Will you be watching "The Sisterhood?"

1 Comment

  • Tynia Shanchell - 12 years ago

    Now a reality show of preachers' wives, there's just no limits to what this world will numb and dumb people to.
    Why would "preachers" (if you must live your lives at a higher standard)allow their wives to open pandora's box? I think they should first minister to their own household the true word of GOD and live according to what is written. I am not judging anyone and if it sounds like that to you let me apologize in advance. My point is, everybody has a testimony, just tell it to the ones who wants to hear about it. Putting their day to day lives on display may cause a young christian to stumble. I know we are all real people and have live lives that were unworthy, but now that you are a Kingdom child, why revisit your BC days?! Or put your life on display for a young brother or sister to peek into and say if she can do it so can I. I just think that we live in houses to keep what goes on behind those walls in that family. Not for public display or financial gain. Beware "first ladies" GOD is holding you all to a must higher standard then you can imagine. I will not be watching this show. Where are all the Proverb 31 women, you know the ones that go about doing GOD's business and seeking glory from the ALMIGHT GOD and not people, you know the ones that beckon unsaved people into the KINGDOM and nurture them with the Living Word of GOD. Where are this world's true women of GOD? I'm sure they are not on a reality TV shows spilling out their old sinful ways or the prompt and pageantry ways of the black baptist church. Get real, get into HIS word and live according. Amen somebody!!!

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