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Should Jeb Bush Run For President In 2016?

1 Comment

  • John - 12 years ago

    I think the greater question is what the state of the country will be when 2016 rolls around and would anyone in their right mind actually WANT to run for President then? The demagogues have been handed the wrecking ball to have another four year whack at the working class. There will be too many people depending on some sort of government hand-out for any real conservative to have a snowball's chance in Hades (not that I actually think that Jeb is a real conservative)- and fear has shown itself to be an effective tool for uprooting regular folks from using common sense in casting votes. The liberals have effectively ensconced themselves and have utilized general desperation among the masses to manufacture their mandate to dismantle the free market economy and by the time the general public wakes up and actually does something effective about it there will be far too much damage done for any sane candidate to want the job.

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