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Should medicinal marijuana be legal in Alabama

Total Votes: 1,540

  • Rhea Graham - 3 years ago

    ALL Cannabis use is medicinal, you are feeding your EndoCannabinoid System! Please learn more if you haven't already,

  • Stephen Jones - 12 years ago

    For the undecided people who cant determine the difference between medical and other marijuana it will clearly be prescribed and you must hold your prescription card at all times. New dui laws should come In to play if it is totally legalized like colorado and washington. But do your research even if you want it passed and truly educate yourself because there are definitely medical benefits, just for one instance it totally eliminates almost every speech impetement or disorder known to man and there are no other drugs that can do that only speech lessons. It also is a savior to cancer patients with extreme pain and would absolutely help eliminate narcotic addiction. I think it is great and I dont smoke it period, just my personal opinion, but someone can be hammered drunk or on prescribed medicine and nobody feels the need to go after them. Handle with medical proffesionals and government stay out of it and it will work just fine. Dont be scared. Nobody is going to get hurt by passing it and we all know that, but we as Alabamians take care of ourselves and make our own decisions and have got to relieve the overcrowded jails and prisons and get our budget back in order because it is pretty far off from perfect

  • This guy - 12 years ago

    YOLO, Reece.

  • Higgs Boson - 12 years ago

    Once these baby boomers and old folks die off it should be passed. The main reason is because of pharmaceutical companys make a killing off, well killing. They make pills that are addictive and have major side effects which leads to more pills to fight addictions and side effects. Its a never ending cycle and people buy right into it because a trusted doctor tells you its ok. People say its a gateway drug. Really, and alcohol is not a drug? Sugar is more harmful psychologically and physically. Yet your kids are running around hopped up on sugar. Do a little research before you open your mouth. Its time to keep up with the times Alabama. You wonder why people look down upon us? Its because you are gullible and never have actually done any thinking for yourself. Liberal this. Conservative that. This has nothing to do with political partys or way of thinking. You attend partys or functions were people are drinking and its totally normal. Yet Im sure all those people drove home. Put peoples lives in danger. Drinking and driving. There is nothing positive about drinking. It eats away all your organs, makes you do only regretable things and yet people still do it. Marijuana on the other hand has been proven by science to help fight cancer. Improve, IMPROVED lung functions over an extended period of time. Plenty of benefits without any harm to your body. But, oh no, they said it makes you crazy and its the devil. Its almost 2013, wake up people.

  • CSB - 12 years ago

    Of course, buying it off of the corner of the street from just anyone needs to be illegal. But allowing it to be purchased from a dispensary of some sort with some regulation would yield great results I think. We should make Alabama the next state to legalize medical use of cannabis.

  • jake - 12 years ago

    Marijuana should be completely legal in the state of Alabama the positive effects and many uses outweigh any negative effects it could have pot has never destroyed anyones life choices you make are what lead to where you are

  • Mecca - 12 years ago

    To say pot is a drug is saying that God created a sin when he put it here. It is not a drug. there is not one case in the world were anyone has od on it, killed someone after smokin it or any negative effects at all. If alcohol is legal, and there has been millions of cases of it killing people, why cant pot be. Come on now, people get addicted to prescription drugs every day, pot is natural, God given, it helps with pain and cancer patients every day. Why not legalize it. Its the states stupidity if they don't.

  • jmh - 12 years ago

    Let's not legalize marijuana, but its ok to go to the local bar and drink. Better yet, then you can get in your car an drive. This state is so backwards. Conservatives are so closed minded they have nothing to oppose marijuana other than it is illegal. We are wasting tax dollars putting non-violent criminals in jail for marijuana, all the while the state is going broke. Take your head out of your a** people, marijuana is not nearly as dangerous as alcohol. Heck, for that matter, it is technically safer than a cigarette!!

  • tom maples - 12 years ago

    Anderson facing death and itractactable nausea and pain should have any relief possible.

  • Quintin Reece - 12 years ago

    Let pot heads go to states that are legal for 10 years and then we will find all the results (we all know what the results will be liberals want to play....let them play in their decrepit states and leave the conservative ones alone!!!!!)

  • Dolores Link - 12 years ago

    If doctors in Alabama thinks a patient needs to be on marijuana, he should write a prescription for it to be filled at a pharmacy that is or has been legally authorized by the State of Alabama to sell it as a prescription. But for a person to be able to buy it on street corners it should remain illegal in the State of Alabama. I have a grandson that was on marijuana and it has totally destroyed him.

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