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  • obZen - 11 years ago

    Hard choice between Bioshock and Mass Effect 2.
    both were visceral but chose Mass effect 2, It had 12 different story lines (recruiting/loyalty) and the Collector/Reaper plot.

  • Rambutaan - 11 years ago

    My choices have been narrowed down to Half-Life 2, Portal and Mass Effect 2. All are really good in their own right but Half-Life 2 was mainly just expanding on the original formula set out by the original Half-Life and Portal while it had ground-breaking gameplay, was probably too short and the story not as fleshed-out as its sequel to warrant the top spot.

    So my vote went to Mass Effect 2 since it's the most polished and fun out of the Mass Effect series -itself an awesome triumph for the sci-fi RPG genre.

  • Bashem72 - 11 years ago

    There are a few games missing like God of War, GTA 3 etc., Metal Gear Solid 2, Resident Evil 4, Doom 3, one of my Dead Space. How about some of those social puzzle games like Bejewaled, plants vs. zombies, and a personal fav. Zuma 2? There is a lot missing on this list. My vote for this list has to be Bioshock, there is nothing like that game.

  • derp - 11 years ago

    Bioshock is nothing compared to Windwaker. Truly one of the best games of all time, next to Suer Mario Sunshine and Pokemon Collessum.

  • merc - 11 years ago

    Bioshock is actually the reason I'm studying biotech now.

  • BearSeal - 11 years ago

    Bioshock all the way! I loved Windwaker to death and Batman Arkham Asylum was super epic, but Bioshock is a revolution that changes lives!

  • Skandranon - 11 years ago

    Maybe it's just my PC bias speaking, but I think Blizzard deserves more credit for games besides WoW. Since Starcraft, all RTS games are pale in comparison to a Blizzard RTS. And even though it was "just a mod" when it started, I'm surprised no one mentioned DotA. It defined the entire MOBA genre, and DOTA 2 is now the most played game on Steam.

  • g - 11 years ago

    How is uncharted 2 not on here.

  • Nathonaj - 11 years ago

    AH.... making me choose between Zelda and a Mass Effect game...? WHY?!

  • Zokten - 11 years ago

    Everyone I see that mentions Bioshock makes me facepalm.

  • Dakota - 11 years ago

    Bioshock is much more than a game to me. The gameplay is amazing. It is very long and time consuming. It has the best storyline in a videogame that I have ever witnessed with great twists, lots of dialogue, and a creepy innocence that just makes it flat out wonderful.

  • Alyssa Oliver - 11 years ago

    I voted BioShock. That series is really beautiful and inspiring to me. Though, I'm surprised that Fallout (the saga, not just any one specific part!), Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic aren't a part of this list. Those games were definitely some that redefined decision making in gaming.

  • Siquall - 11 years ago

    Please guys, this pool is so ridiculous, so make the result even more absurd.


  • Beans are Green - 11 years ago

    Poor noobs who think a game sucks just because they don't think it's fun. I've played games that were perfectly good quality (graphics, gameplay, story, mechanics, multiplayer, replayability, etc) but they just weren't my cup of tea, and that doesn't mean they're bad games!

  • Dylan - 11 years ago

    I'm disappointed in this list. Not because it didn't mention a favourite game of mine, I never expected obscure games like Persona 4 or Ikaruga to make the list, but because it's missing key games that have defined the industry over the past decade. I do not understand how the following games were not included, assuming there was some kind of game journalist involved in making this list, and not purely a matter of business contracts. The inclusion of Batman Arkham City, to me, is suspicious. It's a good game, but I wouldn't consider it industry-defining. These are the game's I think should have been a given.

    Resident Evil 4 - invented the "over-the-shoulder" camera-mode that became the standard for third-person action games from 2005- present.

    Deus Ex - Introduced the idea of having role-playing elements in a first-person shooter. Today, role-playing elements are ubiquitous across first-person shooter games, from Call of Duty's multi-player to Bioshock.

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - From Mass Effect to the Walking Dead, morality systems have been a big part of what games have been about in the 2000s's; KOTOR started that.

    Ico - Introduced the idea of "less is more" which has had a big impact on "art games" such as Journey, but also on big-budget games, showing a lot can be said about characters in their environment without dialogue. Treating the environment as a character has been a big part of game development in the 2000s, such as in Bioshock and Dishonored.

    GTA Vice City - Open world games, hello?

    Guitar Hero - Without guitar hero, there would be no Rock Band, without Rock Band, there would be no closets full of plastic peripherals.

    Metal Gear Solid 2 - Hideo Kojima treated Metal Gear as a linear movie rather than an open-ended game. Looking at the modern video game landscape, it's hard not to recognize the influence of that idea, from Uncharted to Call of Duty.

    Braid - became the definitive "indie game" making digital distribution services like Xbox Live and PSN a source for creativity and sales.

    Super Mario Galaxy - the ultimate 3D Mario game represented the culmination of Shigeru Miyamoto's game design over the past 30 years.

    Metroid Prime - Dark, slow, and atmospheric, Metroid Prime was a different kind of first-person shooter. The games pacing can be seen in games like Bioshock and Amnesia, but elements of Metroid Prime can even be seen in sections of Half Life 2, Dishonored, and more.

    Halo - Made the console a legitimate place to player first-person shooters, and defined the Xbox as a brand. Today, the Xbox 360 is the most likely place to find a competitive FPS match, not on the PC.

    Call of Duty 4 - 3 words; modern military shooter

    Nintendogs - coined the notion of the "non-game".

  • JiglyPuff101 - 11 years ago

    All I hear is "Valve, Valve, Valve, Valve, Valve, Valve, Valve, Valve, Valve, Valve".... fucking drones....

    None of them is the best of the decade, and (as cliché as it sounds) there is no best vidya of the decade.

  • Johnathon Mhadden - 11 years ago

    There are many great games on this list. And i think bioshock was personally one of the greatest games made. But i think the game that really changed my life and view of gaming as a whole was Wii Sports.

  • Antii Sillence - 11 years ago

    PRAISE THE LOOORD no motherfucking Call of Duty! Looks like Activision couldn't pay these guys enough for a spot here. Also, Half Life 2 is by far the best game ever.

  • Billy - 11 years ago

    I'm blown away at how stupid this list is, about 4 of the games are just mainstream dung which of course are gonna get the vote because they have so many fanboys.. for example batman fanboys will of course vote for the stupid batman game which i didn't enjoy, really it wasn't that special of a game.. it was just polished.. which is something we are not used to seeing because the quality of games these days has declined drastically.
    Theres 3 important games on this list, Half life 2, Portal , and mass effect 2, now i dont like mass effect but its opened up alot of doors in the gaming world, This is one maintstream game that deserves the credit.
    Portal is a genius of a game, puzzle adventure with a really clever storyline and told in a way that that you can't just skip and miss it.. (ie. WoW) plus its fun. only problem with it is the replayability, I can barely even play portal 2 because i've pretty much played the game by playing the first one.

    Now Half life 2 to some is a clear winner.. to others they prolly have never played it or even heard of it (yeh i've known some people whos never heard of it...these are the people voting for WoW , Batman and Zelda right now... crazy). What they dont realise is Half life 2 gave birth to portal. It gave birth to gaming physics as we know it today. It gave birth to the importance of the modding community and mods that turned into games like Counter Strike, Day of Defeat, Left 4 Dead and many many more, Half life 2 as a game is incredibly playable and has replay value even tho its the same each time.. it may not be my favourite game... but i'd say at least in this list its easily the best game of the last 10 years.

  • Ben V - 11 years ago

    No New Vegas, No Deus Ex, No Deus Ex Human Revolution, no Space Engine? Not even GTA IV or Uncharted? Jesus Fuck this is a pretty bad list.

  • ThatGuy - 11 years ago

    Though this list is lacking, it has some pretty strong contenders.

    Wind Waker: I have never played this game, and the only LoZ I have ever played was Twilight Princess. I thought TP was a great game, with a strong narrative and a fantastic atmosphere. However, I found the overall gameplay to be a bit dull. Hack-and-slash gets old eventually, and Nintendo has been using it for decades.

    HL2: This game is very well-rounded, with strong gameplay, narrative, and atmosphere. My problem with the game is that the environments are so faded and desaturated that the world becomes a greyish blur. Also, it seems too disconnected from the original HL to make sense as a sequal.

    WoW: Another game I have never played, and do not intend to play. WoW has a consumer base of hardcore, addicted gamers. It doesn't want to expand its game to reach new audiences, or to provide anything new. It's just another MMORPG.

    SotC: I made it through 12 Colossi. The environments are great, the gameplay is engaging, but the game was extremely repetitive and seemed to lack any story beyond "Go here, kill thing, come back."

    Wii Sports: Yes, this game is innovative. Yes, it reached a new market of casual gamers. Yes, it spawned several other motion-based games and systems. However, the game is shit. It's glitchy, fails to engage the player (despite physically involving him), and was only fun for the first few hours.

    Bioshock: The gameplay is great. It's innovative and fun to play. The atmosphere is great. The environments are a bit repetitive, but very complete. It has a great narrative and back story. However, its greatest disconnect is between the back story and the plot. Forcing the player to search the environment for bits of the narrative creates a gap between the past events and the present. The game would have been my top pick if it had made the player experience what Rapture was all about, rather than simply using it as a setting for another shooter.

    Portal: I can go on and on about what this game has to offer. Atmosphere, story, gameplay, etc. It has all elements of the perfect game merged seamlessly. My problem with it, besides being disappointingly short, is that for a physics puzzle game, it lacks the puzzle aspect. Any intelligent person can solve the challenges with little difficulty, and there is no replay value whatsoever.

    Batman and RDR: I never played either of these games, and I have no basis for commentary.

    Mass Effect 2: I didn't play ME2, but I played the first game. I found it to be a perfect mix of interactive narrative and gameplay. The game flowed easily from action to politics and plot points. Because I have heard numerous reports that ME2 is significantly better, I decided to give this one my vote.

  • mellodymaker25o - 11 years ago

    I really believe that Amnesia: The Dark Descent deserves a spot on this list. That game proves that you don't need to be able to fight in order to make a wonderful game. It had great graphics. It had a fantastic story and, in my opinion, awesome gameplay. All that, and it scared the pants of my friends and I...

  • Ikari11 - 11 years ago

    I am really glad and happy because they include TLoZ Wind Waker, that game is beatiful, make me happy everytime I play it and almost make me cry.

  • guds - 11 years ago

    good thing skyrim isnt here. It sucks. I'd go for portal, but shadow of the colossus has a better and more emotional enviroment

  • JimmyRussels - 11 years ago

    Wow, all these fan boys. OH WHY IS DEER NO HALOS HURR. Shut up, it isn't a good game; this list is pretty good and just because your CoD isn't there doesn't mean you gotta have to scream. Zelda sucks aswell. HURRR

    (Half-life winrar)

  • Meathead - 11 years ago


  • kleas - 11 years ago

    When it comes down to it, this poll should not be based on opinions and what the majority believes to be the greatest game of the decade. The award should be given to the game that truly revolutionised the industry, and if that is the criteria with which we're deciding the victor there's only one real choice we could make.

    Wii Sports.

    Wii Sports showed us video games have no limits. The extra fractals Nintendo packed into the Wii Sports disc meant that the game had thousands of extra graphics. Literally terabytes of them. I have never felt more engaged and immersed in a game than when I was playing Wii Sports: Bowling and noticed my Mii's face crinkle and a drip of sweat slip down their cheek to the alley floor. I knew at that point this would be a game to stand the test of time. I raised my Wii brand Waggling Stick into the air and watched as my Mii raised the ball, and I nearly burst into tears.

    Moments like this really set Wii Sports apart from other games. Sure, I could play a super buff macho dude punching aliens in the face and saving the universe. But where's the fun in that when in that time I could also be beating an AI with no limits that is always learning in straight sets in Wii Sports: Tennis? There's just no comparing the two. I definitely know what I'd spend my weekend doing. And it's not sailing across the ocean in search of Princess Link and the Tripower.

    Wii Sports gets my vote, and I hope you can see it deserves yours too.

  • Brian H - 11 years ago

    Pretty weak poll. Why do these things always seem to be made by marketers who apparently haven't played many videogames from the past decade?

  • Draskir - 11 years ago

    I like how a lot of the greatest games that have been released in the last ten years aren't actually here. Like the last three entries in the Elder Scrolls series (Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind. Oblivion being my favorite). Also, Portal 2, Fallout 3 and New Vegas. All of the Assassin's Creed games. So many favorites here that are missing from this list that should have had a spot.

  • Wellingtom - 11 years ago


    Too bad the list is strong and WW may not win.

  • vbscript2 - 11 years ago

    It was between HL2 and Portal for me, but I had to go with HL2. Portal is awesome, but there just wasn't as much to it as HL2. It's hard for me to give a game that I beat in a few hours "the best game of the decade." I do, however, hope that they keep developing the Portal idea (and another Half-Life would be awesome, as well.)

  • Captain Howdy - 11 years ago

    Take that back. Saw that SOTC was on the list. Disregard that statement. Everything else was true.

  • Captain Howdy - 11 years ago

    I was really torn between Portal 2, Bioshock, and Mass Effect 2.

    As TerraBlade pointed out, the hardcore gamers obviously look like they have something to prove with their games, which is why many of them come across as massive dicks. These three games are my real favorites, and the rest I haven't really played yet.

    Since I am new to modern gaming (took a big hiatus between Halo 1 and earlier this year), I obviously know nothing about "Shadow of the Colossus", but obviously there was a reason as to why it's not on the list.

    In the end, I voted for Bioshock because it really opened my eyes as to what video games could do. I never believed video games could be considered art or anything really thought provoking until I discovered this. The art direction was beyond beautiful; the Welcome to Rapture bit just took my breath away. On top of that, the story and philosophy behind it was incredibly scary. Granted the gameplay may not have been the best of all the games, but as a former film critic, I obviously don't mind gameplay.

    However, in all honesty, part of me actually wants Mass Effect 2 to win. The only reason I wouldn't was because I consider the whole trilogy as one big game, and an incredibly awesome one (especially ME3). The story, characters, strategy, cultures, and the detail in everything is unlike anything else. Everything you do does make a difference, and the characters are so detailed and well developed that you actually feel for some of them. Hell, Tali has my vote as the greatest fictional female created.

    Honestly, I can't pick the best game of the decade. I say "Bioshock" because I consider it to be my favorite game, as the one game that changed my life. On the other hand, I love Mass Effect just as equally.

  • Andrew - 11 years ago


  • miniman659 - 11 years ago

    portal or arkham city, no question.

  • Gargle - 11 years ago

    Wii sports? Seriously?

  • fid - 11 years ago

    and Xenoblade Chronicles??? WTF seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jessica - 11 years ago

    HL2 ftw all the fucking way

  • Deconyc - 11 years ago

    Now i thing that some of these games are great none of them are my favorite but i think that halo 3 was he best game of this decade great campaign and I have the best memories from the multiplayer on that game with all my friends :') R.I.P HALO 3 (And good luck to the other games looking forward to see the winner)

  • Skitz - 11 years ago

    What kinda shit list is this lol. Shadow of the colossus would have won if Wind Waker weren't there. Zelda beats this shit list by a landslide.

  • Sansa - 11 years ago

    Tom - 53 minutes ago
    "SOTC is a masterpiece and really pushed the Ps2 to its limits, it deserves to win out of these. Also where the hell is Okami!?"

    You, sir, have said exactly what i was about to comment. I was not gonna vote, until i saw SOTC. I dont like the games selected. I couldnt understand how SOTC got there against those games, but its undoubtedly the best between those 10. I dont know... so many games comes to mind instead of like Batman... Even ICO (awesome game too) kick its ass...

  • Ameno - 11 years ago

    According to all other sites there where more games released the last decade, oh wait VGA??? Then it's made by those gametralers guys they can't make any list right.

  • Xiattr - 11 years ago

    Where the hell is Fallout 3?

  • Turbolego - 11 years ago


  • Tom - 11 years ago

    SOTC is a masterpiece and really pushed the Ps2 to its limits, it deserves to win out of these. Also where the hell is Okami!?

  • Kenito - 11 years ago

    Wind Waker, thats all i have to say

  • bryant - 11 years ago

    resident evil 4. is definitely the best game of the decade

  • TheCthulhu - 11 years ago

    I got sent here from a nintendo news website to vote for Zelda Wind Waker, and as much as I love that game I just can't vote for it when there is Red Dead Redemption in this poll... that game changed my life and for me it's the best game of this generation of consoles, because it's not just a GTA wannabe where you just kill people for fun, have sex and mess with the police, no, RDR had one of the best stories, best characters, best acting, best atmospheres I have seen in video games.
    It's truly a deep game who affected every player who played the game from the beginning to the end.
    I'm sorry Wind Waker but I just can't.

  • This is gay shit - 11 years ago

    These are horrible choices why not make a list of all games made over the decade and have it be fair? Oh I forgot you are paid to have certain opinions.

  • pepperz - 11 years ago

    defiantly zelda the wind waker, you never get bored of it and there is so much to do after you finish it... but i dont know why they didnt put zelda the twilight princess in, since i reckon its equally good...

  • Christian Rosager - 11 years ago

    well i love many of the games on the list, but the masterpiece, is with no doubt Bioshock!

  • Axel - 11 years ago

    This is not fair.
    I can't choose between LoZ: WW, Portal, and Bioshock.

  • Andrew - 11 years ago

    I love these games (well, except for Wii sports) but the only one that truly changed my life was Bioshock. The architecture of Rapture is Beautiful and the dark destruction only adds to that, it really gives the game a unique feeling, which you do get with these other games, but the feeling of decay and insanity in Rapture beats out even the sterile science of Aperture Labs or The rugged old west. The plot is genius, every part of it, from the premise of the splicers to the completely unexpected twist. From Stienman to Ryan the mentality of the characters fascinates me. Sander Cohen, is probably my favorite character of all time in any video game, Cohen's Scherzo no.7 (the piece Cohen forces young Fitzpatrick to play perfectly before blowing him up for his insolence) is what inspired me to play the piano, which is now not only my favorite hobby, but my greatest skill, honestly that whole soundtrack is amazing, Garry Schyman did a wonderful job and everyone composing for a video game should take a note from him. Plus the fact that Cohen "paints" people and poses them around Fort Frolic is so deeply deliciously disturbing, especially after they start to mysteriously change locations. I can honestly go through that game with just a wrench and electro-bolt and still be deeply entertained. I actually didn't appreciate it nearly as much until i started listening to the audio tapes left around, they delve so much deeper into the story it's incredible. It actually gets better every time i play through it. I don't know why Wii sports is on here, nor do i understand why so many people are voting for it, i don't want to sound like an asshole like most of these people, but honestly the lack of a plot alone should exclude it from this list. Not to mention it's near impossible to enjoy alone, and honestly if you want to play sports you can just go outside and do that. It's sports without any of the benefits. It can make a fun social occasion, but personally when i play video games it's so i don't have to deal with other people. Which is why i greatly dislike Call of Duty as well (after CoD 2 of course, that game was pretty great). I would also like to mention two games that i feel should've have been included: Fallout 3, which has already been mentioned many times, but once again going back to the atmospheric feel of a game, fallout 3 has one of the best, and Heavy Rain, which i only saw mentioned once, but in my opinion it has the greatest plot of any game ever and is one of the only games to which you can get completely emotionally attached, it makes you feel what the characters are feeling and that is a great feat. Plus the soundtrack and graphics are pretty great. Bioshock pops up in my life again and again, it helped make me who i am today, and even now i still play it. For all these reasons and so many more, i consider Bioshock my personal favorite game of all time, but everyone wants something different from a game just because i want to be enveloped in a beautifully dark dystopian Ayn Randian insane asylum as opposed to the old west or a beautifully self determined science fiction odyssey, doesn't mean that I'm going to rag on people who voted for red dead or mass effect. But going back to Wii sports, if you can experience it in real life easily and legally, i don't understand why you'd rather play a video game about it unless the fun you have is in the bonding with peers which means it's not the game that's great, it's the social interaction that comes with it, and a good game should be fun on its own, and the fact that anyone can play it doesn't make it a better game, it just means it's easier, which doesn't necessarily make it worse, but it certainly doesn't make it better. Video games should be judged on the enjoyment experianced with just you and the game, because then even if you're agoraphobic, or a sociopath, or just don't have anyone with you at the time, you can still enjoy it. Ken Levine, I can't thank you enough.

  • Ansa Nail - 11 years ago

    Wind waker hands down the best game eva,
    I'm just in love with the wind waker

  • Patrick Bateman - 11 years ago

    n̡̧̯͚̼͇̺̖̤̹ͪ̑̔̅̍͋͝͞ḭ̸̵̡̨͓̯͇̞̬͎͇̟͎̿ͧͣ̓͑͝n̊͑̉ͤͬ̒͟҉̪̲̦̯̩͇̣̹̠̙̝̜̹ͅt̓ͮ͊ͦ̿̑̋ͣͮͨ̾̀̑̍͆҉̵̸̖̞̥̼̳̘̫̣̬́͟e̴̵̪̪̮͇̝̯̫̰͉̞̣̻ͧ̋͂ͭ̀͜ņ̛̝̦͚̗̤̪̑ͣ̾̅̈́̂́ͭ̑ͤ̒̌͌͋̉ͩͩ̑ͥ͢d̢͇͎̥̥͕͖̗̘̮̒ͩ̽ͩ̍̒̏̚̕͟ǒ̊̐̂̑͐̓ͯ͡҉̦̭͉̠͚̙̪͍͇̤̞̦͓̗m̸̦̞̮̼͖̣͍̪͔̤̱͍̰̫̟̬͎̌ͭͬ́͞͠į̵̙͇̖̜̱͓̤̹̙̻̮̯̂̊̏̆ͨ̊̉͐ͬ̎̐̈́̀́͢n̷̛̩͎̳̬̺̥̘̝̦̺̘̿̂ͥͥ̉̃ͪ̽̎̾ͣ̈́ͤ̿̋ͣ̈̀͘a̒ͪͣͫͨͪ͆͆ͤͮͥͣ͑̀͊̏ͮ͛̅͏̸͜͜҉̤̰̗͙̺͍̘t̃ͨ͆̄ͮ͂ͮ̀҉̡̬͉̺̘̥̥̙i̸̵̲̫̦̥̬͎̭͚͇̞̻ͧ͛̽͒̇͟ớ͓̥̱̯̤͉͇̏̃́̇̅́n̵̙̘̣̻̮̹̱̥̣̗̦͕̬͚͓̞̝ͯ̒̔͂ͤͭͬͤͬͦ̌̀͜͞ ̷̢̡͙̩̖̥̦̻͙̼͙̖̠̯̣̞ͫͥ̈̆̈́ͥͅͅ
    ̸̡̧̼̝̬̭͓̘̗̭̙̖̙ͦ̈ͭͣ́ͭ̽̄̀͒n͕͈͔̩̬̳͇͔̠̮̾̀̄̈́̈́̿ͪͧ̍ͭ̅̀͘͟͠î̶̤̰̳̯̭̘́̎ͦ͝͠n̢̛͓̗̮̞͇̹̲͈̞̭̙̳͍͉ͮͦͥ̈͢t̴̨͖̖͇̱̣̙̦͗̾ͤͣͤ͒ͭ͆̑̊̎ͦ̅̎͐̌͐̒̚͠ẹ̡̨̡̨͉̬̼̻͖̣͙̣̥̊̃͑̾ͦ͋̊̅̓ͪ͘n̔͐͋͐̿ͦ̚҉̢̡͎̭̯͓͇͍͕̜̙̖̬̫̱̮̤͔͙͡d̢͕̫͎̰̞͕̝̭͍̻͎̟͕̞͕͓̰̙̈͐͋̉̒͋ͧͨ̀̚͟͟͞o̵̢̝̭͕̟̹͕͉̖͍̞̘̐̀̐̄̓̾ͮͯ̈̔̎ͬ̌ͧͯ̚m̵̠̳̗̻̖̝̝̭͇̪̬̗͉͔̙̱̰͓̠ͨ͐̔̐͌ͩ̍͂͂̓́̉̒̚͜i͌̇͆̑ͧ҉̡҉̸̖̼̺͎̜̯̖̖̥̼̹ͅn̵̪̖͓̮̈́ͣ͗͒̎͘̕͡a̶͍̭͇̩͖̺̹̅͌̀̊̾ͦͣ̾͂͗̊́͜t̴̟̠̬̻̩̥͓͙̋͂͆ͯ̃ͥ̐̐ͦ͗̓͠i̢͑ͫ̄͆̈͋̈́͑̏̋͒͂͂̀̚҉͏̷̟̟̪̙̺͔o̷͉̣͎̱͍̦̳̮͕̽͂ͭͣ͂ͣ͡n̵̡͚̜͖̹̠̣̝̆̇͊͊̇͗͋̄̈̚͘͞ͅ ̨ͤͦͦ̇̊̓̈́̌̒̔ͩ̋͆ͤ̈͘̕͏̩̳͖̰͔̰̼͟
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    ̸̡̧̼̝̬̭͓̘̗̭̙̖̙ͦ̈ͭͣ́ͭ̽̄̀͒n͕͈͔̩̬̳͇͔̠̮̾̀̄̈́̈́̿ͪͧ̍ͭ̅̀͘͟͠î̶̤̰̳̯̭̘́̎ͦ͝͠n̢̛͓̗̮̞͇̹̲͈̞̭̙̳͍͉ͮͦͥ̈͢t̴̨͖̖͇̱̣̙̦͗̾ͤͣͤ͒ͭ͆̑̊̎ͦ̅̎͐̌͐̒̚͠ẹ̡̨̡̨͉̬̼̻͖̣͙̣̥̊̃͑̾ͦ͋̊̅̓ͪ͘n̔͐͋͐̿ͦ̚҉̢̡͎̭̯͓͇͍͕̜̙̖̬̫̱̮̤͔͙͡d̢͕̫͎̰̞͕̝̭͍̻͎̟͕̞͕͓̰̙̈͐͋̉̒͋ͧͨ̀̚͟͟͞o̵̢̝̭͕̟̹͕͉̖͍̞̘̐̀̐̄̓̾ͮͯ̈̔̎ͬ̌ͧͯ̚m̵̠̳̗̻̖̝̝̭͇̪̬̗͉͔̙̱̰͓̠ͨ͐̔̐͌ͩ̍͂͂̓́̉̒̚͜i͌̇͆̑ͧ҉̡҉̸̖̼̺͎̜̯̖̖̥̼̹ͅn̵̪̖͓̮̈́ͣ͗͒̎͘̕͡a̶͍̭͇̩͖̺̹̅͌̀̊̾ͦͣ̾͂͗̊́͜t̴̟̠̬̻̩̥͓͙̋͂͆ͯ̃ͥ̐̐ͦ͗̓͠i̢͑ͫ̄͆̈͋̈́͑̏̋͒͂͂̀̚҉͏̷̟̟̪̙̺͔o̷͉̣͎̱͍̦̳̮͕̽͂ͭͣ͂ͣ͡n̵̡͚̜͖̹̠̣̝̆̇͊͊̇͗͋̄̈̚͘͞ͅ ̨ͤͦͦ̇̊̓̈́̌̒̔ͩ̋͆ͤ̈͘̕͏̩̳͖̰͔̰̼͟

  • Reggin Retnuh - 11 years ago

    Wii Sports is the reason I have a wife and 8 children today. It




    n̟͔͍͕̭͙͉̖̣̫͓̠͈̪ͭ̄̄ͭ͗̓̓̊ͬͬͦ͑ͪ̈́̐̚͝ͅî͒̒ͥͦ̃͛ͫ͐͐͊͗̓ͯͯ͝͠͏̟̣̫͈̱͓̗̺̲̲͕̜̙̺͉͝͝n̡ͭͦ̆̉̑̑̄̄͆̓̀ͨ̐҉̛̭̯̜̼͍̫̱͚ț̵̜̭̩̩̬̼̼͂̇͆̔̔́ę̸̲̯̱̜͖̻͙̬̫͖͉̺͈̰̜̜͚̈̉̈́̍̈̍ͯ̔̊͋̕͟ͅn̫̯̥̳̭̯̗͈̓̎̉ͤ̍̈̄͐̿̌̓͋ͭͨ͛̀͛̀́d̡̪̟̬̹̥͔͖͉͎̮̹̮͉̙̦̠͖͙ͯ̑̂͆̅̒͆͊̽̎̒ͫͫ͋̃̑̒̋͢ö́ͪ̾̏̈́̿͂ͭ̋͂͑ͯ́̚͟͏͚̟̳̦̘̙͘m̸̴̧̹̙̺̟͍̻ͨͮ̋̒̋̓͐̉i̴̧̙̫͇͍͖͚̻̦͉̦̣͍̩̘̔̑̋ͪ͛ͫ̓ͣͮͯͩ̎͟n̵̢̼̹̯̞̭̪̥̭͇̣̟̣̗̟͓̫̑̽̃͐̔͒̀̃̔ͮͣͣ̇̓a̢͉͙̫͈̣̗̭͍̻̺͕̹̝̣̬̻͂ͬ͒̓̐ͥͩͫ͒͡t̨̛͉͖̙͙͖̭̻̾̔̓̊̊͋ͧͨ͆͆ͭͮͫͫ̇̚͘͝ͅȋͦͫ̃̃ͮ̆ͪͨ̀͢͏̻̮̫͙̜̼͖o̡̡̯̭̝̮̘̜̙̩̘̬̝͇̳̖ͦ́̾̐ͬ̔̏ͪ̈́n͓̗̪̬ͭ̐̄̋ͨͫ̎ͧ̕͜͟ ̶̥̤͍̤͚̩̗̟͓͈̥͈͕̐̓ͩ̀ͥ̎ͤͯͪ͐͌ͨͫ̄̈́ṋ̷̱̖͍͇̺͙̠̭̯̯̼͉͚̞̼̝̗͌̎̆͆͐̉͂͋͘ǐ̴̴̜͕͇̤͎̹̦̤͈̭͉̬̜̔͛ͥ̆͒͆̂̃͌̌͑ͮ̃ͩn̶̡̢̛̪͔̞͈̥͎̗̄ͣͬ͊͊ͫ̀̿̈́ͧͣ͟ṭ̸̘͇̭ͩ̌͊̏͜͢͠͡ë̴̴̡̘̬͈͇̲̮̣̪̩̣̻̞̺̣̭͉̥́̇̒̀̀́̿ͦ̈̆͊͆ͦ̈͆ͩ͊͌ͅņ̵̢͚̩̪̺͇͑ͭ̋̑d̶ͣͮͨ́͟͡҉̰͕̮̪̩̟̪̫̤͈̪̮̘̥̱o̢̲̲̩̫̜͈̱̟͎̝̯̬̤̬͙̯͒̃͐̍͗ͤ̉̀ͩ͗ͣ̃́͘͢ͅm̵͕̼͔̣͇͉̘̳̳̪̜̦͚̝͍͍ͫͩ̈́̀͆͌̾̈̃̿̾́̚̚͞͝i̷̶̡ͮ̑ͨ̊̀͊ͪ̑͡҉͇̻̭̤̘̦̟͙͙ṇ̸̗͍̝̹̥͖͎̙̦̯͓͓̋͂̈́ͨ̉̃̇̑̀͐ͨ̄̈́ͮ̚̚͜͞ā̡͎͇̝̰̖̠̼̣̰̖͈͎̠̀͊͒͆̄͛ͤͣͫͨͩ̀ṯ͇̺̭̻̖̬͙͔̼̱̪̲̯̝̮͉̤̆ͨ́̈ͤ̽̉ͫ͑̚͜ͅi̬̘̱̬̪̠̖͕̦̠̥̾ͧͮ̈ͩ͢o̧̦̤̤͔̞̤̝̲͓̖͍̤ͥ͋̇̆̓ͣ̃̇̓ͦ̅̿̑ͧ̆ͧ͗͡ͅn̦̤̱̝̲̭̤͖̙͊͂̂ͤ̀͘ ̸̵̧̭̭̠͎̗̝͚̩̰̎ͣ̈̇͆͊͑̓ͨ̀̏̈͌͐͟͞n̅ͩͬ̅͂͂̋̌̅͗̌̆ͩ͛̆ͫ̑̆͏͔̣̖̱̯̫̻̠͍̼͔̯͔̩̪͢ͅį̛͎̦̳̪̥̩̫̠͚͇̫ͬ͆̏̑̾̃̔͂̀n̶̸̗̼̥̻̦̻͔̠͙͕͉̯͎̱̲̭̰̪̖̐ͬ̄̅̃̒̅̽̔͗ͩ͢͡t̠̯͖͉̱͔̻̟͓̦̦̝̞͈̻͔͌ͬ̒̈̇ͪ̾͒̎ͫ́ë́ͨ̔̔ͯ̌ͤ̋̅́͆͌͒ͩ̌ͭͮ̚͏̴̧̛̣̜͖̞͈̹n̶͋͗̔̎̄̃͌̆ͩͨ̔ͬͪ̾̈́ͮͧ͌͛͜͜͝͏͕̬̤̱͕̦̫̯̪̼̬ͅd̐ͬ̉̎͏̰̥̮̼͙͍̱͙̘͈͍͇̤̖̥̥o̧̢̹̲̜̘͙̫̺̗͍̹͉̻̒̓̇̆̑̀m̸͈͇̲̻̺͚͎̳̟̫͉͕̱̘͔ͮͭ͋̒͒̍̔͛̃ͤ̾͊̀͞ͅi̴̬͙͍̬̗͕̯̱ͪͫ̃͛̈̅ͬͬ̐ͥ̄͌͆̏͢͞n̡̢̝̜̜͍̝̜̖͇̳̙͔͈̻͊̓̈́̿̿̿ͣͤ͗ͫ͗̽å̴̵ͭ̋̈̈̉͂̂̓͆͊̓̊̌̽̚̚͜҉̘̲̠̝͚̜̝̜͕ť̴̻͓̬͎̫͕̭͖̰͓̗̱͍̺̖̗͓̟̍̽͛̉̾ͣͭ̉ͯ͒́́͞ͅi̵̛͙͎̥͉̯̣ͫ̏̆̄ͭͤͪ̾ͤ̾͆̚̚̚͟͜o̸̓ͭ̈ͧ͞҉̲͈̫̮̯͉͔̰͖n͑́ͫ̽͆ͧͪͬ҉̟̻͔͙͚̩͈̖̠̣̲̝̭̬͇̞̘̟͕͢

  • Tiff_Pazet - 11 years ago

    HALF-LIFE 2!!!!!!

  • Werd - 11 years ago

    Is Wind Waker better than Twilight Princess?

  • Timmer - 11 years ago

    About this list.I think Wind Waker is the best but I'm not sure when compare with other Zelda game.And I think Resident Evil 4 should be in the list too!!

  • Paul - 11 years ago

    Shadow of the Colossus wins it for me, hands down. Zelda has a formula covered by pretty much every genre (collect stuff and kill the big bad guy) and while I love that game, SotC offers something I've never played in a game before. I mean, there are 15 enemies in the entire game! I vote for innovation--at least that's what I classify SotC of having over Wii Sports (for its time)--ergo, I vote for a boy and his horse (no relation to C.S. Lewis). In that sense (originality), I would also toss Flower or Journey in that list. However, I do agree with some of the other posts here that argue Elder Scrolls deserves a position on this list...

  • Itsamekoko - 11 years ago

    The wind waker is the best Zelda game, Wii Sports is good, but not the best of that list. Red Dead Redemption is Really good, I liked being able to kill a Jackalope. Portal is Very original and cool. I cn't comment the rest, but I hope at least three of my four will be in the seven best.

  • Kaitlyn - 11 years ago

    Grrr, I'm torn between LoZ: WW, and Portal >:(

  • OBeezy39 - 11 years ago

    Alot of people are like oh WoW has been goin strong eight years. What about Zelda it's been 26 years while wind waker isn't the best skyward sword was better it's still better than all the other games on here.

  • Andrew - 11 years ago

    Wind Waker, hands down. (In my opinion) 2nd best Zelda game and one of the greatest created, such a great and unique story line. Shadow of the Colossus comes in a close 2nd in my opinion because that game is amazing also.

  • Bob - 11 years ago

    Wink Waker is an old classic and has a stronge storyline. My nostalgia and love for the Legend of Zelda series made me totally vote for it.

  • Bas11 - 11 years ago

    Wind Waker and Batman Arkham City are technically the best "video games" on that list from the perspective of gameplay being the primary quality indicator for a game.. but that list is stacked with some very important titles for this industry so it will be interesting to see how people vote.

  • Danny - 11 years ago

    Wind Waker is the best game on the list, I personally liked Mario Galaxy 2 better. Wii Sports did bring an entire new dimension to video games.

  • Dustin - 11 years ago

    I voted for WoW, simply because it has survived this long, and is loads of fun. I would also love to see Wind Waker win.

    Ps. Wii Sports for best FPS of the century!

  • Melissa - 11 years ago

    wind waker is going to win, no doubt about it.

  • Mitch - 11 years ago

    Wind Waker all the way. I still think it might be the greatest Zelda game. And that's saying a lot.

  • Alberto Camargo - 11 years ago

    I'm shocked, but in a possitive way. Seeing Wind Waker on the list is a great thing. This game combined many of the best aspects of a videogame. It has cartoonish graphics, and -for many people- that means a game for kids, etc., BUT has one of the best plots of all the games and is awesome how it transmits so many emotions to the player.
    Wind Waker has to win.

  • TerraBlade - 11 years ago

    Ok. For me there are 3 types of gamers. We have the hardcore gamer, the casual gamer, and the classic gamer. Hardcore gamers include Call of Duty, Halo, Assasins Creed and that stuff. Hardcore gamers are mainly older gamers. These gamers think they are the best just because they play ESRB: mature types of games. They will say that the other games are terrible. These are also the ones with less experiece with videogames. Casual gamers and classic gamers are more calm. Casual gamers will play games like Wii sports or usually short and fast games. They don't have mean or bad comments about other games, because they are not trying to prove that their games are the best, although they play a varety of different games. Then we have classic gamers. They play games with a more strong storyline, like the legend of Zelda and that kind of games. Classic gamers are also the ones that know more about games and gaming in general. They are also tolerant to other games, but they are like the opposite of hardcore gamers.
    These are the main types of gamers and their usual attitude. But not all of them are the same. A week ago I met this guy that was all of them. But he was a cool gamer, not like the usual brat Hardcore gamer. But what I mean with all of this is that the hardcore gamers are the largest group of gamers, and that they are not real gamers. If they were, they would know how to show respect to other games. I mean, there are hardcore gamers that are real gamers, but most of them are not. and this is a problem cause the world treats them as real gamers, so their "bad" comments influence a lot in the gaming world. without the bad type of hardcore gamers, the gaming community would be much more friendly and would become a more united community. Thanks, and think about all of this, I know you will notice some of what I said among your friends (if any)

  • Jakob Thoms - 11 years ago

    Wow wii sports is on the list?!?!?
    The only reason it was a well selling game is because it was bundled with the wii.

    I voted for Wind Waker.
    It is my personal favourite Zelda game and it easily makes my list for the top five gamecube games.

  • Hey Listen - 11 years ago

    Windwaker not only set new boundaries for quality of graphics in games, but also set new boundaries for their structure and quality of story. Windwaker was one of the most incredible games I've ever played and it truly deserves to be on this list. To think it could beat a game like Halo or Oblivion, however, I am unsure; but, since those aren't on the list, I think it has a well-deserved shot!

    The only reason you would not be voting for Windwaker here is essentially because you've neither played it nor experienced the sheer beauty or magnificence of its gameplay. I'm a long-time Mass Effect fan, and it's an awesome game, but it was always slightly lacking to me (not the best in every category). I love the series, but for me Windwaker is just one of the greatest steps forward for the game industry of all of these.

    I've also played Arkham City-- it's awesome, but it's not perfect. It gets boring after one play-through, but it's great for what it is. I wish I'd played BioShock, and I think that's the biggest problem with the poll. You should really only be able to vote if you've played every game on the list.

  • Otis Copperdong - 11 years ago

    Wii sports is not only the best RPG of the decade, it's the best video game of the decade. I would even go as far to say that it's the best game of all time. No other game released to this day has ever had so much depth and enjoyable gameplay.

  • Calling all retards - 11 years ago

    Anyone who seriously picked Wii Sports is completely delusional. It was only the most selling game because it came packed with a fad-filled console. I just hope everyone raving about it on here is being sarcastic.

    Also, where is Bethesda's games? Oblivion? Skyrim? Fallout 3? Hello!

  • Reddit - 11 years ago

    sup /v

  • stanry roo - 11 years ago

    Wii sports greatest game .
    End of rine.

  • Dylan - 11 years ago

    I can say that that I´m not a big fan of Zelda, so that´s why y didn´t vote it, Half Life 2 is good but not such as good as many other games like snake eater, I love Portal but its tremendously short, a big problem in my opinion, Shadow Of The Collosus, World Of Warcraft, Bioshock and Red Dead Redemption and mass effect i haven´t played them, Wii Sports it´s similar as Half Life 2, so the only game that i found incredebly fun and much better than the other 9 games it´s Batman: Arkaham City

  • xXMLGWiiSPORTSXx - 11 years ago

    Wii sports not only taught me how to have fun, it taught me what it means to BE.

  • NANOjam - 11 years ago

    That is a tough list to pick a favourite from. I've played all but World of Warcraft, and I've enjoyed every game.

  • D.J. Ham Sangwich - 11 years ago

    Wii Sports was the only LGBTQ friendly game that was truly gender neutral. As a scholar of queer theory who is currently undergoing hormone therapy the choice was easy.

    Sorry Mass Effect.

  • Polly Bonanzas - 11 years ago

    Well I have to say, all of the games on this list are great, but seeing my favorite Zelda game on the list I couldn't be happier. I've played every Zelda game to date. Something about Wind Waker though is just amazing. I don't think it will win though, just because not enough people have played it, and they're probably all into FPS games or whatnot. "Oh I'm cool and I don't play games that look like cartoons." I'm surprised a Final Fantasy game or Metal Gear didn't make it to the list. It might have been a toss up between MGS3 and TLoZ:WW if it had.

  • XxxJediSepihrothPonyxxX - 11 years ago

    Wii Sports.

    It invented customizable player characters AND the party game.

  • Stan Lee Woo - 11 years ago

    Only one of these games let your player character be hitler, kim jong il, or stalin and that game was WII SPORTS.

    It is no contest.

  • Monkey Trouble - 11 years ago

    I've gotta say, this wide selection to choose from had me biting my nails all day in frustrated contemplation. I had some of my fondest memories playing WoW with all none of my friends, and the unforgettable plot twist in BioShock was on par with any Shamalamadingdong movie. Mass Effect 2 introduced me to the RPG genre, and my love for RPGs has grown since then (I have a level 47 archer/mage/warrior on Skyrim, speaking of which why isn't this an option?). Windwaker was arguably the greatest Zelda game of all time with Majora's Mask as the only contender. Portal challenged my brain like no other game, nor even school could. My love for Half-Life 2 led to my discovery of le best site ever Reddit, so I feel like I owe Gabey Ben my vote for that. Red Dead Redemption and Batman were easily eliminated though because they're just GTA rip-offs, and Shadow of the Colossus is out because it's a reeeeeally old game and games have improved A LOT since then.
    So my vote can only go to Wii Sports. I remember unwrapping that present on my 9th birthday to see the beautiful Wii box staring at me. I rushed to the game room and screamed at my dad to hook it up. Thirty minutes later, it was ready. I locked him out of the room and played Wii Sports until 10.30 PM. I remember the immense satisfaction of hitting my first homerun, only to have the cold blue light of the television and the silence of a sleeping house congratulate me. That's the moment I became a man.
    I love you Wii Sports.

  • Meg - 11 years ago

    Why does everyone like Wii sports so much? It really isn't that great. Maybe I'm just an advocate of a good story line, but Half Life 2 and Portal are so much more complex and fascinating. Same with Red Dead Redemption. There is a story line you play through and it's so much more interesting. Wii sports you do nothing but childishly twack things with a remote.

  • G. Grump - 11 years ago

    Wii Sports is a shining beacon of hope on this list. All the other games are the shit dripping out of Wii Sports' ass, as it stands atop the gaming Mt. Olympus, gazing over its creation. Anyone who voted otherwise is a pure and simple chump who has never even been in the same ROOM as a copy of Wii Sports. I pray for their souls.

  • Michael K - 11 years ago

    Wii Sports is great. There's a reason it's the most selling game ever.

  • Jesse J. - 11 years ago

    Well, I can understand the games that are on here, I do. I must simply say that Portal was a revolutionary game, and my runner up is Wii sports. Zelda would win if it wasn't Wind Waker, it was an alright game, but was lacking in length and difficulty. FPS games are not fun for me, to simply put it. I loathe Halo and Call of Duty, they have ruined the face of gaming for this generation. Portal gave life to not only a new concept (portals), but also had a great plot, full of sarcasm. It was the only game in a long time that made me laugh, which is points all on it's own.

    You are all free to your opinions, but these are mine.

  • LeKittyCatDance - 11 years ago

    Are the children here seriously wanting Halo and Skyrim on this list? How can you decide on the best game of the last decade, when you haven't even been alive for the last decade?

    Any legitimate human being who doesn't want to make a mockery of their hobby will pick the obvious choice: Wii Sports. It is simply an unparalleled masterpiece.

    The precision of the Wii remote with the pleasing aesthetics of your family's faces, both in the game and the living room, make for a great all-around package. The music is unmatched as of yet and really set the standard for its time. Everyone of all ages, gender, race, and nationality can enjoy this game, and the content is a refreshing new take on an industry oversaturated with shooters.

    The first time I played Wii Sports was magical. The most memorable moment of my life. I picked up that Wii remote and felt absolutely empowered. It was right then at that time, that I was so overwhelmed with pure awe and ecstasy that I turned to my sister and confessed my love with the most passionate kiss I could muster. She was startled at first, but then she noticed my rank in Tennis and was immediately swept off her feet, and onto the couch. I teased her gently, and ultimately ended up taking her virginity right in the middle of the living room, to the warm-hearted cheers of my family. Even the Miis on the TV screen were pleased.

    Now I don't go a day without getting laid, and it's all thanks to the wonders of Wii Sports. I think every gamer should know their true potential, so not voting Wii Sports is criminally shocking to a seasoned mature player such as myself.

    The game comes free with the Wii, too. :)

  • Luke - 11 years ago

    Bioshock had the greatest ending of a game i've ever played. I haven't played wind waker in forever.
    Half-Life 2 was also an excellent game. I loved Portal too.
    Hard to pick between Bioshock and Half Life 2 in my opinion.

  • Darkwolf - 11 years ago

    Lol @ Mike Matei saying people's opinions are wrong. Personal opinions aren't facts. Add this to the fact that the term "best game" is SO subjective (based on elements like gameplay, story, etc) and there can't really be a wrong opinion. Yeah, Wii Sports can be played by anyone. But does it have a story? No.
    Some of the greatest games I've ever played aren't on this list (Okami, Nier, Star Wars: Battlefront II, any of the PS2 and onward Tales Of games) but I'm not throwing a fit over that fact. Colossus was good, but Wind Waker was - to me - better. But had Okami been on here and I really don't know why it's not, I would absolutely vote for that.

    At the end of the day it's the VGAs. I never really liked them to begin with so I don't really care who wins what, I know what games I like and are my favorite.

  • ;skgdsf - 11 years ago

    Video games for me is a religion, and Wii Sports is the shit.

  • Mike Matei - 11 years ago

    All of these people choosing games like legend of zelda or shadow's collarless are really delusional. How much replayabilty do those "games" have. the answer is non existent.

    Only one of these games are qualified as the game of the decade and that's Wii Sports. It's the only game on that list that could be played by anyone. It's the only game that has any sort of multiplayer (Red dead and wow don't count cause that's online). Seriously, think about it for a second and you'll see that you're opinion is wrong. LITERALLY the only thing bad about this is that it has no sort of facebook integration. otherwise it's a flawless game, contender for not just gotd, but best game ever

  • Wind Wakers, man - 11 years ago

    Anyone who's ever played Wind Wakers will automatically vote for it.
    Just that great of a game. Can't be helped why it's so fun.

  • Thom - 11 years ago

    I am not sure how you can even vote for Wii Sports...Half-Life 2 revolutionized the physics and story-telling in first person shooters. Bioshock was in no doubt influenced by this. I LOVE Windwaker, but it wasn't as good as Skyward all. I have never played Shadow of the Colossus but I have only heard great things.

    Overall, Half-Life 2 is the best game that has ever been released. If you played it 5 years after it came out, you may not have the same perceptions. But that game was absolutely incredible. Bioshock gets a close second for an awesome story and crazy game-play.

  • Dylon H - 11 years ago

    I agree with Rob, Legend of Zelda always come's out on top

  • bigdawgP - 11 years ago

    If you don't think zelda is the best Then you're delusional.
    I mean really.

  • makis - 11 years ago

    red dead, wii sports, and batman?! this is a joke right? Honestly i guess i should be glad i don't see call of duty here, but seriously?

    halo showed us that console shooters weren't a stupid idea, knights of the old republic isn't on here either? Honestly pikmin deserves to be on here more than the three i mentioned or wind waker. i love zelda and all but it didn't do much of anything new besides sailing which i didn't hate like most people, but it was tedious.

    If this person knew anything about video games the list would be
    *world of warcraft
    *halo 1 or 2
    *mass effect
    *half-life 2
    *star wars: knights of the old republic
    *bioshock(i guess)
    *elder scrolls: oblivion
    *zelda: WW
    *pikmin 1 or 2

    Anyone who honestly plays video games and isn't jsut some idiot who plays the most popular shooters would have come with something closer to this than what this list we are voting on.

    But, i chose wow simply because of how successful and how solid the game is, still have kept above 9 million people paying 15 dollars a month for years now, you cannot beat that.

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