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Do you think this woman should lose her job over the unpopular picture she posted on Facebook?

Total Votes: 1,251

  • Alexis Detouqueville IV - 11 years ago

    Much ado about nothing. The once formerly great USA is in the process of imploding through neglect and apathy and a very quick descent into tyranny and people are upset because one of the sheeple dares to express an opinion that possibly might denigrate the idea that "war" and "dying for your country" is so much theater. Where is the outrage that I can no longer fly any longer because I do not want perverts in really bad boyscout uniforms feeling up my wife and 13 year old daughter? Which in every state of the union is called SEXUAL ASSAULT! No outrage at that but give the finger to an inanimate sign...You people are delusional and are going to get the tyranny you have been begging for. A sign!

  • Nightowl - 11 years ago

    Yes, I believe her firm should let her go. According to the article, the photo was taken by a fellow employeee while they were on the clock at trip being run by her firm for 40 of their residents. Because her actions took place while she was on company time, acting in her role as an employee, her behavior refelects upon the firm itself.

    With that said, if she had taken the photo when she and a friend were on a weekend trip to DC on their own time, then I would adamantly stand against any retaliation against her by her firm. Regardless of how offensive the photo and her actions are, she has the freedom to do as she pleases on her own time. The saddest part is that the solidiers she mocks gave their lives to provide her with this very freedom.

  • edk - 11 years ago

    One who has served honorably in the 2nd World War and lost very close comrades it does mean something to to show the respect that the sign called for.I just wonder what she would
    have done at the Arizona Tomb in Hawaii., if she had anoither brain cell it would be lost.i just had to commen.

  • Ms Sensible - 11 years ago

    No the young lady should not lose her job over something as innocent as this. It may have been in poor taste but not something to lose her job or treated like a social pariah. You let celebrities get away with this or worse all the time, laugh at them and move on. Some of you don't even know where the Tomb of the Unknown Solider is, some of you don't know who's in the tomb, or what war it was for either. People do silly things - period. She and the friend who took the picture didn't mean any harm, they were fooling around. How many of you have done something you wouldn't want anyone to know about because you were just having fun. And, to have her job jeopardized, the company she works for, needs to step back and just let them go back to work. By placing them on leave, they have fuel the fire because it gave it justification.

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