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Was Bubba's talk about the "Special Needs Bus" on Monday Morning Show too offensive?

Total Votes: 2,548

  • charles - 12 years ago

    sensitive people cant take the paaaa beee boop jokes

  • Binky - 12 years ago

    as of now, 133 oversensitive wussies. the bit was hilarious. I have worked with down syndrome people of all ages and am not offended at all. get a sense of humor you over thinking butt hurt sticks in the arse

  • Gwiz - 12 years ago

    When you going to whore out your new women you fat fuck cuckold

  • luc - 12 years ago

    Real Funny Fat Shit i hope your kid gets a mental disability so i can laugh and mock him. When you going to start pimping out your new girl fatty?? I herd scott hall could use a cum dumpster

  • the gooch - 12 years ago

    just as long as tara has his seatbelt and helmet on, it should be all good

  • Jerry - 12 years ago

    It wasn't that the bit was "too" offensive, it just wasn't that funny to go on that long. I'm fortunate that I have 3 healthy normal kids. I was not offended. However, all of us see parents that aren't as lucky.

    Bubba and the guys are funny. No humor is too lowbrow...if it's funny, it's funny. And yes, I am the funny police, just as you are. 10+ minutes of valuable show time was 9 minutes too long.

  • jayinlarghetto - 12 years ago

    It was hillarious man, america is too politically correct now, they call them special needs to not hurt their feelings. face it there retards look it up in the dictionary, there not special needs, there downright mentally retarded. special needs is more of a disability. retards can still work just look at 99% of america let alone florida.

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