Will Longer School Days Improve Student Progress?


  • den - 12 years ago

    As with any increase in hours by union employees comes an Increase in pay. Public employees get paid by ????? Us 53% that still pay taxes.

    Follow the money whenever Democrats or Liberals make proposals.

  • John - 12 years ago

    Instilling discipline would work wonders. The whole narrative insists on the flawed premise that some sort of intervention by the establishment will magically result in better scores. Surely extending school hours will inevitably precipitate calls for more money to be spent when teacher unions demand (and get) contract re-negotiations because of the overtime being put in by teachers.

    Student underachievement is just one small part of what has gone to hell in this country as a result of the devaluation and degrading of the strong family influence in a young person's life. Considering the cultural and educational brainwashing in play this is likely calculated to ensure that we turn out future generations of adults that will be unwilling and unable to repair the damage being wrought to this country by the current political establishment.

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