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Should Ohio school districts increase the amount of hours spent in the classroom?

Total Votes: 390

  • Cindy Abel - 12 years ago

    I think the children should go to school year round with short breaks at various times in the year. The children can take different breaks on a rotational schedule do the classes are smaller so teaching can go a little slower and more effective. Also the first few months is not focused on review and the children won't have the opportunity to forget everything they were taught. I also feel schools shouldn't start until around 9 am so the children are ready for learning. 7 am is to early!! Most people (parents and older children)don't get to bed to early with all their responsibilities today and the children activities...Quality time, quality teaching verses quanity of time...

  • brian - 12 years ago

    Put your children in charter schools, 20 or less students per class 1 assistant for every 2 teachers and full school day. Constellation Schools rated EXCELLENT for Ohio standards. My Kids have been attending Constellation Schools since 1st grade and are now in 5th and 6th grade. Up untill last year they were both honor roll students, this year we moved to a new city but kept the same school district and they have a hard curiculum but are adapting and improving.

  • cassie - 12 years ago

    I really do believe they should add more hrs to the CMSD. My kids are in the cleveland public schools, and there days got drop down to 5 1/2 hrs a day. If you count lunch there only learning for 5 yrs, and to me thats not enough. Im only 30 and when i went to school we was there for 7 1/2 hrs. When they cut there hrs i was very upset. That doesnt benfit the children they're they only ones being affected by this and its ashame. I was really happy when the cleveland school levy passed, so now all i can do is pray that this money goes to good use for all the cleveland public school. So our children can get a better education.

  • LaSonja Goldston-Johnson - 12 years ago

    Schools need smaller classroom sizes with a teacher and a teacher assstant in each class so children can get more help. After school tutoring should be available and dress code should be strictly enforced. Children have too many distractions in the classroom and not enough help.

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