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Should stores begin Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving?

Total Votes: 1,373

  • Sondra Schwartz Mendoza - 12 years ago

    I am very disappointed that Wal-Mart is participating in opening on Thanksgiving. I am equally upset with Target, Toys R Us, Kmart and Sears. I will not be shopping at any of these stores during this holiday season, and I am going to go out of my way to encourage anyone I know to do the same. There are very few times each year families can gather due to the fact that most businesses are open seven days a week with Thanksgiving and Christmas being an exception. I feel Wal-Mart is leading this trend of destroying Thanksgiving. What will be next, Christmas? I am very upset. I want you to know that no one in my family works in retail therefore this will have no affect on my family personally, but I feel it is an attack on the American family. This is making the rift between the haves and the have nots even greater. I foresee in the next ten years that this trend will destroy Thanksgiving. Families gather more at Thanksgiving than at Christmas. Many families have to travel several hours to celebrate, but these family members will no longer be able to be part of their family celebration.

    I was going to buy a new Vizio TV for my bedroom last week at Wal-Mart. I had been looking for a 32 inch smart TV for a good price. Wal-Mart had one! I told my husband, this is the TV we are going to buy, but then I heard about Thanksgiving. I am now going to buy my TV at Costco. I am sure the loss of my business will not faze Wal-Mart and unfortunately the individuals that this policy will hurt the most in the future years will be your best customers this Thanksgiving. This saddens me that they do not realize the future repercussions of their shopping on this treasured day.

    I hope Wal-Mart will take a lead in not opening next Thanksgiving and also consider stopping the craziness of opening at midnight too. This is probably an impossible dream, but I can always hope. I am very sad that corporate greed is taking this wonderful holiday away from the American family.

  • MWalters - 12 years ago

    If black Friday starts on Thursday, then it will no longer be black Friday. I think we should get back to the "reason for the season", that is, what Christmas was based on, and not what greedy money hungry businesses are trying to make it. DON'T FALL FOR THE SHOPPING HYPE!!!

  • Consumer - 12 years ago

    Shame on Walmart, Target, Dollar General, and any other store opened on Thanksgiving! Boycott them! Don't shop there!

  • Someone Whocares - 12 years ago

    Apparently, the country and the majority residing in it have forgotten how unimportant all those "things" are that you think you are going acquire at such an outrageously cheap price really are. Are you willing to get trampled, pushed and treated like trash to get the newest video game system at a mere 25.00 savings? You could probably save 30.00 on ebay today! Retailers don't seem value their employees AT ALL. And some of the retail workers aren't able to get "better" jobs and have to take what the company throws at them (hours and pay), like scraps in a concentration camp. Then, the community is so greedy, they have to have the absolute best, newest and most things under their trees - at the cheapest cost. Unfortunately, the real cost is the one paid when their credit cards are so high, they can't afford formula for the baby or electric and can't rent a home or buy one because of their credit. Even worse, when they can no longer afford real life, the tax payers end up footing the bills for all the money the corporations actually will loose over people who can't pay the bill. FYI folks, in a bancruptcy - companies will knock at your door asking for their used products back if you paid for them with credit. They will knock on the family member's door that you gave that gift to at Christmas, too.

    Won't be going to black friday, thursday or any other thing that forces me to shop on someone elses terms, and forces employees to make a choice between family and work. My family will be just as greatful to have one single meaningful gift and the time spent with the family. I know this because we've never been rich, and only focus on needs and not wants at christmas, and they still stop by for family time on non-holidays and say thank you and I love you just because. Presents at Christmas don't get you that.

  • SHANNON RINER - 12 years ago

    I too work at Walmart and really do not feel like going to work for this horrible sale!! All of the stuff will be returned anyway and so many hateful and rude people!! Everybody has forgorgotten that we need to be thankful for what we have and each other and, how to love one another we need GOD in this country, we need to stop and think about what exactly HE means to us all!!!

  • Susan Mann - 12 years ago

    Commercialism has taken over and I don't see it going back to the days of family and food and the Reason for the Season. We've all lost. Sad.

  • Rachel Reedy - 12 years ago

    I work at Walmart, and I'm not trying to spend Thanksgiving watching people wait impatiently for a deal on an electronic! When I'd much rather be at home, stuffing my face, and spending time together with my family.Does money have that much more of an importance to it than enjoying the Holidays ? What has gotten into everybody?

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