Does the KKK still scare you?


  • TAYREL713 - 11 years ago

    I think the notion of unabashed racism in general scared me. When no matter what I said or did I was always be considered less than and a target by certain individuals. I went to high school in Atlanta and though it may be this lovely multi cultural center, it stands alone as an island amongst some real fuck shit in the rest of the state of Georgia. I left two weeks after I graduated and I ain't never looked back. Now of course there is racism all over, but something about the overt, threatening kind, that many others find comforting as they feel they know their enemy, just bothered me. As a self proclaimed grown ass man though, the klan and racism in general are less an issue to me. With age comes a wisdom and understanding that some people are just not going to like me for whatever reason so why be bothered? Traveling down spooky country roads though, that shit is just general horror movie scary so I ride's with da_ticklah and his sentiment there.

  • Dunedragon - 11 years ago

    I live in Nigeria, so I wish a niggah WOULD put on a sheet and burn a cross in front of my house!!!

  • Mike in London - 11 years ago

    No, I'm white. But what da tickla said is scary. Does that shit really still go on?

  • da_ticklah - 11 years ago

    Yes but only when I'm driving on the highway, I have no idea what these crackers are about when I stop for gas or lunch in any part of the south that is not a "big" city. As I plan my annual run to S.C. to visit my in-laws, I start looking at the map for the names of bigger towns and cities that are likely to be a safer stops.

    It's extra interesting now that I have kids, we put our oldest (she's 4) in a pull-up when we are on the road cuz if shit don't look right we aint stopping.

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