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Is Emblem 3 the new One Direction?


  • Diego - 11 years ago

    Emblem3 will never be the next One Direction. For me, Emblem3 has their own unique definition. This is just my opinion. Both bands are excellent. But, for me, both bands are very different from one another. One Direction is defined as a "Boy Band". Emblem3 is pledged as a talented "Band". There is a difference.

  • Diego - 11 years ago

    Emblem3 will never be the next 1D because Emblem3 has their own definition. Emblem3 isn't a "Boy Band", they're a talented "Band".

  • Sarah - 11 years ago

    No way!!! Emblem3 play all there own instruments!!! They can all sing!!!! If simon cowell plays his cards right they could be ten times bigger!!! 1d is pop 'boy band'and really only appeal to young girls!! But emblem3 have a more natural earthy real music vibe!! Which appeals to older generations!!! and theyre looks appeal to younger generations!! Theyre not mainstream and have no need to be mechanically changed and tried to make the usual popstar!!!! They are amazing and should not be categorises and labeled or compared to any boyband what so ever because they are way too good and unique!! Theyre not the usual type of music that comes from syco and that should make them very appealing!! They want to be an inspiration they dont want to be stars!! They want to help and inspire all generations to be the best person they can be by using theyre music!!! I dont see 1d doing anything that benefits anyone!! I cant wait for the e3 album to come out!!! #TeamInspire !!!!!

  • $@mantha - 11 years ago

    Really!No No No E3 is awesome I wanted them to win but 1D is B-E-T-T-E-R!!!! Not because their looks the way they sing. E3 sings good but not as good as 1D Sorry E3 but you won't get as famous a one direction. Special message from all directioners!!!!!!

  • Kate - 11 years ago

    No way. E3 has natural, original talent while One Direction is a manufactured boyband. E3 actually plays their instruments WHILE singing and 1d has to hire people to do it while they sing. One direction can't write songs for anything. E3 only sang forever young because that's what people voted for for them to sing. ALL Emblem3 are good singers and if you don't want to admit it, you're most likely a guy who wants to act cool for his friends or a directioner who is mad because they ARE in fact better than one direction. 1d are cute. To some but not to me. That's why they like them. E3 is probably gonna have less fans because their fans aren't between the ages of 4-16. More like a 12+ the least.

  • Awesome Potatoe - 11 years ago

    E3 sounds like shit. I was beyond happy when they got voted off. Then they'd tried singing Forever Young by 1D it was sad how bad it was. 1D is too beast for them, they'd never beat 1D's fame. Even The Wanted have been out longer than 1D, but 1D is more famous. So absolutely not, E3 just doesn't even compare to 1D.

  • Allyson Vozar - 11 years ago

    I love both bands. E3 will not be more famous than One Direction soon. It's gonna take a while for E3 to catch up to One Direction's fame. E3 keep getting 4th place unless they get bumped up they arent gonna make. The judges are knocking out 2 acts each week. So unless E3 gets bumped they are not gonna make it. But let's hope that Simon signs them to his record deal tho. I love Emblem3 and One Direction. But I love One Direction better. Emblem3 isnt like One Direction because they have a different style! But I love both bands!

  • Bria - 12 years ago

    Nope! Bec emblem3 will be more famous than them... Soon!

  • lynn - 12 years ago

    No because emblem 3 is original. They might be like the Beatles.

  • Anita Aguilar - 12 years ago

    NO!!!! I may like Emblem 3, but I LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE One Direction!!!!

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