Do YOU think Halle Berry's family should be investigated by CPS?


  • Patty T. - 12 years ago

    And, oh yeah, let's see how this marriage works out for her. What is it, her 4th, 5th? Aubry was a real smart dude not to marry her.

  • Patty T - 12 years ago

    What a bitch. She has been causing all kinds of trouble for Gabriel Aubry so she can take the kid out of the country. Thank goodness a judge ruled against that, and now she's starting more shit with that asshole boyfriend of hers. The evidence seems to be clear - Aubry has facial injuries and Martinez has hand injuries. Custody should be turned over to Aubry - permanently and forever. Aubry appears to be a really good Dad and has so far not been in the news for anything, until she starts her crap. What a piece of shit she is.

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