Did the police officer overreact or did the woman deserve what happened to her?


  • Pierre - 12 years ago

    Yeah, this poll needs another option:

    I think this officer should be fired for his actions.

    There is never an excuse for police brutality. He chose to be a police officer. Deal with it.

  • Gary - 12 years ago

    Police brutality is always funny until it's your family. His actions were so unprofessional he should at the very minimum lose his job, at the maximum he should be prosecuted for assault. I'm not defending the tramps actions. She should be charged with assault as well but when it's OK for police to brutalize anyone who angers them we are in trouble.

    I'm a physician. I've had drunk or crazy patients spit at me in the hospital. Sure I have felt like tasing them but can you imagine what would happen to me if I reacted like this individual?

    The proper action is to place a mask over her face so she can no longer spit at people and if he feels the need for revenge, charge her for assault.

  • fred - 12 years ago

    Yep it was unprofessional, but she asked for it. Mayabe it will teach her some manners, or at least make her aware that when you mess with the bull your subject to get the horn.

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    A 10 day suspension is no where near enough, this officer should have been fired. Tasers are non lethal alternatives to stop violence. This officer used it to be violent and punish this woman when there where clearly other options. The woman was in handcuffs, at the jail, the simple solution would seem to be a spit mask, not to elevate the level of violence and I would be willing to bet there is a policy in place stating that. It is not the police officers job to punish citizens, that role is reserved for the judicial process. I am not saying the woman was right, but in my opinion this officer cast a shadow on all law enforcement officers who would like to have positive roles in our society.

  • Courtney - 12 years ago

    I think she desevered it and the officer had the right to tase her. It can be considered and assault against her because she could have some kind of disease that he can contract from her saliva. So there fore she would be causing him harm. To me he reacted as he should have. If he gets in trouble, then it should just a slap of the had and that's it!

  • Stephanie Garcia - 12 years ago

    In my opinion he should be fired. His reaction was very inappropriate and immature, he even held it like he was playing a video game and at very close range...this isn't Gears of War! Police officers shouldn't be allowed to carry a taser gun any longer. There is far too much abuse with these.

  • ray - 12 years ago

    She is lucky, if it were me, I'd have shot the drunk beach.

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