Did The Bus Driver Deserve To Be Fired?


  • keittt - 11 years ago

    Bus driver got exactly what he deserved...RTA have policies and procedures that their staff must follow...The bus driver talking about he thought about this 1,000 times and he didn't think of anything he could have done differently.. For starters how about following your company policy and procedure...could have called the police instead of calling her names and arguing with her...

  • Mrs. Go - 11 years ago

    America is going down the drain day by day. Clearly it's never ok to hit a women period. What he should of done was call the authorities immediately after she started acting a fool, not only he put himself in danger but he also put the public in danger. He got what he deserves, for thinking with his balls. Sorry.

  • Jermaine4ever - 12 years ago

    Mmm!! Smh!! I think it is amazing that America still is on that man hitting a woman thing!! Clearly they haven't seen some of these THUG women who I have personally seen beat a dude down!! I have a son and a daughter and I dont want anyone putting their hands on my kids, male or female!!! If that passenger was a male rider and the bus driver did the same thing it would have been a different outcome. But of course because it was a female...c'mon really?! She talked all that junk and had the audacity to spit on and hit/push the man! If that was his reaction, oh well..u should have kept your hands to yourself!! I just hate that the man was fired and that people are calling this girl a victim!! She wasn't the victim at all!! She started some s@#t that her ass couldn't finish!! Next time, pay and sit yo butt down!!

  • Jennifer - 12 years ago

    they should let him did sum kind of office work until he retire he was wid the company to long....sumtimes ppl can push u so far....he had other ppl lives on his bus when she push him and spit on him....and if he probably would have call the police she probably would have became more out control and probably would have did more than what she did....she thought he couldnt defend his self but she was wrong (and if his gran-daughter hit like that she probably really would been mortal kombat finish her lbvs)....the only thing he should have been suspended for being unprofessional for arguing back and forth wid her and using very inappropriate language....but other wise he should not be fired....

  • Joyce - 12 years ago

    I am a 32 year old female... I believe that if I am going to be woman enough to hit a man, than I am woman enough to take the hit back that will be or should be following from my actions... If a man hits a female... We are all thought to hit him back even if we have to pick up something to make sure that we get our point across so that he know not to try it again... I feel that the same rule applies to males... The only differents is that they don't have to pick up anything cause they are already strong enough to get their point across... Bottom line... Keep your hands and everything else that is in you body and on your body to yourself if you can't share them in a respectful way...

  • GB - 12 years ago

    I would have done the same!! I drive in New Jersey! We as a nation of black men & women have become completely insensitive to our own, that we only feed off ignorance, we have no decorum of how to conduct ourselves as civilized men & women! The wrong is right, & The right is wrong!! B4 I have to wait for an transit authoritive, figure to emerge & handle the situation at hand, & the courprite gets away, I will defend myself first for my LIFE, is more Valuable then your damn job!! Wake Up Ignorant Blacks Of America, Policies R Made on your Dumb Deeds & Actions & made to hold Law due to your Lawless way of thinking, So to the next pretentious ignorant brother or sister, thinking that person behind that wheel driving is soft, Beware! We come from the same neighborhood as you do, You Hit Me I Will Fuc U Up!!
    An Eye For An Eye!! In this day & time it's about survival! Not the job, I will do you b4 u get the chance to exact my demise!! Wake Up Black Folk & stop taking your pain & frustration out on your Kind!! We are at War & Every Black Life Is Valuable!!! A NJ Driver!! If U find me O Well!! But my opinion stands!!!

  • pam - 12 years ago

    I have three sons no daughters, I tell my sons all the time you don't hurt any less than a girl. If she hits you, hit her back. Woman are no less weaker than men are. She was wrong. She was selling him tickets, and thought that he would not do anything because of her gender. She found out. He should be re-hired. He should bring her up on charges. Now here is the thing, they showed her on tv and she was calm and sweet. If she would have been like that in the begining. I would not be typing. And still she did not apologize to that man. Fair exchange is no robbery.

  • EVE - 12 years ago

    If she spit on him I might understand but if she did not as her lawyer claims then I think he should have pulled over, called the police and have her removed or arrested.

    Arguing with her has cost you your job and it was not worth it to me

  • Roddy - 12 years ago

    As someone who works and has worked with the general public it's very difficult because you can get unruly patrons who may cuss and yell at you.Regardless of the situation you are trained NOT to respond to the buffoonery no matter what is said to you. As an employee he should have NOT got into the verbal exchange with her (i.e. I'll get my granddaughter etc.) and follow company protocol. With all that said when somebody SPITS on you then at that moment we have to duke it out male or female because all of the moral values go out the window. Spitting on someone is the most distasteful, disrespectful, nastiest and grossest thing you can do to another individual. It has to come to a point where you have to define yourself as an individual and fight for yourself.

  • Roddy - 12 years ago

    As someone who works and has worked with the general public it's very difficult because you can get unruly patrons who may cuss and yell at you.Regardless of the situation you are trained NOT to respond to the buffoonery no matter what is said to you. As an employee he should have NOT got into the verbal exchange with her (i.e. I'll get my granddaughter etc.) and follow company protocol. With all that said when somebody SPITS on you then at that moment we have to duke it out male or female because all of the moral values go out the window. Spitting on someone is the most distasteful, disrespectful, nastiest and grossest thing you can do to another individual. It has to come to a point where you have to define yourself as an individual and fight for yourself.

  • NM - 12 years ago

    The bus driver shouldn't have been fired for defending himself. It doesn't matter age or sex. She had no business getting on his bus and starting with him in the first place. The bus company should have suspended him until they worked the whole thing out. I want to know what happens to her since she is the one who spit on him and hit him first. How can she get a lawyer when she is in the wrong. Spitting on someone is like shooting them with a gun. She could have HIV. This woman has something really wrong with her and they are only putting it all on the bus driver. How sad.

  • Sassy one - 12 years ago

    I think it was the right thing to do he did not follow protacal. He should have call his supervisor. I also feel that he got caught up in the moment ? But he is a professional and should have done by his policy handbook. That's why he got fired.

  • K-Money - 12 years ago

    I think that the bus driver should not be fired maybe suspended. The girl was totally wrong and very disrespectful. She deserved what she got for spitting on him. That is the lowest thing that you can do to any human being. She shouldn't have been surprised of what he did because she knew exactly what she did. She know black people don't plact the bull mitt. Hope he gets his job back. Get on the bus and sit down and enjoy the ride.

  • John Douglass - 12 years ago

    You shouldn't hit a woman...if she talks back to you, cheats on you, raises her voice at you, decides one night not to have sex with you.

    You might not be that wrong...if she SPITS on you and pushes you while you're driving a moving bus with 20 or 30 passengers you're responsible for.

    But in this world we live in if they had not fired him, they may have had to answer to someone in city hall, possibly even the mayor, and they probably would have been calling their judgment into question. So the bus company took the easy way out.

    At the end of the day he shouldn't have been fired, and remember the union said they're gonna file a grievance for him he may be forced to be rehired. I hope

  • Kyra - 12 years ago

    If he got fired what in the world is going to happen to this little wanabee. that's one of the nastiest thing in the world that you can do to any one is to spit on them ...and that man was at work were was she going to pick up her welfare check.... These big companies need to get a grip and back their employees when people put their hands on them or put them in danger maybe if they backed their employees people would think twice

  • Jasmine - 12 years ago

    He shouldve knocked her out. He was protecting himself from a violent passenger.

  • bobbi stress-claytor - 12 years ago

    I understand his anger but He never should have touched this little nobody. She should have been arrested, locked up and maybe, just maybe she would have become someone instead of some body......................................

  • mary burrell - 12 years ago

    It's a shame, the driver lost his job. I hope he gets a lawyer and sues the company.

  • BM - 12 years ago

    As much as I hate to say this. The Co did the right thing.He should of had her locked up immediately. There is under no circumstances should he have put his hands on her. None! I hope the Co take better measures to protect their drivers. He may have a law suite for unsafe workplace. What if she had a weapon?? The video clearly shows that was not self defense. Poor dude, but think first.

  • Denise Talley - 12 years ago

    I ride public transportation almost daily here in St. Louis, MO these teen's are disrespectful and out of control,first her profanity,and to spit on someone that is the worst thing you can do to a person, whoever in your corporate office made the decision to fire the driver needs to ride a day or week on public bus I get a first hand feel for what it like to expierence this ,I hope that the driver retains a lawyer and Sue your Company for his Job,back pay and pention!

  • Ms.Carriebaby - 12 years ago

    That's ridiculous! This lady was harassing this man, she did the unthinkable and spit on him. She then shoved him, I think the co he worked for need to be ashame. If in 22yrs of being on the job and this has never been an isssue with this guy, then what does that tell u? She got exactly what she deserved. Period, Point Blank!

  • Taylor - 12 years ago

    He was clearly provoked, I understand that men should not put their hands on a woman, but women need to know tat we can't go jumping all in these men face swinging and spitting...

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