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Amendment 64 asks if you should be able to buy pot just like alcohol. Are you for, against or undecided about the proposal?

Total Votes: 3,789

  • Lisa Ann - 12 years ago

    I know that people high on pot are usually laughing and eating. No problem. But I don't feel good about them getting behind the wheel of a car. Yes, alcohol is just as dangerous for a driver, and it is legal. But that horse is already out of the barn. Build some more public transportation in Colorado and we won't have to worry about getting hit by the car of a stoner. Sorry, I'm in Colorado, and I just don't see this as being safe for pedestrians or drivers. I wouldn't want my kids to be stoners either, or alcoholics, or cigarette smokers. Some things are okay in moderation, but how many druggies can moderate themselves? I see the other side of the question, people who smoke a little pot are not usually hardened criminals. The bottom line is "Your rights stop at my nose!" Why should I be put at risk because somebody had a good time, and still wants to drive? Like I said, alcohol abuse is just as bad.

  • Angel - 12 years ago

    I have hundreds of family, friends and aquaintances who have died as a direct result of drinking alcohol. I don't know anyone who has died as a direct result of smoking marijuana.
    People of all ages are going to do it whether it's illegal or not.
    Also thousands if not millions of people are dying from obesity. Should we make over-eating illegal?
    I think people need to be informed about the the "true" effects of consuming anything that may be hazardous to your health.
    If children are drinking, and smoking, and eating junk food, it's the fault of parents and educators not teaching them to make the right choices.

  • Vincent - 12 years ago

    If you have ever been to the Netherlands you would know that this is a good idea, they barely have any crime, almost no one drives cars, they're economy is good and not many people are that lazy. If it was legalized then it would bring in so much tourism to colorado from around the world and they would make alot of money, plus you could grow up to 6 in your house.

  • Cutter down - 12 years ago

    To vote "no" we stay status Quo!
    To vote "yes" we clean up this mess!
    It simple!

  • Ben Alonso - 12 years ago

    As an adult, it is already harder for me to buy alcohol than marijuana because I look young. Liquor stores close at midnight where I live, and if I forget my ID, forget getting beer!!! A guy that sells marijuana illegally has never carded me and they dont have time limits - some ppl will sell you pot at 3am. Something that is illegal does not have any regulations at all. If you don't want ppl abusing marijuana and criminals from profiting from the sale of a plant that grows virtually everywhere, you should vote 'yes' on this measure.

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    In these trying times where our schools are suffering (27J in Brighton gets $48 per student while Boulder gets $1600) this is a no brainer for me. Absolutely YES. An increase of $40M annually straight to public schools. Who wouldn't vote for that? And where is the mention of this in all the coverage 64 is getting??

  • Vector Nectar - 12 years ago

    Controlling access, age and quality,
    instead of financing Mafia monpoly:

  • Charles Burrows - 12 years ago

    What the hell.....this country's gone to hell anyway. There aren't many people that have any morels left anyway. Drugs, immoral, lying, thieving politicians, murderers, gangs, rapists, sex offenders, judges that hand out slaps on the wrist. The list goes on and on. Can you really name anyone, anymore, that's a decent role model? Let's get an amendment passed too, that will rename Colorado, Sodom, while were at it.
    To be really fair, marijuana should be sold for $1000.00 an ounce and taxed at 95% of it's sale value, then we can really put some money toward our schools.
    Since Federal laws on drugs over-ride State laws on drugs, the Federal cops should start busting people for sale and possession and instead of sending them to the already overcrowded prisons, fine the hell out of them and apply the fine money to our National debt reduction. That way the potheads could continue smuggling, growing, selling and using marijuana and the Government could continue collecting fine money. Great ideas, right!

  • Josh Lowe - 12 years ago

    it is legal for medicinal usage. plus you hear more problems about people being drunk than high anyway. i am not a pot smoker by any means but i do know that I hear a lot more stories about problems involving alcohol than I ever do about pot. you never hear about people being high and driving. most of the time, pot makes you too lazy to do anything anyway which means getting behind the wheel. i dont condone laziness but i think it is a lot safer than alcohol. and why is alcohol legal anyway? there are soooo many protocols that bars and police have to follow when people are drunk or too drunk. alcohol has killed more people than pot. and finally, people can drink themselves to death. people will peacefully fall asleep before they smoke enough pot to kill themselves and it is very unlikely a fire could occur. so that is some stuff to think about.

  • Ron Paul - 12 years ago

    The drug war is an utter failure. "Oh the kids" they say. People don't you all remember being under 18? Kids get drugs from other kids AT SCHOOL -- not from law abiding retail stores. Just as how kids don't buy alcohol from the liquor store. It's no different.

    It's time to end this charade and regulate the sale of marijuana to those who are over the age of 21 as opposed to this prohibition non-sense which serves neither our citizens or our State.

    And to Marcy, who wonders what type of message legalization sends to children -- maybe she should think about what type of message is sent by preaching to children about how marijuana will destroy your life, only to later learn in life that those stories are simply not true. What type of message will it send to children when they find out that their parents lied to them about the TRUE dangers of marijuana?

    I remember those speeches. I remember the Just Say No classes. I remember the school assemblies where the police would come with their dogs and setup 'fake' demonstrations of the police dogs confiscating marijuana from teachers. I remember all of the stories that told me that marijuana would destroy my life and cause me to fall into a life of crime.

    At one time, I was a child who was told those stories. And now as a grown up individual, with my own thoughts and opinions, would you like to know the kind of message that their speeches left on me?

    I think they are all gullible and brain-washed individuals who have absolutely no ability to conduct research and form rational opinions on subjects which clearly demonstrate a bias to the status quo and which subsequently question the authority under which such baseless laws are created.

    I pity these people and am absolutely disgusted with the 'teachers' who have no ability other than to indoctrinate the heads of impressionable children with false government propaganda.

    Want to know my thoughts on the 'message' that adults tried to send regarding the perils of drug legalization? I think it's pathetic that these individual try to brain-wash and teach us lessons from groups and individuals who have been given permission to lie in the name of drug legalization:

    ONDCP and therefore any subsequent report, study, opinion, thesis or any written text based on any principle enshrouded by the ONDCP and therefore our Federal Government could possibly be a well-fabricated lie. Do you support organizations who are paid (with your tax dollars) to lie to you, Marcy? That is what they do. They lie in the name of drug prohibition.

    But this is a far larger farce than just the ONDCP and their lies. Drug reform is part of a mandate that the U.S. signed with the U.N. which stipulates that the United States government fight all forms of drug legalization. Drug prohibition has been a ruse to help usher in a global agenda by the United Nations in which our rights and freedoms are systematically destroyed.

    But don't take my word for it. Just go read about the "Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs" and you can get the full story for yourself.

    So, you wonder about the message being sent to children. Well lets see.. from a (once upon a time) child to a full grown adult... I think those propaganda messages is a bunch of baloney coming from the mouths of people who are too feeble minded to understand... well... anything other than what is spewed on 30 second news sections and sound bites and it's down-right pathetic that people like that call themselves 'American' and absolutely disgusting that these people go and vote on issues that affect a far larger audience than their single family home without ever placing one iota of energy in researching the truth.

    So what is the message that was sent with the government propaganda that Nancy Reagan spewed into my ear for all those years?


    Do you want your kids to have that opinion of you Marcy?

  • Nick - 12 years ago

    Marcy I think you need to loom into the statistics. Alcohol is much more dangerous than marijuana that is proven. But yet alcohol is legal and your children will still drink it. This will only be legal for 21 + adults not to mention the first 40 million in revenue will go to public education. The boom in, jobs. Less we need to pay to put a simple person that got caught with a minor amount of pot in prison and thus creating room for real criminals not addicts. Addiction is a disease so why to we imprison our sick. It doesnt make sense to keep it illegal. Alcohol created millions of jobs and got us out of the depression. Let that sink in for a bit

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    It's a weed for heavens sake!!!! The money that is spent on fighting a weed could be spent in such a more useful manner. Not to mention all the tax money to be made and jobs to be filled.

  • Marcy - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not!! Kids are thinking this is completely OK, to be under the influence and this is medical marijuana. They made that strong for people who are ill, not to be used by our kids who are still developing mentally. This is just legalized drug dealing really.

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    Should be able to do that nationwide!!!!!!!

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