Do you think the Benghazi attack played any role in CIA Director Petraeus’ resignation?


  • wishing - 12 years ago

    There's a DUH question for us all!

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    Generals have had affairs with staff members as long as there have been generals. Perhaps if it had been 4 Muslums killed, we would have known all about what went on. One very bad guy gets killed and it is all over the news; 4 very good guys get killed and all is mum. Something is very wrong here.

  • Joe Libby - 12 years ago

    In an administration that claims transparency, why are we being held at arms length while a so called investigation is being conducted? WOuldn't one think that in an embassy located in an area of such high risk that we would have layered security for defensive purposes. That contact with such a location would be highest priority for those charged with the responsibility and care of the hourly workings of a high risk location. Maintaining surveillance and communication would be top priority. Why would we have need of a lenghty investigation to have the facts know and be able to report exactly what transpired to culminate in the loss of our chief excuetive officer and his fellow Americans who died attempting to protect him and our work there. May we never rest until the truth is known to every American about why we have a need to hide the facts, and delay revealing the truth about what happened that terrible night.

  • tiredofdemslies - 12 years ago

    As I recall, Clinton had an affair with Monica in the Oval Office and then lied under oath about it. He was impeached but was able to stay on.

    I'm not falling for this affair business being the reason he resigned.

    Hillary is not even going to testify next week because she is too busy. The Dem's play many, many games and get away with it. Leads to wonder how in the world all these idiots fall for their deception.

  • D Eddy - 12 years ago

    What's the big deal about a general having an affair. How many others have. This is another smokeless gun, like the "video that started the Benghazi killings."

  • Gary A. Anderson - 12 years ago


  • astreb - 12 years ago

    I think the white house wanted the general to lie at the hearing, otherwise if he didn't lie the white house threatened to expose the affair. Instead, the general decided to come out clean to begin with ( it was going to be exposed either way), and now he can go to the hearing and tell all he knows. Fox news said that the general wants to tell what he knows at the hearing...I think you will see complete cooperation with him wanting to testify.

  • D Spencer - 12 years ago

    What if the White House already knew of his affair and threatened to expose it if he did not testify on the 14th following the White House line that the attack on the embassy was due to the video? If this is the case, it is possible that David Petraeus found himself not willing or able to testify to congress in the upcoming hearings without telling the truth and found himself having to resign.

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