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Who would you cast as Ilsa Lund in a 'Casablanca' sequel?


  • Margaret Romand - 11 years ago

    I would like to see Russell Crowe and Clair Dane. I think they would be more like Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn who were excellent choices in the movie. Would like to see this film updated--I watch Casablanca every time it come on. I think my choices would be most appropriate and become a new classic.

  • Mary K - 12 years ago

    Although it would be a awesome challenge to attempt to remake and update Casablanca, I think a. wonderful movie could be made that would be inspired ne the classic just as Shakespeare in his day was inspired by Greek classics.
    My ideal leads would be Jeremy Renner and Kate Winslet.

  • Jim Gram - 12 years ago

    Here's a twist: Jamie Foxx as Rick, Renee Zellweger as Ilsa, Malcolm McDowell as Victor Lazlo, Adrien Brody as Sam, Aamir Khan as Renaut and Philip Seymour Hoffman as Ugarie.

  • Gulfvet91 - 12 years ago

    There was, as usual, far too little information to make an informed decision. One critical bit of information one would need to make this decision might be how long after the original is the sequel supposed to take place? I think a different couple should be considered. How about John Lithgow and Liv Ullman? Lithgow is one of the most incredibly adaptable actors working today and Ullman, in addition to being a beautiful woman and a wonderful actress, is actually Norwegian, so the accent would be more natural.

  • joanne - 12 years ago

    sorry but there isnt an actor today who could play either

  • P.M. - 12 years ago

    I think Russell Crow would make a great Rick, who by the way wasnt mentioned in the selection. I also think Marion Cotillard would would fill Illsas shoes beautifully... adding a bit more interest to the sweet but demure Illsa. If age is a factor, I would select Pierce Brosnan and Merrill Streep. They have the depth of experience and appeal to give both characters justice.

  • k irvin - 12 years ago

    I think that Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock or Dermot Mulroney and Julia Roberts should play the lead characters in the remake.

  • k irvin - 12 years ago

    I think that Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock or Dermot Mulroney and Julia Roberts should play the lead characters in the remake.

  • J - 12 years ago

    This movie should NEVER be remade. Casablanca is a classic!!

  • Dave Fergusson - 12 years ago

    Parade owes its readers an apology. This is the 21st century, but apparently Rick must still be white? Why is Denzel Washington not on this list if you are really interested in this questionable re-do? And even though the 42 year old Bogey looked older than that in his 1940's garb, if you want younger, Idris Elba, Terrence Howard or Will Smith would fill the bill. Skyfall's Naomie Harris, Kerry Washington, Thandie Newton or even Freida Pinto makes a great Ilsa and why not Don Cheadle or David David Oyelowo as the saintly Victor Laszlo? Diversity is NOT HARD if you try people. Parade needs to expand its little survey to find the best cast.

  • billy bob - 12 years ago

    Sandra Bullock would make a great Lisa. To bad she's not on your list.

  • Carolyn - 12 years ago

    Johnny Depp is Rick. Clooney is good looking and suave but not masterful enough. Owen and DiCaprio are over used. Affleck is just not Rick and Bale is superman. I love Pitt, but, he doesn't beat Johnny Depp. And, what about Sam? Instead of Sam, lets have Samantha and use Alicia Keys:-)

  • tcbmom - 12 years ago

    Hear me out for the part of Rick. I feel comedians are the best actors. They can be funny which is in many ways more difficult than dramatic acting. Then when they get serious they "knock it out of the park" such as Bill Murray in Lost in Translation, or Bruce Willis' turn from tv acting to the Die Hard series. Anyway, there is a comedian whose facial structure sort of reminds me of Bogey. Thin his hair out, and make it a little gray, and make him totally serious, weary, and lonely such as Rick in Casablanca and he would be great. Don't laugh - Jerry Seinfeld in a serious roll. It would cement his reputation as an actor. He could do it!

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    I would like to see Keanu Reeves as Rick......

  • Garry Kaye - 12 years ago



    And yes I was shouting that at the top of my voice!

  • Bill Lorenzo - 12 years ago

    Ralph Fiennes as Lazlo

  • Bill Lorenzo - 12 years ago

    Bruce Willis or Daniel Craig and Cate Blanchett as well as Kate Winslet

  • Bill Smith & Rosemary Smith - 12 years ago

    Presume is to be (perhaps) sequel. Daniel Day Lewis would be Rick and Catherine Zeta-Jones as Ilsa. We would go to see them!

  • bornloser - 12 years ago

    I think Richard Gere would be a good substitute for Bogey and I would really like to see either Cindy Crawford or Sandra Bullock for Ilsa. I would give a slight advantage to Sandy because of the German background and her acting ability but Cindy would also be a great choice.

  • DFD - 12 years ago

    Scarlett Johansson is a perfect Ilsa for the reasons cited by ACW. She's the perfect age, and type. But you missed on Rick. Russell Crowe's versatility and amazing talent is a Bogart clone. No other current actor comes close.

  • charlene davis - 12 years ago

    Daniel Craig and Scarlett Johansson would make a great team!

  • Laurie - 12 years ago

    Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz - they are PERFECT

  • zuki - 12 years ago

    I would pick Matt Damon in the male role. Nothing will be as good as the original though!

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    none of the ladies really jumped out to me but I did cast a vote for Charlize Theron. I havent' seen her enough in different movies to know if she has the quiet depth and beauty that was was Ingrid Bergman but again who has. Really we should leave the classics alone.

  • acw - 12 years ago

    Of the choices given Scarlett Johansson has the onscreen depth and quiet beauty most similar to Ingrid Bergman. Hard call for the character of Rick.

  • Steve Purcell - 12 years ago

    I shouldn't be done. Leave the classics alone. Do you remember the "sequel" to Gone With The Wind"? Neither does anyone else.

  • Philip Frankenfeld - 12 years ago

    Ray Liotta would be good as Rick.

    Emma Thompson would make a good Ilsa.

    Pierce Brosnan would be be good as Victor Lazslo and Ian Hom would be good as Louis Renault.

  • Gator mom - 12 years ago

    As Rick Blaine - Ciarans Hinds and as Ilsa - Hillary Swank.

  • Liz D - 12 years ago

    Johnny Depp would be a perfect Rick. Clooney doesn't have the depth.

  • Kaydsalamon - 12 years ago

    Daniel Craig would be perfect.he has the tough guy persona

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    Nicole Kidman

  • njmc - 12 years ago

    You missed Kiera Knightly.... although Rachel Weiss is an interesting choice.

  • mmonro - 12 years ago

    No, NO, NOOOO!!!! Remake a Classic? Just re-release the original - can't do better than that!

  • n sardalla - 12 years ago

    i didn't vote for any of the men or women listed. I would have written in Daniel Craig & Rachel Weisz. for a much younger look, i would go back to The Notebook's young cast members, Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams. If it's a sequel, how much older would Rick & Ilsa be?

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