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Did Ndamukong Suh intentionally kick Matt Schaub?

Total Votes: 5,384

  • ba - 11 years ago

    Both of these two millionaires, Suh and Vick, need psychiatric help. They are sick men.

  • G E Man - 11 years ago

    I'm a Lion fan, or used to be. The likes of Suh and Schwartz stink !!! Suh belongs in the WWF or UFC where he'd get his @s kicked. What he does and gets away with is not part of football and does not belong in the game. Suh is a street thug and should be banned from football. All of his antics are signs of a deranged mental makeup. He is trying to end careers and disable whoever he can. He and Schwartz are doing a heck of a job of tarnishing this football franchise.

  • djack2112 - 11 years ago

    At full speed it is a little difficult to determine. But once you slow it down and take several views, it is obvious. Now, if Suh would have just let his momentum carry his body forward naturally, then there wouldn't be much of a discussion on what took place. But, after looking at the video clip in slow motion you can see it clearly that once the natural momentum has ran its course he puts some additional force in extending his foot in a unnatural path. It was deliberate.

    If you can state otherwise, or try to make some level of claim that there was something else that took place, then all I can really say to those people is this. Why, or for what reason, or reasons, would you sacrifice your credibility in lying about something that obviously took place.

  • pat - 11 years ago

    It's football. So he hit him in the nuggets. Big deal.

  • MJ - 11 years ago

    Hey Gia - what did Dan say that was racist? Sorry - I don't see it. "Thug" is not implying any particular race. Referencing Vick as example of a thug doesn't make it racist, either. It just seemed to be a comparison to another high-profile player known for extreme violent behavior, in Vick's case against innocent animals. Suh's made the papers in Detroit re: altercations w/a citizen here. I think they are both thugs and I'm not racist! I don't believe Vick is sincerely remorseful for his dog fighting activities, either. I think he's just sorry he got caught and (lightly) punished.

  • MJ - 11 years ago

    You can clearly see that as he was going down, he did an up-kick into the QB's groin. If it wasn't intentional his leg / foot would have simply followed the rest of his body motion down to the ground. He had to make a conscious effort to bend his knee then "kick" it up. It was simply not a natural motion of the leg / foot. IMHO. His track record makes the case stronger that it was purposeful. I'm from Michigan / Detroit, and I find him to be an embarrassment to the Lions. This team has been working hard to rebuild itself and they don't need this kind of class-less behavior from a player to distract from their progress. All players acting this way should be severely punished. Kids watch this and think it's ok to act this way in school sports. No wonder brain and other injuries are on the rise w/kids sports. Suh needs to go!

  • Spirit - 11 years ago

    I actually don't see this as intentional. From watching this video repeatedly, Suh wasn't even looking at where his foot was going. If it was intentional he must be extremely lucky at kicking at precise areas blindly!

  • Gio - 11 years ago

    Hey Dan, suck cock you racist fuck.

  • Dan - 11 years ago

    Anyone who cannot see the intentional foul in this video either is beyond legally blind or a thug who would be prone to similar vile behavior (such as dog-fighting....) Suspension for the rest of the season should be the minimum penalty.

  • Chris - 11 years ago

    Nothing about this is dirty. Same can be said about most of his plays that are considered as such. I can't believe you can say he's a thug, or immature. Football is a dangerous game by nature, and Suh just goes as hard as he can. Grow up and quit blaming him for playing the game.

  • ICCGUY - 11 years ago

    The NFL needs to quit pandering to thugs like Suh. He is an embarrassment to the game. A clear message needs to be sent to this guy that the league will no longer tolerate such immature and dangerous behavior. At a minimum, he should be suspended for the rest of the regular season.

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