Blame! Disrespect toward Americans! Cultural Wars! Outsource Jobs! Denial! Deceit! Unbalanced Budgets! Mismanagement America's Surplus! UnAccountable State Budgets! Race-Baiting! Paying Cultural Surrogates! Religious Divide! Chaos/Divisions World Affairs! Former Bishops of Theocrats are not in best interest under a Democracy! Americans respect Progressive Republicans, who are able at overcoming Racist Institutions for Greed! Self-Respecting Voters do not supress cultural voters!! Grow In Faith!

  • Charlotte - 12 years ago

    This President think's he a star we had a President that was a star and was one of our best President ever! Mitt is a business man he well make are country strong again, If msnbc and the other way out news stations love our country this President never would of gotten voted in to office. Also I think I women in the White House make 18% less then men. I see by the your polls not to many people what your station, maybe you should be sweet and not so sour.

  • Alice - 12 years ago

    For those who have decided to vote for Romney based on your belief he will create jobs, you should read his biography as Governor of Massachusetts. Romney has been campaigning on creating jobs in massachusetts. The truth is according to the economists governor Romney had no control over employment because it was influenced by circumstances beyond his control. It was when Romney enacted his health care plan, the same plan we know today as Obama Care, that the employment rate begin to climb. So he actually got lucky when he created jobs. Remember this health care plan is the same one Romney promises to cut if he is elect. It tells you in his biography how Romney campaigned not to raise taxes but the first thing he did once in office was to raise taxes. It's also explains how he raised taxes on the people who could afford it the least. Check this out, the largest number of people, in the history of Massachusettes, migrated out of this state during Romneys term as governor and this is the kind of person you want to give control of the whole country?

  • Lilyvt - 12 years ago

    Romney/Ryan are a disaster for women. The repubs seem to have gone off the deep end as far as their hatred for women and their intentions of dismantling of women's rights.
    And who is that Ron Christie (sp) guy. He's a pretty arrogant, insufferable, annoyingly offensive guy, who spews the usual RW drivel in the usual RW bombastic way, don't let anyone else say anything, speak over and louder than anyone else, you didn't see/hear what you really did see/hear, the RW is right, Obama bad, all Obama's fault....puleeeez. I understand having another point of view is important, but certainly there MUST be someone other than this 'person' to be on the show.

  • Alice - 12 years ago

    I have lived through eleven presidential elections so far. Most americans, such as myself, have come to expect a lie or two from politicians. Few elected officials have ever kept all of their campaign promises. But I've never known one to switched on issues during a campaign and lied about it, the way Romney has. His total disrespect of the american people leads me to wonder if Romney doesn't think this election has already been bought for him. It's not that far fetch if you think about it. Some people are still trying to figure out how George W. Bush got a second term. There are a number of people who aren't the least bit interested in electing the best man for the job. Their not concerned about the welfare of this countrys or the kind of job Obama has actually done. Their more interested in seeing to it that Obama doesn't get a second term. Maybe the real truth is their hoping that by removing Obama after four years that they will prove a black man couldn't do a job that has always been held by white men. Guess what? Too late! President Obama will go down in history, not only as the first black president, but as the president who saved this country from another depression, brought us out of a war, saved our country from bankruptcy and brought our number one enemy to justice, just to name a few of his accomplishments. There has only been a few presidents in our history who stood out as truly remarkable and Obama will be added to the list of that remarkable few, if its 4 yrs. or 8.

  • craig - 12 years ago

    anyone who says or supports anyone who says that rape is what god intended is unfit for any public office

  • charles muscato - 12 years ago

    Disabeled citizens stand behind obamacare!!!

  • Mahogany37 - 12 years ago

    As a woman and a mother I fear for myself and my two daughters. Rape is a horrible thing and no one should ever be forced to remember that time in their lives. To be raped you feel that it is your fault,that you are a bad person and you are ashamed. A woman wants to move forward and try to forget that horrible day. It has been over 20 years since I was raped and I still cry every day. I can remember every second of that day and a pregnancy did not result from my horrible experience. To think that I would be forced to keep an embryo that resulted from that rape, I'm sure that I would take my own life. The people who are trying to make and pass these laws are men which can't get pregnant. If those men were raped I'm sure their outlook would change tremendously. Men use to govern women back in the 1800's and Romney and Mourdock want us to go back to that time. If they are able to take away women choices in this aspect, next they will take away women rights to work so that they can stay at home and care for all the thousands of children that will be born as a result of rape. The United States is all about Freedom. Women will no longer be free.

  • jo - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is one lying not even a man a mouse, he can look you in the EYE and say something different at the same time he is talking. Just have never seen such and act like Mitt, just want to be president no matter how he lies, very very disrepectful to President Obama along with his son tagg.

  • sara - 12 years ago

    I am definatly voting obama single mom of 2. Go obama stand behind us women!!!

  • sara - 12 years ago

    I am definatly voting obama single mom of 2. Go obama stand behind us women!!!

  • Robski - 12 years ago

    Im a black man so your telling me if i was to rape mitt romneys wife and get her pregnant you would make her have my black baby and i would not go to jail and still have the baby

  • Bobby Cadle - 12 years ago

    The American people can not trust someone like Mr. Mitt Romney who flip flops over and over on critical issues. This election can make or brake the future for many families that lives on a budget. It is best that we continue to move "FORWARD" with President Obama for a better way of life for all Americans.

  • Gwen williams - 12 years ago

    Mitt is a liar and cant be trusted I have daughters and I dont want government telling them what they what to do with their body.

  • PaulJ - 12 years ago

    It appears the republican party has literally lost their minds. They lie about everything they can and manipulate everything. I am an independant but lost my job from a NJ republican governor not based on my performance but based on my political views. Even after being promised that since I worked with their party in training my replacement 3 times, I would keep my unclassified postion. My postion now is I doubt I would ever vote republican no matter who was running....and because of the republican party I have been unemployed for 2 years...and it is nothing that Pres Obama did...but what a republican did....

  • Don'ttrustObama - 12 years ago

    Just read an article about a link between women who have abortions and breast cancer. There is scientific evidence. I wonder why we aren't informing women? I do not trust Obama and any word that comes out of his mouth! When you only listen to news stations that are in love with this guy, you believe he is so great. He's not! Get informed people!

  • PatOlove - 12 years ago

    We women are ready to vote for Obama..I dont need Remney men telling me what to do with my life and body..Women think fast our right are getting taking away by Republican..can you see....

  • johnnymac - 12 years ago

    You have no concept at all about Bain and Venture Capitalism. Most of the companies Bain dealt with were already on the path to going Pork. There were tons of companies that are successful today because of professional help given by Bain. Romney, like a multitude of others, perhaps your pension plan, also invest in venture capital firms like Bain and make profits when they turn around and ultimately sell companies they invest in. Romney has not been running Bain for over 12 years. He loves this country as much as you and never bought companies to ship the jobs to China.

  • james wood - 12 years ago

    What is wrong with Wolf Blitzer of CNN..Is he a news media or campaining for Romney..Wolf President Obama deserve your respect...You are indirectly campaining for Romney everytime you speak..I am an inependence voter..

  • Winston Smith - 12 years ago

    go figure that msnbc has another poll 99% in favor
    funny that totalism ideologies posts similar results

    Holy cow to the Ed show, great math - I'm going to buy businesses, lay off the workers, and let them go bankrupt just like Mitt Obamney did and by that formula I'll make tens of millions.

    Keep drinking the Fla-vor-ade people

  • Ascanius Walters - 12 years ago

    The fact that much Republican political effort effectively removes privacy and abortion rights makes it an issue for both genders. Who supports this push to remove Individual Liberty and give power to government it does not have? Theocrats, might as well just say the word. Worse, the kind of theocrats who think they are 'closer to God' than you are!

  • Jeanne - 12 years ago

    The bosses of these companies that are trying to make their workers vote for Romney or else. I was wondering if every employee voted for Obama, will the bosses fire everyone? They need to stand up to them. They just don't want to pay their fair of taxes, period! They are all cowards! OBAMA 2012!!!!

  • Jeanne Dumas - 12 years ago

    The bosses of these companies that are trying to make their workers vote for Romney or else. I was wondering if every employee voted for Obama, will the bosses fire everyone? They need to stand up to them. They just don't want to pay their fair of taxes, period! They are all cowards! OBAMA 2012!!!!

  • DEMinGA - 12 years ago

    Women's reproductive rights IS an economic issue. How do republicans think we pay for the cost of raising a child born as a result of a rape? Millions of women need planned parenthood for mammograms. It's totally an ecomomic issue.

  • James Collier - 12 years ago

    These extremist have really lost their minds. I will go as far as Rebublic women that support this well I have a question? "Are they women or do they have the same organs that other women do? Thge reason why these extremist believe that abortion should be banned, well maybe they are away from the public eye for a period of time, Go to some remote place and have the abortion process done and maybe in 3 years come back. Two, they probably, in my opinion, also can afford it as well.

  • Walt Cherry - 12 years ago

    Having Ron Christie as a guest always disappoints me. He frequently gets loud, talks over another guest or the host, and steals all the time.

  • Thomas Gallagher - 12 years ago

    Why is Ron Christie allowed on TV? This guy is a D'Bag of the large magnitude - Mr. Righty spin dr. is calling a VERY serious issue "small ball" How do these NeoCons think they can twist everything negative leaning at them and lie and believe it's not so. This "party" CAN NOT be allowed to win seats on any level - Especially the White House!

  • johnnymac - 12 years ago

    MSNBC and Obama must think people are stupid. Under his watchful eye, we have seen millions of taxpayer money lost on campaign Contributor projects such as Solyndra. He lied about the attack in Bengazi and tried to have Hillary take the blame. Obama is attempting to create class warfare by blaming everyone but himself for the rotten economy. Where was his budget over the past 4 years?? When he presented one, his own party didn't even vote for it. He now has a little booklet which states his plan for creating jobs..Hey, where was this plan 4 years ago? Under your watchful eye we have 23 million unemployed today. He is an empty suit and uses fear and lies, just like Clinton, to get re elected.

  • SJG - 12 years ago

    Pres. Obama will protect women's rights. With nuts like Aiken & Murdock who represent the Repubs do we trust Romney, of course NOT! What about the Sensata workers they're losing their jobs while Romney will make money, VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN 2012!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - I saw few women clapping hands and carried sign says"Women for Romney"! Sisters you lost your mind! Shame on you! there are many men who support your rights begin to wonder where are you come from, and they felt very sorry for you!

  • TRACY MCNAIR - 12 years ago


  • dev - 12 years ago

    I am with Tina Fey on this subject. I AM GOING TO LOOSE MY MIND WITH THESE

  • CHARLY - 12 years ago

    its amazing how there trying to bambozile every one

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Republican politicians violate WOMAN'S RIGHTS!

    - For those voters who believe that MALE POLITICIANS can take away WOMAN'S health decisions; they are not only cruel to their daughters, but they also disrespect to their mothers! These politicians do not deserve to be elected officials! They are "poiliti-chien"!

    - I like to hear some journalist ask both Romney & Ryan ask the same question they asked Governor Dukakis.

  • Stephanie Jan Aguillard - 12 years ago

    I feel like we're living in another century, one inwhich I would of been a slave, property, and probably raped by my master, ...Romney is from that class of people who would of had slaves, I'm sure...!

  • Shannon Ward - 12 years ago

    As important as this is I don't think we should forget that this is the same guy who thinks compromise means agreeing with him. What a horrible candidate.

  • TRACY MCNAIR - 12 years ago


  • Mike in Florida - 12 years ago

    Ladies please don't let them put America back 100 years. VOTE, please. Obama/Biden and democrats for the house and senate, for your own sake. You hear what the male republicans want to do to your rights! Don't let them hurt you.

  • Wayne Doering - 12 years ago

    Dear Ed,

    I'm a native Hoosier from Wakarusa, IN and I'm ashamed that Indiana has a complete IDIOT like Richard Mourdock letting his mouth overload his ass.
    As a Native of the State, I'm beginning to really wonder just where the State is heading!!!!!!!

  • elaine stenzel - 12 years ago

    are you kidding me,you have to be a morphadite to vote for mittens..This guy is clueless

  • Dmax - 12 years ago

    Seems like some of the fox peeps are watching MSNBC cause they seen a little upset~!!!!

  • Virginia - 12 years ago

    Medicare is not just a senior issue, it is a women-of-all-ages issue. Try sending your kid to college while caring for an ailing elderly parent without Medicare. Vouchers will not cut it.

  • Deborah Bumgardner - 12 years ago

    It really isn't about rape or abortion; although these issues are important and in your face. It's about control. Control our bodies,control our minds and when all these children get born control the masses. As always the rich will always be able to get the healthcare and abortions if they want them. Just as an aside I have heard a lot lately about men having to stand up and fight for women, this is wrong, they must stand up and fight WITH women. The whole personhood thing is ridiculous , we all must start worrying about and caring for the persons who are already here with healthcare, education, housing, food.............

  • Robert A. Moore - 12 years ago

    Willard is a empty suit! he's multiple choice, goes which ever the wind blows and he's getting away with it. The News Media is lettting him get away with it. Grover Norquist say all they need him for is just to sign documents. Everyone watch the polls, the Republicans will try anything.

  • joe - 12 years ago

    I dont know how half of you all can spit the same rhetoric over and over about flip flip politics. Ok, yes I support Romney but but Obama has an equally if not longer list of issues he changed his stance on. Sadly politicians are not in it for us but for themselves.
    Obama has kept few if any of his promises, and protected and increased the bankrolls and savings of his cronies, not to mention the continual lies to the public about a multitude of issues. Yes I want change but not with the current occupant residing in the White House. No Romney was not my first choice, but I am not in any way better off after 4 years of the current administration. Obama had the power to do what ever he wanted for the first two years and any policies put in place during that period has only made life exponentially worse.

  • Droopy - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney is making fools out of all of America. His money is overseas not here helping our banking system. He is not an American.......Women stand to gether and defeat this hater of women's rights. Maybe he should be raped and then let him say it was his own fault!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    Democrats across the nation are acutely aware of the strength, intelligence, and capability of American women. In light of recent statements made by out-of-touch Republican candidates, we're simply voicing our opinions on this latest hoy-button topic...just as we have on ALL the Republican missteps in this political season. Respect and support ALL American citizens - vote the straight Democratic ticket when you go to the polls!

  • Daniel Allen - 12 years ago

    I don't trust Romney on any issue!!

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    I am 100% sure that Mitt Romney is absolutely clueless when it comes to women's issues. Under Romney, women won't have a choice about decisions regarding their bodies. I'm voting for Obama because I know where he stands on women's rights and other issues that will affect me!

  • Cira Torruella - 12 years ago

    I'm an independent. I watch MSNBC because they Fact Check constantly and the way today's GOP blatantly lies I would spend the whole day fact checking, if I had the resources to do so! As a 77 year old woman who has voted issues all my life I would not give a Republican my vote this cycle IF MY LIFE DEPENDED ON IT!!!!!

  • Jon Ludwig - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney seems to have deeply painted himself into a corner - to the extent that he can't even hear reporters questions. Rumor has it the paint won't be dry until Nov. 6th.

  • Barb Plate - 12 years ago

    I doubt Romney knows what a woman's issue is. Maybe he should have Ann tell him.

  • Susie Howard - 12 years ago

    The comments of Mourdock, Atkins, Ryan, etc. make Romney continuing the pattern established during the Spanish Inquisition.

  • WILL - 12 years ago


  • LaVina - 12 years ago

    I put my trust in President Obama 100 percent in woman's issues. The President put the issue in plain English "rape is rape." The issue make sense, PERIOD. When Willard talks about woman's issues, he can't support the issue because he don't believe it. Willard has shown his dark side about women. Willard has become cold, heartless, sexist and a idiot in not explain his stand for women where he put women's issue on the border line where it will break completely where eliminating Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood, and any links relate to women is gone forever.

    President Obama has discuss women's issues in his speeches. He not afraid to speak about it, and it's not about votes. I want a president to be honest and to the point, not running away from the issue. And most of all, not being wish washy. President Obama got my vote

    Obama/Biden 2012

  • Droopy King - 12 years ago

    To the comment these polls are usless only Democrats look at msnbc,well you must be watching for some reason, The Truth Maybe!!!!! We all know Fox news doesn't have the truth in them and their ARAB owned station.....GO ABAMA!!!!!!!!!

  • Mary Luna - 12 years ago

    I'm voting for President Obama because a vote for Obama is a vote for all women!

  • Moune Stieglitz - 12 years ago

    Does Richard Mourdock has a wife? a daughter? Should they be raped and are impregnated by the rapist will he still thank God for the result? (child or grandchild?)

  • RICHTEAS - 12 years ago

    Those who believe in God MUST also believe in the exsistance of Satan.
    So in the case of Rape, a Violent Criminal Act, why could it Not Be Satan
    who is Creating The Life? Devil Spawn, perhaps the Anti-Christ itself.
    So why aren't Republicans suggesting instead, that all rape pregnancies
    must be terminated to prevent a future Murderer, Mass Shooter, The Anti-Christ?
    If they're going to have Off The Wall ideas and legislation, why not side on
    keeping the world a safer place?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    Started in 2010, none can trust Republican politicians, here is a comment from a republican voters "I did not know he would do that when he was elected". Of course we all know since 2010 elected republican official pull out many surprises, not only to non-republican voters, but it also to republican voters! I don't trust Romney and Ryan. I believe what General Powell and other experiences high rank military Republicans concerns ...

  • LeiLanni Lewis - 12 years ago

    If Mr. Murdoch is so religious he should know, it is Satan that causes the evil in this world, not GOD. If a women is raped, it is evil and not something God want. How stupid can a person be.

  • Sharon Jackson - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney doesn't even trust Mitt Romney...that's why he doesn't answer questions that haven't gone thru the RNC first. He's afraid he'll say the wrong thing, as usual. He says what he means, then they tell him, "you should have said this", and he goes on to the next city and retracts what he said somewhere else. HE'S CLUELESS, about the whole presidential thing..

  • DonnaJoy - 12 years ago

    There is no doubt in my mind that Mitt if elected would repeal: Roe vs. Wade, ACA and is not positive on Equal Pay for Equal Work. He and his extreme conservatives might even repeal voting rights for women and majorities. So we must stop them and re-elect President Obama and Democratic Senators and Representatives

  • Paul Anderson - 12 years ago

    The real war on women is how the democrats think women are so dumb and they aren't capable of thinking for themselves. This is just a distraction to get Benghazi and obama's failure out if the news.

  • sahara - 12 years ago

    does mitt romney understand women. atleast i can trust pres. 4 he has daughters and i guess only dems know the real meanin of rape.

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    Romney and the GOP are out of touch with this modern era, his policies are against women

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    In all truth, both candidates being men, I trust Hilliary Clinton.

  • dimple i burge - 12 years ago

    why are some of the texas 's planned partent hood closing nov.1,2012? funding cuts? HAVE THE REPUBLICANS stoped funding because of the abortations,they perform?

  • Marylou - 12 years ago

    Paco is correct re: ONLY Dems subscribe to msnbc.

    I just saw a piece on Chris Matthews Hardball re: Ryan's opinion on rape/abortion ~ he said verbatim "the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life" what the eff is wrong with these people?????????????????????

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    I just voted twice and they both counted. This poll is not accurate.

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    I just voted twice and they both counted. This poll is not accurate.

  • Donna - 12 years ago

    Romney, Ryan & the radical right frightened me as a woman as it should all women. I don't understand how these "men" think they have a right to impose their beliefs on the entire nation! I thought our nation was built on the premise of separation of church and state!

  • Paco - 12 years ago

    The results of this poll are meaningless. Only democrats look at msnbc.

  • Thack - 12 years ago

    Mitt Romney and the republican party would roll womens' rights back 75 yrs. Women wake up and vote democrat this election.

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