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Was it bad law, or bad Rob Ford, that got him booted from the mayor's office?

Total Votes: 1,359

  • charles szasz - 12 years ago

    I would like to know,which lefty put Magder upto going after Mayor Ford,after all why should Magder give a shit about what Mayor Ford does.It should have cost Mr. Magder in excess of $100,000.00 to launch this rediculous action,I can't beleive for a second that he isn't just the face put on this action by some frustrated lefty politicians!

  • Damsel in de Tech - 12 years ago

    He didn't get the boot for "standing up to bullies". He got the boot for violating conflict of interest laws, after turning his back on a half-dozen opportunities to do the right thing and work within the laws instead of ignoring them or arrogantly dismissing them. Standing up to bullies... what bologne...

  • Joe - 12 years ago

    Giorgio, I agree with much of what you say. This is because a group, that wasn't getting their own way, saw this as the means to remove Ford. I'm not a Conservative (I generally vote Liberal) but to remove someone because he has the gonads to stand up and fight the bullies, it's idiocy. Figure out another solution. Did the people yelling 'Ya!' miss the warning in the article? "Why Toronto’s left shouldn’t over-celebrate Mayor Rob Ford’s removal" and "Oh, and one more thing: Rob Ford will be back. Underestimating Rob Ford is about as foolish a move as anyone can make.".

  • Damsel in de tech - 12 years ago

    Here's where the article lost me: "While everyone must respect democracy, and Rob Ford is paying that price, we must also respect the voters. They are always right. Even when you don’t like the outcome." > Rob Ford himself didn't respect the voters when he chose to continually and flagrantly break laws and ignore any rule that didn't benefit him, even when given a half-dozen opportunities to make things right. People didn't vote for that. To put his ouster on them or try to make people feel bad that he's being held accountable is disingenuous and frankly ridiculous.

  • Barb Hill - 12 years ago

    Give him a break at least hes not a bloodsucker at the trough pig eaters like most of the money grubbing people on councill and they get away with a lot so whats the big deall fight on Rob

  • huge-o - 12 years ago


  • giorgio saturnino - 12 years ago

    Once again the left wing idiots of Toronto pull through, i don't see any Clayton or Paul, taking Dalton to court for spending over 300 million dollars on the botched gas plant in Oakville, oh and by the way, all that money gone because of one more seat for Dalton, i don't see anyone complaining on how the CBC is spending between 2 to 3 million dollars on a JACK LAYTON Movie, a person who has done nothing for Ontario.
    Oh yeah, lets not forget the free ride that those people are having , living on CENTRE ISLAND.
    this is a personal vendetta that Paul Madgar has on Rob Ford period, to bad my immigrant dad from italy was'nt alive today to see this stupid horseshit, he would make sure that every single italian immigrant living in Toronto would be at CITY HALL demanding Rob Ford get an apology from these baboons in the left wing.

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