What is your opinion of the Nationals acquisition of CF Denard Span from the Minnesota Twins?


  • bdrube - 12 years ago

    Count me among those who love the trade. We got a decent MLB starting position player who is under team control for three more seasons and fills a glaring need for a raw, A-ball level prospect. Don't see the downside here.

  • Rhett - 12 years ago

    Gotta say I love the trade. He doesn't have BJ Upton's power, but he's more of what we need: contact, speed, higher OBP, better defender. And he's a FRACTION of the price for less years and a sweet team option in 2015 when we can determine whether Goodwin is ready to be our long-term answer at the position.

    I liked Meyer, but he seems destined for a role as a set-up man. Even if he turns out to be a great late innings guy or even a middle of the rotation SP, I still think you do the deal.

    Now it's time to win a World Series or 5.

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