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Are you willing to help a single Mother out -- even if you don't know her?

Total Votes: 616

  • Anita - 11 years ago

    I have been in this situation before it was a young lady living in an abandoned building with the baby I didn't even know the woman but I took a baby for 2 months until family member came forward. we need to go back to the days of it takes a village to raise a child. we everybody on the street would take your child in and take care of him or her

  • Gloria - 11 years ago

    This is truly a sad story, my heart truly goes out to this young lady, and it just sounds like she didn't have a clue as to what was going on with herself. I was almost 30 years old when I became pregnant and out of fear I had an abortion. Because my father wasn't present and my mother had her issues with men. Even though my mother always had a professional job and 2 college degrees she actually had me when she was 16 and she didn't know. Her mother actually gave her to an older sister and that is the only granny I know. So we as a people really need to come together and support one another. Be each others friends thru Christ wheather you know the person or not. I live in a city and I have tried but they betray your trust by stealing from you or just being more concerned about hurting you. I wish she would have given him to me I'd love to have a little boy to raise. I'm 47 now and time is running out.

  • Chrissy Robbins - 11 years ago

    I am a tad annoyed by the "father's" (I use the term loosely) comments. Every time a man abandons thier child, they always find a way to blame the mother. He should have no judgement because he should have been there helping either physically or financially and his lame excuse is that "she wanted a relationship with him". Ridiculous! I feel like there must be a class for trifling men who leave thier children and the first lesson is to pretend that you can't be in your child's life because the mother is madly in love with you. I have heard this horrible reasoning time and time again from deadbeat dads. This whole thing is so sad.

    I hope her other children are placed with people outside of her family and that some kind of way, the cycle can end with her.

  • monika - 11 years ago

    Its not at all about being involed in a teen life,but the teen has to want help.we as people of one nation need to take a stand with young girls having babies without having some type of help.hard to say yes but i have seven kids and four are oldest is 14 and i talk with her about everything from std to sex,having babies,money budget and all i can since she was able to understand.she was in the room with me when i had my last child.lets just say that i dont think she would want to go through with that.but who is to say she may fool me.thats just how teenage girls are.i am a parent that stays on my daughter about what she doing n what she wants out of life.i go step by step with her n her friends n i tell them the real version of what they need to do n what to expect from the world.after they leave high school kids dont know what to do.i dont want my kids to go out into the world with blinders on.its time to get more into our kids n their friends life.they are the next ones to run this world,and if they dont understand life now how will they do as grown ups?i pray for this family and the young mother.i was a trouble child growing up but i had people to help me.i had my first child at 23 everybody always said that i would follow my mom and have kids young,but not.its time to show the love and not the money.what i mean is stop buying kids love giving them things when they have not earn it.give time,hugs,n much more understanding.

  • karen - 11 years ago

    I Mentor teen moms right now. I'm trying to get the word out about the Moms and Mentors program in the Cleveland area. I've called the news stations and have passed out flyer but I have more work to do and need HELP doing it!!!

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