fuck the both of them. the robots will win dickhead. you guys dont know how you've fucked the world over during the last 50 years. go on a holiday around the world and feel the negativity towards your political dictatorship..
Steve J - 12 years ago
Country is doomed to be perish under Obama
Rich - 12 years ago
Rom got his a kicked early. Repubs gotta stop going wth flakey leaders; stop warmongering, amazing he was talking about increasing the military machine before he had a chance to get in; and have more respect for women and the middle class. Was lights out for him from the moment his 47% comment was discovered? Repubs created the mess starting with 2 needless wars and rampant greed.
David D - 12 years ago
I love Romney Great for small business
David P. Brown - 12 years ago
2005 interview with conservative Thomas Sowell on "The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative". "Thomas Sowell discusses characteristics that define liberals and conservatives, and his own personal transition from Marxism to libertarianism."
David P. Brown - 12 years ago
In the You Tube video at the address to follow doesn't Reagan sound like JFK on tax cuts, etc. in the previously posted You Tube video? But neither Reagan or JFK sounds like Obama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=SJkMOjqwxFI&NR=1
David P. Brown - 12 years ago
"Democrats have raised questions about the wisdom of sticking with the "economic policies of the past." And it's true - tax cuts are an economic policy from the past, but not in the way you might think. It turns out there's actually a debate between Democratic presidents about just what these tax cuts mean for the economy...and in less than two minutes, this video highlights that debate."
Please view the following from this You Tube address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMvZinMb6E
Tom - 12 years ago
Tom. Blaiming Bush for obama disaster ? Thats all u got lol?
Proudly voted for Romney !
Canadian Trader - 12 years ago
As a Canadian I won't be voting, but because I make my living trading the markets I will watch this election closely. I think if Romney wins it will send the markets up,..Obama they will be flat to down. Romney knows how to make money and run a company,..he has been successful in business, This was Obama's first job.
Tom - 12 years ago
If you'll recall, the "mess" was created by Bush. We were falling into a deep depression when Obama took office. He has certainly turned things around. The question is, could the Republicans have done it faster? Nobody adresses that.
David P. Brown - 12 years ago
Please listen to the then Prime Minister Thatcher at the You Tube address below and remember Obama and his ilk.
David P. Brown - 12 years ago
Margret Thatcher well said, "Socialism works well until the other person's money runs out." "Big government" is all about getting as much absolute control over every aspect of the people's lives as possible in order to "redistribute the wealth" to the willing slaves to such would-be dictators as the Federal "Marse" Obama in the big plantation White House in Washington, DC. As one of my history professors of many years ago well pointed out, "The best form of social security is the slave owner who is a benevolent master--the slave has no worries for food, clothing, housing, work, medicine, security, but neither does the slave have the freedom to choose his own direction in life. So if one desires for the rich to get poorer, the poorer to get poorer, and for personal initiative to cease just keep running after the "pied pipers" of socialism, such as Obama, and see where it gets all of us.
Stan - 12 years ago
Obama's hope was a lie. Romney 2012 !!!!!!!!
Sandy C - 12 years ago
Voted for Obama 4 years ago Stupid me. Broken promises and no "Hope". Now my vote is for Romney. Florida is with You, Mitt. Stayed in line to vote. VAST majority for Romney.
James Grier - 12 years ago
Colorado is with Romney ! Go Mitt !!!
No more years for loser obama
Stella - 12 years ago
Romney !!! Ohaio is with you. All my family just voted for Romney. No more obama.
Mitt - 12 years ago
Obama who almost destroyed the US economy gotta go. Time for Mitt Romney to clean the mess after this idiot. 5 recent vote counts show Romney winning and Obama loses BADLY !!!
Go vote for Romney, folks !
Dan - 12 years ago
It may be true that neither man is truly qualified to be President but for me the tipping point is that this President will put "boots on the ground in this country" in terms of infrastructure, education and law enforcement and Mr. Romney is is still unclear on where he stands in terms of specifics.
In the last two elections I voted for my wise 81 year-old brother as a write-in...and that expresses my disgust for all the "malarkey" in the most recent past!
Pennytrader - 12 years ago
Cosmicac seems u do not have standards for a civilized talk respect others to be respected have u ever thought people from Saudi Arabia might actually read this as me for example when it comes to politics it is way beyond what u see so anyways respect others to be respected and they are not skiekh they are our beloved king and princess and the royal family so beware
Tom D - 12 years ago
It's interesting to say Clinton's good economy was based on Regan's policies. So I assume any success Romney has would be based on Obama's policies.
Any party that got us in 2 expensive (and unnecessary) wars and paid for it with huge tax cuts is not to be trusted.
If we had stayed with the Regan tax rates and Clinton policies,we would have been ok.
Ian - 12 years ago
Romney to win
Macario rodrigues - 12 years ago
No coments
jeff - 12 years ago
Clinton succeeded because of the winning economic policies of Reagan and Bush 1 before him. He chased tail, lies to us, AMD partied his way through the White House just as Obummer has.
cosmicac - 12 years ago
Another reason Clinton did well was because the Saudis and others in OPEC reduced the price of oil as a reward to the US for the first Gulf war (Bush 1). During Clinton's admin the price of oil was as low as $12/Barrel.... reducing a cost that acts as a tax on the US economy....
The price then increased when the saudis told the US to bomb the Serbians to save the KLA.
Coal and Nukes for generation, and Natural Gas for transportation, are key to the US having a sound Foreign policy not dependent on the whims of a Saudi Freak, did I say "Freak" I meant Sheik I guess....
Peter Shepherd - 12 years ago
How soon people forget. The reason we prospered under Clinton were 1 The Reagan-era reforms, 2 The Republican revolution and speaker Newt Gingrich, who pulled Clinton, kicking and screaming from the far left to the center. Because of Newt's Republican leadership, the budget was balanced, welfare was reformed, and they left a surplus to their successors.
when Newt left the house, we were on track to have the deficit paid off by 2012. Since he left, sadly, both republicans and democrats screwed things up.
I would never vote for Obama but I do believe he will win by quite a large margin even though it would appear that both candidates are tie. He is too smooth a talker and American's seem to go for that, instead of reality.
Peter - 12 years ago
Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, and if he could not fix the mess in 3 years, it would be a one term proposition. Mitt was not my first choice, but, unlike Obama, he has actual successful executive level experience, and knows how to take a struggling enterprise, and turn it around, whether business, government, or non-profit. Heis the right man for the job.
Lane - 12 years ago
How soon people forget. The Republicans created a historic mess over 8 years under Bush.
The American Dream some have mentioned here was thriving when Clinton and the Dems. were in power; in came the Republicans and the result was an illegal war in Iraq for the never found WMD and the needless loss of over 4000 American lives and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives for what? Greed became rampant under the control of the Republicans resulting in the worst recession in decades.
Since Obama has not been able to clean up the Republican mess fast enough for all the whining republicans on here so you are ready to go back for a third dose of the same medicine that B handed you.
You are seriously fooled if you think R is for the middle call. Behind closed doors with his rich cronies he basically dismissed 47% of the population yet still there are no shortages of fools to vote for him. If he gets in he will make it easy for his fat wallet pals who will not give a darn for the middle class and only make their wallets fatter.
If this all comes around your Rep. heads will be spinning once again like how B left it 4 years ago and you will still be blaming it all on Obama. Wake up people.
Edward - 12 years ago
Gary Johnson is the only viable alternative left to Romnbama
G - 12 years ago
I am against both welfare's, corporate and/or immigrant... we need to stop and close all tax write offs and loop holes....let's get back to the constitution and bill of right for the people... ps I vote third party since the 80's... Both major parties infringe my rights...
jeff - 12 years ago
Obama is a communist socialist member of the secret radicals group formed by Saul Alinsky. He has strong ties with anarchists and gangsters. He was schooled as a youngster by Frank Marshal Davis who may be his real father. He went to Reverand Wright's anti American rhetoric church for 20 years. Any half intelligent American should realize that he hates America and is trying to ruin us. He wants us on equal par globally with third world countries. Google "Rules of the Revolution" by Horowitz and open your eyes people. Obama is the biggest phoney idiots voted into office. We completely fell for the race card. I get it. Don't make that mistake again good people of the greatest nation on earth!
jeff - 12 years ago
Obama is a communist socialist member of the secret radicals group formed by Saul Alinsky. He has strong ties with anarchists and gangsters. He was schooled as a youngster by Frank Marshal Davis who may be his real father. He went to Reverand Wright's anti American rhetoric church for 20 years. Any half intelligent American should realize that he hates America and is trying to ruin us. He wants us on equal par globally with third world countries. Google "Rules of the Revolution" by Horowitz and open your eyes people. Obama is the biggest phoney idiots voted into office. We completely fell for the race card. I get it. Don't make that mistake again good people of the greatest nation on earth!
Alec - 12 years ago
Love the results our pool . Fuck Obama. Idiots goes down tomorrow as a loser and one-timer Bye Barak Hussein, get lost. Even your voice makes me sick now.
Romney 2012
mia - 12 years ago
Big Stash - Fuck Obama i agree
No more of this loser whose hands are covered in blood of the American Ambassador who begged for help
bobby g - 12 years ago
you will vote in romney and spend the next 4 years regretting it beyond belief. wake the f up.
Aylan - 12 years ago
I am in prayer for our collective soul not to elect Romney.
khujo - 12 years ago
If you are in the middle class you are a fool if you believe Romney gives a damn about you. Obama ain't perfect by far, but he's a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Romney wants to raise taxes on everyone but the ones that can afford it. I'm far from being a millionaire, but if I have to pay my fair share of taxes, they should too.
CPIII - 12 years ago
I don't understand why folks are so "F Obama" when he played such a great republican president...
Jerry - 12 years ago
Obama just wants to be a rock star but he will go down in history as the worst excuse for a president. If you are a lazy ass and want hand outs Obama is your man,but if you want the American Dream Romney is the only choice.
Big Stash - 12 years ago
Just in agreement with AL and Ryan FUCK OBAMA!
Greg - 12 years ago
Can I vote for Romney 5 times Luke that democrat in North Carolina voted 5 times for Obama in early voting? His claim on Facebook.
Greg - 12 years ago
Can I vote for Romney 5 times Luke that democrat in North Carolina voted 5 times for Obama in early voting? His claim on Facebook.
Juan - 12 years ago
It doesn't really matter who wins tomorrow, as both candidates will continue unsustainable spending.
Allen - 12 years ago
Obama will when and the country will see one of biggest economic turn around in its history, how is that possible you say. There will be an oil and natural gas boom like the world has never seen.
It takes money to make money. Even in penny stocks. You invest, hope you make a wise choice an reap the rewards. There is a free lunch out there but it cost someone, something to provide it, as I see it Obama will make you poor, he will be the poor mans Robin Hood. He will take from the rich, an give to the poor. He never says how broke he's going to make himself, it's always the nameless, faceless person. He's going to get screwed over.
There isn't anything wrong with a democrat or a republican president. The problem here is he has taken a oathe to protect this country. To me there is still a question about where he was born. He bowed to the Saudi King, Wrong, doesn't place his hand over his heart when the pledge of alligence is resited. Wrong. He gives our money away to nations that hate us 50B an 29.5B when we dont have it to give away. Wrong. Who's money he give away? Yours because he voted a $200 million retirement package for himself. Oh an there are other things. The right to bare arms. Sure we have had sad news in our country concerning guns. If i hunt I will put food on my table. If you live somewhere you have every right to protect yourself. But if you live under my roof you will respect a gun too.
Look at this president, how much money he has put in your pocket. But this president has spent more if his time on vacations than any president in office. Every morning a president receives a briefing of the world affairs. He has missed 55% of those. I didn't vote for him last term. I thought he was a phoney an he has proved me right.
david white - 12 years ago
Only lazy welfare people support Obama ! Go Romney / Rayan !!!
max - 12 years ago
our only hope was Ron Paul,all others are not so different after they win, it dont matter if its black or white, M.Jackson
mrgaijin - 12 years ago
romney is going down, all of you teaparty rednecks!
jessica - 12 years ago
Obama is destroying the US. I 3rd that - Fuck Hussein Obama
Steven W Dalos - 12 years ago
racist insane mormon republican tea party traitors-better dead than red!
Jerry - 12 years ago
Obama or Constitutional Liberty?
You can't have both.
mike - 12 years ago
Both are not in my Best Intetest! Really liked Ron Paul! The Man had solutions and answers!
Robert - 12 years ago
GO ROMNEY/RYAN. We need you!!! No more selling out to radical muslims.
migelum - 12 years ago
masochists for Romney!
Matt Morris - 12 years ago
holy smokes!!! if this is any thing of an accurate sampling of the population...watch out Obama!
patc27 - 12 years ago
We just can't afford another 4 yrs of being sold out by this "leader" - the first American president to bow to jerks--
fuck the both of them. the robots will win dickhead. you guys dont know how you've fucked the world over during the last 50 years. go on a holiday around the world and feel the negativity towards your political dictatorship..
Country is doomed to be perish under Obama
Rom got his a kicked early. Repubs gotta stop going wth flakey leaders; stop warmongering, amazing he was talking about increasing the military machine before he had a chance to get in; and have more respect for women and the middle class. Was lights out for him from the moment his 47% comment was discovered? Repubs created the mess starting with 2 needless wars and rampant greed.
I love Romney Great for small business
2005 interview with conservative Thomas Sowell on "The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative". "Thomas Sowell discusses characteristics that define liberals and conservatives, and his own personal transition from Marxism to libertarianism."
In the You Tube video at the address to follow doesn't Reagan sound like JFK on tax cuts, etc. in the previously posted You Tube video? But neither Reagan or JFK sounds like Obama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=SJkMOjqwxFI&NR=1
"Democrats have raised questions about the wisdom of sticking with the "economic policies of the past." And it's true - tax cuts are an economic policy from the past, but not in the way you might think. It turns out there's actually a debate between Democratic presidents about just what these tax cuts mean for the economy...and in less than two minutes, this video highlights that debate."
Please view the following from this You Tube address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMvZinMb6E
Tom. Blaiming Bush for obama disaster ? Thats all u got lol?
Proudly voted for Romney !
As a Canadian I won't be voting, but because I make my living trading the markets I will watch this election closely. I think if Romney wins it will send the markets up,..Obama they will be flat to down. Romney knows how to make money and run a company,..he has been successful in business, This was Obama's first job.
If you'll recall, the "mess" was created by Bush. We were falling into a deep depression when Obama took office. He has certainly turned things around. The question is, could the Republicans have done it faster? Nobody adresses that.
Please listen to the then Prime Minister Thatcher at the You Tube address below and remember Obama and his ilk.
Margret Thatcher well said, "Socialism works well until the other person's money runs out." "Big government" is all about getting as much absolute control over every aspect of the people's lives as possible in order to "redistribute the wealth" to the willing slaves to such would-be dictators as the Federal "Marse" Obama in the big plantation White House in Washington, DC. As one of my history professors of many years ago well pointed out, "The best form of social security is the slave owner who is a benevolent master--the slave has no worries for food, clothing, housing, work, medicine, security, but neither does the slave have the freedom to choose his own direction in life. So if one desires for the rich to get poorer, the poorer to get poorer, and for personal initiative to cease just keep running after the "pied pipers" of socialism, such as Obama, and see where it gets all of us.
Obama's hope was a lie. Romney 2012 !!!!!!!!
Voted for Obama 4 years ago Stupid me. Broken promises and no "Hope". Now my vote is for Romney. Florida is with You, Mitt. Stayed in line to vote. VAST majority for Romney.
Colorado is with Romney ! Go Mitt !!!
No more years for loser obama
Romney !!! Ohaio is with you. All my family just voted for Romney. No more obama.
Obama who almost destroyed the US economy gotta go. Time for Mitt Romney to clean the mess after this idiot. 5 recent vote counts show Romney winning and Obama loses BADLY !!!
Go vote for Romney, folks !
It may be true that neither man is truly qualified to be President but for me the tipping point is that this President will put "boots on the ground in this country" in terms of infrastructure, education and law enforcement and Mr. Romney is is still unclear on where he stands in terms of specifics.
In the last two elections I voted for my wise 81 year-old brother as a write-in...and that expresses my disgust for all the "malarkey" in the most recent past!
Cosmicac seems u do not have standards for a civilized talk respect others to be respected have u ever thought people from Saudi Arabia might actually read this as me for example when it comes to politics it is way beyond what u see so anyways respect others to be respected and they are not skiekh they are our beloved king and princess and the royal family so beware
It's interesting to say Clinton's good economy was based on Regan's policies. So I assume any success Romney has would be based on Obama's policies.
Any party that got us in 2 expensive (and unnecessary) wars and paid for it with huge tax cuts is not to be trusted.
If we had stayed with the Regan tax rates and Clinton policies,we would have been ok.
Romney to win
No coments
Clinton succeeded because of the winning economic policies of Reagan and Bush 1 before him. He chased tail, lies to us, AMD partied his way through the White House just as Obummer has.
Another reason Clinton did well was because the Saudis and others in OPEC reduced the price of oil as a reward to the US for the first Gulf war (Bush 1). During Clinton's admin the price of oil was as low as $12/Barrel.... reducing a cost that acts as a tax on the US economy....
The price then increased when the saudis told the US to bomb the Serbians to save the KLA.
Coal and Nukes for generation, and Natural Gas for transportation, are key to the US having a sound Foreign policy not dependent on the whims of a Saudi Freak, did I say "Freak" I meant Sheik I guess....
How soon people forget. The reason we prospered under Clinton were 1 The Reagan-era reforms, 2 The Republican revolution and speaker Newt Gingrich, who pulled Clinton, kicking and screaming from the far left to the center. Because of Newt's Republican leadership, the budget was balanced, welfare was reformed, and they left a surplus to their successors.
when Newt left the house, we were on track to have the deficit paid off by 2012. Since he left, sadly, both republicans and democrats screwed things up.
I would never vote for Obama but I do believe he will win by quite a large margin even though it would appear that both candidates are tie. He is too smooth a talker and American's seem to go for that, instead of reality.
Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, and if he could not fix the mess in 3 years, it would be a one term proposition. Mitt was not my first choice, but, unlike Obama, he has actual successful executive level experience, and knows how to take a struggling enterprise, and turn it around, whether business, government, or non-profit. Heis the right man for the job.
How soon people forget. The Republicans created a historic mess over 8 years under Bush.
The American Dream some have mentioned here was thriving when Clinton and the Dems. were in power; in came the Republicans and the result was an illegal war in Iraq for the never found WMD and the needless loss of over 4000 American lives and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives for what? Greed became rampant under the control of the Republicans resulting in the worst recession in decades.
Since Obama has not been able to clean up the Republican mess fast enough for all the whining republicans on here so you are ready to go back for a third dose of the same medicine that B handed you.
You are seriously fooled if you think R is for the middle call. Behind closed doors with his rich cronies he basically dismissed 47% of the population yet still there are no shortages of fools to vote for him. If he gets in he will make it easy for his fat wallet pals who will not give a darn for the middle class and only make their wallets fatter.
If this all comes around your Rep. heads will be spinning once again like how B left it 4 years ago and you will still be blaming it all on Obama. Wake up people.
Gary Johnson is the only viable alternative left to Romnbama
I am against both welfare's, corporate and/or immigrant... we need to stop and close all tax write offs and loop holes....let's get back to the constitution and bill of right for the people... ps I vote third party since the 80's... Both major parties infringe my rights...
Obama is a communist socialist member of the secret radicals group formed by Saul Alinsky. He has strong ties with anarchists and gangsters. He was schooled as a youngster by Frank Marshal Davis who may be his real father. He went to Reverand Wright's anti American rhetoric church for 20 years. Any half intelligent American should realize that he hates America and is trying to ruin us. He wants us on equal par globally with third world countries. Google "Rules of the Revolution" by Horowitz and open your eyes people. Obama is the biggest phoney idiots voted into office. We completely fell for the race card. I get it. Don't make that mistake again good people of the greatest nation on earth!
Obama is a communist socialist member of the secret radicals group formed by Saul Alinsky. He has strong ties with anarchists and gangsters. He was schooled as a youngster by Frank Marshal Davis who may be his real father. He went to Reverand Wright's anti American rhetoric church for 20 years. Any half intelligent American should realize that he hates America and is trying to ruin us. He wants us on equal par globally with third world countries. Google "Rules of the Revolution" by Horowitz and open your eyes people. Obama is the biggest phoney idiots voted into office. We completely fell for the race card. I get it. Don't make that mistake again good people of the greatest nation on earth!
Love the results our pool . Fuck Obama. Idiots goes down tomorrow as a loser and one-timer Bye Barak Hussein, get lost. Even your voice makes me sick now.
Romney 2012
Big Stash - Fuck Obama i agree
No more of this loser whose hands are covered in blood of the American Ambassador who begged for help
you will vote in romney and spend the next 4 years regretting it beyond belief. wake the f up.
I am in prayer for our collective soul not to elect Romney.
If you are in the middle class you are a fool if you believe Romney gives a damn about you. Obama ain't perfect by far, but he's a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Romney wants to raise taxes on everyone but the ones that can afford it. I'm far from being a millionaire, but if I have to pay my fair share of taxes, they should too.
I don't understand why folks are so "F Obama" when he played such a great republican president...
Obama just wants to be a rock star but he will go down in history as the worst excuse for a president. If you are a lazy ass and want hand outs Obama is your man,but if you want the American Dream Romney is the only choice.
Just in agreement with AL and Ryan FUCK OBAMA!
Can I vote for Romney 5 times Luke that democrat in North Carolina voted 5 times for Obama in early voting? His claim on Facebook.
Can I vote for Romney 5 times Luke that democrat in North Carolina voted 5 times for Obama in early voting? His claim on Facebook.
It doesn't really matter who wins tomorrow, as both candidates will continue unsustainable spending.
Obama will when and the country will see one of biggest economic turn around in its history, how is that possible you say. There will be an oil and natural gas boom like the world has never seen.
It takes money to make money. Even in penny stocks. You invest, hope you make a wise choice an reap the rewards. There is a free lunch out there but it cost someone, something to provide it, as I see it Obama will make you poor, he will be the poor mans Robin Hood. He will take from the rich, an give to the poor. He never says how broke he's going to make himself, it's always the nameless, faceless person. He's going to get screwed over.
There isn't anything wrong with a democrat or a republican president. The problem here is he has taken a oathe to protect this country. To me there is still a question about where he was born. He bowed to the Saudi King, Wrong, doesn't place his hand over his heart when the pledge of alligence is resited. Wrong. He gives our money away to nations that hate us 50B an 29.5B when we dont have it to give away. Wrong. Who's money he give away? Yours because he voted a $200 million retirement package for himself. Oh an there are other things. The right to bare arms. Sure we have had sad news in our country concerning guns. If i hunt I will put food on my table. If you live somewhere you have every right to protect yourself. But if you live under my roof you will respect a gun too.
Look at this president, how much money he has put in your pocket. But this president has spent more if his time on vacations than any president in office. Every morning a president receives a briefing of the world affairs. He has missed 55% of those. I didn't vote for him last term. I thought he was a phoney an he has proved me right.
Only lazy welfare people support Obama ! Go Romney / Rayan !!!
our only hope was Ron Paul,all others are not so different after they win, it dont matter if its black or white, M.Jackson
romney is going down, all of you teaparty rednecks!
Obama is destroying the US. I 3rd that - Fuck Hussein Obama
racist insane mormon republican tea party traitors-better dead than red!
Obama or Constitutional Liberty?
You can't have both.
Both are not in my Best Intetest! Really liked Ron Paul! The Man had solutions and answers!
GO ROMNEY/RYAN. We need you!!! No more selling out to radical muslims.
masochists for Romney!
holy smokes!!! if this is any thing of an accurate sampling of the population...watch out Obama!
We just can't afford another 4 yrs of being sold out by this "leader" - the first American president to bow to jerks--
The intellectual people will vote Romney. The rest can hope for abortion and freebies.
We do not need Romney.
Ask why is someone with so much money want to be president after being a CEO and a GOV the answer is all because of Greed!!! For
power of course
Please no Obama
I work in sales need Romney so bad!! Please win !!
2nd that fuck Obama :-)
we love obama!!!!!!
how about Obamney?
Fuck Obama !!!