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Who will walk you down the aisle?


  • Anna Natal - 12 years ago

    well my moms a single parent and my Nephew is going to be walking me down we are really close hes only 15 right now hes nervous but in my family theres all girls and one boy my brother then all my moms grandkids all girls and one boy my nephew so not to many men to pick from lol .. my mom thinks a good idea seeing how it would be a good experience for him. I would love it plus hes a very tall kid lol.

  • Joyce Lane - 12 years ago

    I wanted my Dad to give me away but he passed away on Christmas Eve of 2011, instead, my son and Mom will be giving me away. I will also have a picture of my Dad seated next to my Mom.

  • Lauren Hahs - 12 years ago

    I am having both my father and step father walk me down. My step dad will walk me halfway then pass me off to my dad and then he will give me away. I feel so lucky to have two amazing fathers to share this experience with!

  • Patricia Driscoll - 12 years ago

    I would give anything to have my father walk me down the aisle, but he passed away in April of 2011 after suffering from a stroke almost 5 years prior. No one can fill his shoes ot take his place of giving me away.

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